Fathers pep talk.
Taiyang drove down the streets of Vale. Beside him rest a popping hot pizza with two liters of sodas. Sitting at a stoplight he looked himself over in the rearview mirror. Grabbing a comb he began to fix his hair this was the first time in ten years he gets to spend some quality time with his son and he couldn't wait any longer.
"Alright pepperoni pizza for the kids, drinks for all of us, and finally." He smiled as he fixed the rearview mirror to show an object behind him. "A welcome home gift to Y/n."
Driving forward once the light turn green, he looked around before seeing people enjoying a day with their families.
"I knew they could beat that team but I hoped he was gonna fight too." He spoke to himself as he remembered watching RWBY fight during their first match.
-Up in the atlas bullheads
Crashing into a wall, James sat in a daze as Carnage smirked down at him.
"What's the matter James, can't end your party?" He smirked as he dragged a symbiote made morning star.
Standing up his aura began to flicker before he dodged an attack from the massive weapon. Shooting the symbiote he watched as it staggered a little from the flame bullets. As the general continued his bullet onslaught the symbiote slowly began to chuckle. Moving forward, the monster began to tank the flame bullets before sending a tendril towards the general, pulling him close.
"Those won't work on us anymore. We adapted to flames." The symbiote smirked before throwing the general towards the end of the ship where the ramp to the hanger bay was secured.
Scanning the area he noticed a forklift in the center of the room before he turned back and looked at the ramp along with the button.
"Oh James. You should know never to think I wouldn't be connected to the boy. He's wearing my symbiote. That as long as it's in his blood and he never moves away from the tragic past of killing that woman. We will always be together." A sinister voice called out through the symbiote making James shocked.
"So you're here huh Cletus?" He glared.
"Of course I am. My semblance allows me to use him as a puppet as long as my symbiote is within him. My dear general, You have failed to protect this boy." The murder said as from the shadows Carnage jumped towards him but missed as the man rolled out of the way.
"I may have failed him. But I haven't failed the people." Slamming his hand on the ramp and shooting the brakes to the forklift dead, the vehicle moved forward and slammed into the symbiote catching it off guard.
Falling out of the ship Carnage screeched before it wrapped a tendril around the general's leg pulling him down with him. "We're not done!"
As the two beats, each other down while falling Ironwood noticed the ground getting closer and closer. Seeing Y/n flip him around as the general struggled to turn around as the symbiote pair held him down. Thinking of a quick solution the general fired his gun as one of the gravity dust bullets in the second one cause the two to spin. Spinning quickly in the air he timed a perfect shot to boost the two of them to the ground causing Y/n to take the full force of the crash.
A brown car slammed their breaks as Ironwood was thrown from the cloud of debris as Carnage appeared in his monstrous form causing everyone to back away.
"The Carnage killer!" A woman yelled as she held her child close to her body.
"Run!" Another person yelled as everyone ran away in a stampede with Carnage roaring at everyone
Shooting at the symbiote Ironwood watched as it turned and licked its massive teeth. Ripples pulse throughout the symbiote's body as it flung its body upwards shooting multiple red and black needles everywhere piercing peoples auras and causing people to
Be stabbed as they ran away.
"What the hell was that?" Ironwood muttered as everyone with the needles ran away. "All units search for the people in my area with the needles Carnage ejected!" He ordered on comms as multiple robots jumped out of his ships and towards the people.
"Oh James, you won't be able to round them all up." He smirked going to attack the general a voice called out to the boy.
Looking behind himself slouched, the symbiote noticed his host's dad.
"What are you doing son?" He asked as the symbiote walked towards him with his arm morphing into a sword.
"Tai leave now!" Ironwood ordered as the father moved to his son.
"Carnage let me speak to my son." He commented as the symbiote began to laugh.
"He's my son now Taiyang." Cletus spoke through the symbiote as Tai glared at him. "He is mine to control!"
"You severely underestimate my son!" He yelled before looking at his son that's hidden in the symbiote. "Y/n I know you're in there answer me!"
Raising his weaponized arm Carnage brought it down only stopping mere inches from his victim.
"What?!" Pushing his arm down he went to attack the male but it didn't move at all.
Screeching in pain the monster form of carnage began to expand as he was pulled apart as Y/n was asleep in it.
"What did you do?!" Cletus yelled as Tai looked at his son.
"Talking to my son." Turning his attention to the boy Tai thickly swallowed before muttering to himself. "Your son is right there Tai. Just like you practice." Running forwards Tai jumped as James and Cletus looked in disbelief.
Tai felt the symbiote absorbed him as the beast began to reform. Hugging his son close he began to talk to his son.
-inside Y/ns mind-
Y/n is seen sitting on his knees defeated as multiple scenes ran before him of all his killings. His psycho behavior as the Carnage killer. Behind him stood Cletus as he looked around seeing the boy's achievements. Kneeling he continued his mental breakdown of the boy.
"You don't deserve to be around your family, Your friends, or even Weiss."
"You left her when she wanted to hang out. You left her behind when you decided to look for me." He listed off making the boy lift his head seeing the girl he treated poorly. "I do not doubt that she is already thinking of dumping you. You can never balance your personal life with our life."
Reaching for Weiss he went to grab her hand but it was pulled back as the heiress took a few steps back.
"We should ask her what she thinks of you now." He smirked. "Go ahead....ask her."
"Weiss.....what do you think of me now?" He asked as she looked down at him.
"What I think about you.....what I think about you?" She repeated as her soft look turned to anger. "You left me, all I wanted to do was spend time with you and you left me!" She yelled making him slowly look down. "You put your obsession with him." She motioned towards the man behind him. "Over me! Do you have any idea how hurt I am?!"
"I'm sorry." He mumbled as she glared at him.
"It's over Y/n."
This one sentence broke the hero as he tried to reach for her but was stopped by Cletus as he placed a human hand on his shoulder.
"It's no use Y/n. She left you, your family will leave you as well, the only place that you will find a home in is with me and your symbiote uncle and aunts." Cletus reassured as he helped the boy up. "Just accept my gift like before. No more running, no more trying to be a hero. Just accept that being my son is the only way." He said as Carnage left the killer before making his way to the boy from the ground. Morphing into a claw the symbiote went to grab his foot to begin the second coming of the person he was back then. But another symbiote came and punched it away as Cletus glared behind the boy.
Turning his head Y/n looked to see his dad standing in a symbiote, his symbiote, that took the form of the hero Carnage.
"Dad?" A sudden shift in his mind pulled the boy away from carnage as the four people stood in front of his home in Patch.
"Y/n. You need to calm down." His dad said as the symbiote moved to show his father's head.
"Why do you have Carnage on?"
"This was the only way to get to you." He spoke as from outside his mind Tai was being stabbed by the symbiote as blood dripped from his shoulders. "Listen I don't know what you're seeing or why you're attacking everyone. But you need to get a hold of yourself."
"But I killed mom, I killed summer, I'm nothing but a killer." He spoke making Cletus and his symbiote crawl closer to the boy.
"You're not just a killer son. You saved people here. Remember."
The flashes of the people he and Carnage saved when he first met Eddie flashed through his mind, taking the mechs punch for his sister, saving Koda, the train, and the apartment incidents all flashed in his mind. This caused the male to walk closer to his dad.
"You saved them along with making Carnage a good symbiote. You two are the strongest people I know."
"Stronger than Yang?" He asked making Tai nod.
"Yeah and that's saying something. Come back to us Y/n. Come back to Carnage and the people of Vale." He begged as he held his hand out. Going to grab it Y/n felt his body get pierced by Cletus.
"No! He doesn't belong here or anywhere near a normal life!"
"Y/n!" Feeling the symbiote dig deeper he hissed as his son's symbiote began to fight the evil one before being flung out and ending the connection with his son. "Don't let him take you. Fight him." Tai yelled as he watched his son scream in pain along with the symbiote. Collapsing onto the ground the boy grabbed the solid floor with his left hand and right claw. Everyone looked towards the boy as the monstrous Carnage fought the hero half of the symbiote.
"You're both are nothing. You're my puppets! Do you hear me?!"
"We're not your property. Not anymore!" Y/n exclaimed as his Carnage pulled him close. Making the monster claw at it. The two halves of the one symbiote pulled against each other showing the host inside.
"I'm not your property!" Y/n yelled once more before turning and glaring at Ironwood. "I'm no one's property!" Going to attack the general he stopped mid-spin.
Grabbing his head Y/n dug his claw into his skin and pulled off his skin to which Carnage quickly repaired.
"You're mine!" Hissing at the boy Y/n glared at the Cletus version of Carnage.
"We're not!" He yelled as a small piece of his symbiote...the one he bonded with and saved people with bit onto the villain version making the symbiote screech in pain before the two merged. "We're our person!" Y/n exclaimed one final time as his symbiote roared in victory as the two versions of the symbiote and person merged into one.
Panting against the ground the boys symbiote gained a new look. Standing up with his now talon feet the boy looked down noticing the black lines running along with himself. The once small eyes kept their symbiote look, the claws were now hands, and the mouthpiece that was nonexistent on the face was present as the symbiote's teeth formed smaller than the monstrous teeth. His body stood tall like his monstrous form standing at 5" 10.
"Y/n?" Tai asked as the boy looked down at himself. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah....Yeah. We're fine."
"What happened?" He asked as the symbiote pair looked down at his father with a warm smile.
"I accepted my demons. This is what a true symbiote pair is supposed to be." He smiled as Carnage moved from his neck to show his natural form.
"We are no longer a separate being fighting or killing like a hero or villain. We're partners, a partner Cletus wishes he was with his symbiote." Hugging his host Carnage laughed before looking at his host. "We can finally work together at one hundred percent."
"Yeah. But first." Slamming his palm onto the ground a wave of tendrils rushed through the city for five miles absorbing the needles of the symbiote he exploded from his body. "I need to stop Cletus and his plan."
Absorbing the symbiote needles Y/n retracted the tendrils as he stood tall with his dad looking up at him.
"Y/n Branwen." Ironwood called out making the two turn around. "You are to return with me to Atlas immediately." The reaction that the general gained was a web pinning him to a street light.
"We're not going with you just yet general. We have some affairs to take care of. Once we're done, we'll go with you."
"And what is that exactly?" Tai asked as Y/n looked at the civilians around him.
"To protect the people. Cletus is gonna act tonight."
"What is he gonna do?"
"Turn all of vale into a symbiote hive."
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