Can't stand the heat, stay out of the apartment.
Y/n swung through the city of Vale towards Beacon. In his pocket was a note with a certain name on it, someone he now knows that will help him get closer to finding Cletus. Jr was useless but that doesn't mean he didn't provide some form of info. Climbing silently into his dorm Y/n noticed the pitch dark room as he grabbed his scroll and used the small light source to climb into bed as Carnage retreated into him. With just 2 hours the sun rose as girls slowly began to wake up. Weiss slowly turned over to see if Y/n came back last night and smiled softly as he was passed out with his head on the pillow. Gently placing her hand on his cheek she smiled and kissed his cheek before getting up carefully, in hopes to not wake him up.
"So he did come home." Blake pointed out as the sisters saw their brother asleep.
"I wonder where he went," Ruby asked herself as he rolled over. "What do you think Koda?" She asked but noticed the Ursa cub chewing on Y/ns shoes aggressively. "Ah! Koda don't do that!" She yelled before doing tug a war with the cub.
The four girls heard Koda growl at them in a threatening manner causing them to back up. This change in attitude surprised the girls before hearing Y/n slowly wake up. Koda's sudden outburst changed as he let go of the shoes and pawed playfully at Ruby's feet. The four girls looked in confusion while Y/n made his way towards the bathroom and washed up. Walking out of the bathroom, he yawned and stretched before making his way to the window but was stopped by Yang.
"Y/n are you okay?" She questioned thinking that Koda's outburst was from her brother's mood.
"I'm fine. Look I got work to do and you girls have your match. I'm gonna go get a headstart." He said before jumping out the window and swinging off.
"Doesn't he know it's team SSUN that has a match?" Ruby asked as her sister watched him swing off.
"No. Somethings up." She said worryingly as he slingshot himself to the farthest bullhead before pulling himself up and attaching to it. "And I'm gonna find out what."
Swinging and landing on the stadium's floor Y/n stood up as Carnage morphed into his security outfit. Behind him walked James holding two cups as the boy yawned.
"Good morning Y/n." He greeted as the boy gave a tired wave.
"Morning James." He greeted but felt something warm hit his hand.
"I hope you don't mind, but I got us coffee, something to wake and warm us up this cold morning." He explained causing Y/n to grab the drink before pulling out money for the drink.
Ironwood looked at him and held his hand up stopping Y/n as he smiled.
"Don't. I got these cause I thought we both would be tired. No need to pay me back." He smiled making Y/n nod before drinking his coffee with Carnage.
After everyone got their tickets to check along with their bags the two security men said their goodbyes. Y/n at the edge of the stadium and thought to himself seeing Vale.
"She's in that city Carnage. Once we find her, we'll take on Cletus." He glared making his symbiote shift before dropping a pill in his palm.
Taking it he felt better, even though he's determined his sanity and PTSD have been getting in the way when he sleeps since Phage. At night his body is too tired to wake up causing him to deal with his dreams of whatever Cletus does to him. Diving off the arena Y/n shot a web and hooked bullhead. Sticking upside down he felt his scroll go off making him pull it out as it was a call from Weiss.
Putting the scroll to his ear he made sure to have a strong grip so it doesn't fall. "Hello?"
"Hey, can you come and meet Ruby and me at the courtyard?" She questioned as the boy stood upside down with the piece of paper in his hand. "Y/n?"
"Huh? Oh...yeah, sure. I'll be right there." Opening a portal up Y/n leaped in and handspring himself off the courtyard floor as he stretched. "Alright Weiss what's the big idea-." Y/n was cut off as a sword was pointed at his neck as a female wearing a military outfit and white hair stood in front of him. Behind him, the smell of booze entered his nose.
"Hey, kiddo." A drunken voice greeted making Y/n turn around seeing his drunken uncle.
"Uncle...what's going on?" He asked as the female put down her sword.
"Are you insane? You could've died if I haven't stopped myself!" She yelled as he cleaned his ear with his pinky.
"Easy there lady. If you did any damage to me I would've been fine. Hey, Qrow you've seen Weiss?" He asked making the military woman look at him with confusion.
"What do you want from my sister." She asked as the word sister echoed through his mind.
"No way...hahahahaha!" Carnage laughed as Y/n began to sweat.
"Yeah, kid. What's up with you and the ice queen's sister?" Qrow nudged his shoulder making the boy gulp nervously.
"Uhm....well you see...." he began but was cut off by a loud happy cheer.
"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby smiled before latching onto his arm. "Did you miss me? Did you miss me?!" She smiled causing Qrow to rub her head with a playful "nope".
"Qrow a word." A now noticeable Ozpin spoke as he was joined by Ironwood, gylnda, and a girl. "I would like for you to come too Y/n." He spoke making the boy nod as Winter had a look of bewilderment.
"I think I'm in trouble," Qrow whispered to Ruby as she clarified that he did destroy their courtyard. "Yeah, I did. I'll talk to you later kiddo."
The seven people made their way towards Ozpins office. Each one of them stood in silence. But Qrow noticed the boys shift in the poster as he stood next to Winter.
"So kid. Why did you ask about Weiss?" He questions making Y/n sweat even more.
"Well you see she called me to meet her in the courtyard but I didn't get to see her. Plus....well...she Uhm." He nervously spouted as Winter side glanced at him.
"I'd like to say thank you for coming everyone. Qrow, we believe something happened on the field why were you dark like that?" Ironwood asked making Qrow grab his flask.
"Kind of hard when there's tons of Grimm and corrupt huntsman around." He said making Ironwood look towards his nephew. "How are you feeling kid?" He questioned making Y/n grow confused until he realized what he meant with the people in the room.
"I'm fine. Look is there a reason why I need to be here? I'm kind of busy at the moment and I need to get going." He said making Ozpin chuckle.
"In due time Y/n. But can you explain to me why the local club was destroyed and covered in webs?" The headmaster questioned making Y/n whistle. "I see. This has something to do with Cletus right?"
This caused everyone to look at the boy as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Would you believe me if I said no?"
"I wouldn't." He said making the boy sulked.
"We know about the missing people and your encounters with Riot and Phage," Ironwood spoke making Y/n look at him in confusion on the first part.
"Missing people?" He asked making Ozpin play security footage he got from the police.
"Approximately fifty people vanished a month ago and are still growing. We believe it was Cletus." Ozpin said swirling his coffee as Winter was trying to keep up with this.
"Wait why are we telling a student this?" She asked making Ironwood look at her.
"You haven't seen him in a few years, Schnee. This is project C. The one your mother spoke to each night." He said making Winter look at him with shock.
"Why is he after Cletus, shouldn't he be in cuffs?" She asked as Ironwood shook his head.
"No Y/n and Carnage have proven to be heroes of this city. Something that we wanted project C and V to be. Upon getting the correct host of course." Ironwood spoke making Y/n sour.
"James. Can we not talk about the project?" He asked making everyone shocked including Ozpin on the first-name bases.
"Right. My apologies back then were painful for you." Coughing into his hand he looked at Winter. "Y/n is currently hunting down Cletus as we fear he escaped with Riot from what your report says when the two didn't return."
"Y/n I want you to know that I can only help so many times. You and Carnage are much more powerful than our huntsman and huntresses. Remember these words, please. With great power comes great responsibility." Ozpin smiled as he looks at the boy.
"Right. Anyway, I have to go...Qrow makes sure you see the girls."
"Schnee. We will discuss this at a later time." Ironwood looked at his C.O making her question him.
"But sir."
"Winter. Later." He strictly told her causing her to salute.
Y/n desperately pressed the door button, but was too slow, allowing Winter to join him. The two stood in silence before a small conversation started, well, a one-sided conversation.
"What do I ask her?"
Winter looked at him before seeing him roll his eyes.
"Oh, that's original................. I guess you're right." He sighed before looking at the older Schnee. "Well,'s, Willow......yeah Willow, that's her name," he asked making her look at him. "Right?"
Sighing she looked at him before nodding.
"Yeah, that's her name. She's fine. Well as fine as it is to be an alcoholic." She detested.
"Oh...sorry I didn't know." He awkwardly rubbed his neck making her shake her head.
"Are you pulling the awkward talk cliché?" She asked making him blush in embarrassment.
"I guess?" He shrugged his shoulders making Winter give a very faint smirk.
"Do you and Carnage normally speak in your head?" She asked making him nod.
"When we want to be private yes..... I was talking out loud wasn't I?" He sighed as she said "Yes" to his question.
The ding from the elevator went off as the two reached the final floor. Upon exiting, the two went their separate ways. Hearing his stomach growl, along with Carnage complaining, he made his way to the cafeteria to grab a bite. Waiting in line he grabbed a turkey sandwich and a soda. Reaching for a drink he felt Carnage pull a small tray of fries next to him making the boy look to the side.
"What? I'm a growing symbiote." He spoke in his head causing his host to chuckle.
After paying the two sat at a table before digging in. The two sat in silence before the boy's scroll went off. Pulling it from his pocket he saw the caller I.D.
"Huh. Dad is calling. I wonder what's up."
Answering the phone he heard his father speak on the line.
"I swear if Yang pulled a trick on me I'm gonna." He heard his father curse making his son chuckle before taking a drink.
"Do what pops?"
"Ah, Y/n. Thank God I thought Yang tricked me."
"Nah. She isn't allowed to mess with you without me." He laughed making Tai sigh. "So what's up dad?"
"Well, I'm off work tomorrow and wanted to come to check on my kids. See how your sisters are and see how you're doing." He spoke making Y/n smile.
"That so? How did the mission go by the way?"
"It went as well as it could. But you can only do so much."
"Yeah." Y/n agreed as he tossed his trash away before burping with his mouth closed.
"How have you been. I saw your fight with that monster. I'm surprised you still knew how to fight." Y/n could only guess he was smiling on the other line as that positive energy went to him.
"Yeah. I had to so. Oh, before you ask, Zwei is doing great. He gets along with Koda."
"Who's Koda?"
"Oh, right I haven't told you." After explaining to his dad the story of his Ursa cub.
"I see." Hearing a beeping on his side Tai saw he was getting another call. "Listen kiddo I got to go. I'll see you and your sisters tomorrow. Love ya."
"Love ya too dad." Y/n smiled as he felt extremely happy to tell his dad that again.
Making his way to his room, Y/n heard his scroll go off again as a police report appeared showing a code. Looking up the code he saw it meant a burning home. Texting Weiss that he's gonna be late he opened a portal with Carnage covering him before jumping through as the two dive through the air and swung to the sound of sirens.
Firefighters rushed into the building as they hurried to get everyone out of the building. Just as they were about to get to the third floor the staircase collapsed preventing them from getting up there to save anyone else. Running out of the building multiple people watched as the inferno grew.
"Damn it." The chief cursed as people screamed for help inside. "Get that latter extended." He ordered his team but heard a thwip seeing a red blur land on the building from across scanning the building.
"Which floor?" The now identified hero perched as he yelled.
"Third and fourth. We got a family and an old couple! I got men on the first floor. Help the civilians to them and we'll get them out. "
Shooting a web at an oxygen tank and an untouched piece of the building Y/n felt Carnage get scared. He looked at his symbiote before speaking to it.
"We got this Carnage. Just stay calm. If you can't handle it just keep my face covered."
Pulling himself into the building Y/n broke the window upon entering. He could feel the intense heat practically everywhere since everything was on fire save for a few doors.
"Where are you!?" Y/n kicked a door in as he held the tank close. He heard cries for help across from the hallway.
Getting closer to the doorway he kicked in it was blocked by burning rubble making him back up. Carnage was getting frightened from the burning rubble causing him to peel back to the boy's wrist. Shooting a web Y/n pulled a wall down before leaping over it and through a wall as he saw the old couple. The two coughed as they had smoke in their faces. Seeing the floor underneath them beginning to give out the web pulled them to him right when it gave out causing them to hold onto him.
Looking at the two he scanned the area as Carnage was now covering his legs and upper body except for his arms.
"Listen to me. We're gonna have to go down the stairway." Explaining to the frightened couple they looked at him like he was insane.
"Are you kidding?" The old man coughed. "It's non-existent."
"That's why I'm gonna have you climb down one of my webs." He said before giving them the tank as they breathed in the air.
Shooting a web at any kind of ceiling that wasn't on fire he shot another end at the floor with Carnage combining the two.
"Alright. We don't have much time." Helping the old lady over the railing he watched her slide down. She was safely escorted out as the man firefighter below gave a thumbs up.
"Alright, sir. You're next, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave any large metal canister behind when climbing down the web." He said trying to make the situation less stressful.
Handing the boy the tank of oxygen the hero watched as the old man slide down. Crackling could be heard as the firefighter below saw that the ceiling was giving out.
"We got rubble!" He yelled as the hero looked up before leaping up and shooting webs to at least buy the old man some time. Helping the old man out the firefighter yelled out to him that they were clear.
"Alright. Fourth floor." Leaping forwards Y/n could feel the heat even more since Carnage wasn't around his legs. Coughing he was beginning to feel the effects of the fire take a toll on him. Taking in some oxygen he crawled on the walls before fitting inside a small opening.
Outside the fire.
"How's it coming?" A police chief asked as a firefighter was helping the old man.
"He's got two out successfully. My men informed me he's on his way to the fifth floor." He explained.
"Why the fifth when the people are on the fourth?"
"He couldn't walk since everything on that floor is on fire except for a few rooms."
Just then a small explosion went off on the third floor causing everyone to take cover along with the firefighters that were inside to run out with the entrance being blocked behind them.
"Chief what was that?" A voice went off on the radio causing the firefighter to grab the walkie talkie.
"If this is you Carnage. It was an explosion. The entrance is blocked off. How's everything inside?"
Inside the fire.
"Well besides flames and a burnt piece of sofa that someone was having for lunch. Not any better." He said before climbing over the floor as he coughed. The chief chuckled from his joke as he stood up.
"Just make sure you get them and yourself out. My men are setting up jumper so they can use the empty windowsill north of the building."
"You got it. Talk to you in a bit." Hanging up he looked around before yelling out to the family. "Alright, north is left of the side I came in. Where are you?" He called out to the family before front flipping to avoid a sinking wall.
"Over here!" A voice yelled as he ran into a room.
Looking through a floor he saw the five family members getting a closer look they were a bear Faunus family.
"Two adults, two kids, and a baby." He thought to himself as Carnage was now just covering his face. "Alright hang on. I'm sending an oxygen tank to you. Give it to the baby then the kids." Lowering the tank of Oxygen he saw them help their children. "Listen to me. I'm gonna have to get you five up here. The flooring down there is nothing at this point. Alright, mother and baby first." He said before shooting a web and pulling her up gently before helping her up. "Now kids." Doing the same with the children the floor creaked silently as he sighed in relief that they were fine.
"Alright, sir your turn." Going to shoot a web the foundation of the floor underneath the man gave out causing him to fall but was caught by a web as the hero pulled him up with a small yank. Helping him up the two males begin to cough. "Everyone. Across the flooring to the other side." He said as he carried one of the kids. Y/n watched as the mother jumped with the baby safely making it. Next was the father and his kid the two made it safely. The same with Y/n and his own. Allowing each of them to have a share of the oxygen. The six made it to the side of the building.
Outside stood a few huntsman helping with putting the fire out. Next to the jumper stood two other huntsman and the two cheifs.
"Alright. We got a baby. I need someone to be able to soften a landing."
Next to the police chief a hunstman came over and showed that she had the power of the wind.
"I'll help them." She yelled as he nods.
"Okay, ma'am you're first." He spoke as she nod before kissing her child's head before getting ready to jump.
A rumble appeared underneath the two males making their eyes grow wide.
"Ma'am you need to jump now!" Y/n hurried her as the two watch her jump and safely land but the ground gave out underneath the two males.
Landing on the ground hard Y/n and the man groan in pain.
Outside the fire
"Carnage what happened?" The firefighter quickly asked the boy.
"Fifth floor is out for the count. The fire is getting stronger " He spoke before coughing hard.
The faunus woman looked in worry as her baby was beginning to cry as they heard it over the radio.
"Get huntsman in there now!" The police chief yelled.
"No! This fire is getting worst. We can't have unnecessary deaths." The hero coughed through the radio. "I have an idea. Keep that huntress ready. She's gonna have a fast one coming out."
A few seconds passed as the father and his kid were tossed out right before the windowsill was blocked completely.
"Jack's still in there with him." The woman said with a shake as she was breathing in oxygen with her baby.
The father looked up in fear as another explosion went off on the floor he was tossed out.
"No!" The mom cried out.
Everyone looked up in shock as flames roared out of the window.
"Carnage! Carnage are you there?" The chief asked but all that came back to him was static.
Everyone could hear the crying of the mother as she was being held by her husband and crying child. Loud smashing could be heard from the building as a red and black-figure burst through the wall backward as he held onto the child in his arms. Landing on the ground safely via web the mother and father ran and hugged their child as Y/n, now completely covered in Carnage, was carried to an ambulance as he saw sat down and was given an oxygen mask same with the family he saved.
The woman kissed her children's heads as her husband sat next to the hero as he leaned his head against the ambulance. Multiple news reporters saw the hero and wanted to interview him but were stopped by the police that were on duty.
"You know since we were in that fire I didn't realize it. You're Carnage right?" He asked making the hero look at him tired.
"Yeah.... how're the children?" He coughed making the husband smile.
"Good. The baby's fine as well. I can't thank you enough." He smiled making the hero wave his hand.
"Don't mention it. Just keep it a secret, please. I rather not have people know who I am and endanger innocent people." He coughed making the man nod.
"I promise." He smiled as the hero held his fist out to which the man returned with his own.
"I got to go. Do you mind answering for me?" He asked as a certain news reporter came up with his pencil and paper. "What's your name?" He asked turning to the husband.
"Ted this is Eddie Brock. Eddie, this is Ted. He'll answer your questions today." He coughed before standing up. "Any questions?" He asked making the reporter.
"Well, not for you now." He smiled as the hero pat his shoulder and swung off.
"So are you his journalist?" Ted questioned.
Eddie chuckled as he watched the hero swing off. "Something like that."
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