a much needed talk with the general.
Ironwood stood on a roof of one of beacons many dorms. The general looked at the night sky seeing the multitude of stars shining in the sky. Inhaling and exhaling the nights cold air he looked at the news report of Y/ns fight. Thinking of the symbiotes, if two appeared just how many are there?
"Thinking about them too?" A sudden voice spoke as the general pulled his gun out aiming it at the owner. Shocked the general saw Y/n sitting on the stairways roof with bags under his eyes. "It can really eat your sleep away." He chuckled before jumping down and standing next to the general.
"I want to thank you for dealing with Riot. My men have already taken him to Atlas as we speak."
"Yeah...no problem. General.....both Riot and Phage have spoken about Cletus. Do you think he escaped and he's making his way here?" Y/n sighed before taking a seat on the edge of the building.
Joining the young man the general sat next to him. "It could be possible or he's speaking to them in some shape or form." Looking at the boy he saw the young child he used to try and turn Carnage into a weapon. "Y/n.. I want to apologize. I took your childhood away to have you face against Salem."
"Dont. You don't need to apologize. You gave me a room, food, bed and even someone to talk to so I wasn't fully driven mad by Carnage." He smiled as he slowly gained an insane laugh. Pulling out two pill bottles he dropped the small objects into his hand before taking them.
"Aren't those the supplements that were experimental?" Ironwood asked making Y/n tense up as he chuckled softly.
"Right sorry. I sort of took a crate filled of them after I escaped. Do you want them back?"
"No. You need them more." He smiled making the boy nod. "How is your relationship with Carnage?"
"Better,much better than before. Eddie told me that Symbiotes change based off of their host. It might've taken eight years but Carnage isn't as insane as he was. He is brutal against robbers and people that treat faunus poorly." He smiled making Ironwood smile back.
"That's good to hear. The Vytal festival is coming up in two days. Do you know what you're doing?"
"Ozpin has me on patrol making sure no one enters without a ticket, steals, you know the usual thing. Carnage is unpleased with the order cause he wanted to fight." He smiled making Ironwood chuckle.
"Sounds like him. If you're willing I would like to work with you." He said making Y/n look at him. "Working as Vales hero and doing this will take tons of effort. Let me help release some of that effort." The general said smiling at him.
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you general."
"Please, call me James. If you don't mind me asking where is Phage and Carnage?"
"Carnage is sleeping, Phage is with Eddie. He has better experience with them than I do."
"I see." James looked down at Vale as the city lit up the night in the distance. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"
"I'm gonna be spending the entire day with Weiss to make up scaring her when I fought Riot." He smiled but cupped his chin in his hands. "I just need to find out where to take her."
"I mean its summer now, take her to vales Beach. I'm sure she'll enjoy it."
"You're right. I think she'll like it." Yawning Y/n felt tired as the two realized its later than expected. "I'll talk to you later.....James." dropping from the roof Y/n shot a web and swung to his dorm as Ironwood watched him in the distance.
"Yeah. You too Y/n." He smiled before standing up and leaving the roof.
A drunk couple walked down Vales streets minding their own business. Giggling they walked into an alleyway before drunkenly making out. A red and Black tendril snacked its way towards them before latching onto the male and pulled him causing him to scream as he vanished into the dark.
"Sweetheart. Stop messing around -hic- we got work tomorrow." She smiled drunkenly but a sudden black and red claw covered her mouth as her spouse was covered in a red and black symbiote.
Now it was her turn to scream but it was deafened as she was covered in the symbiote. The two made their way towards a open sewer grate as the grey cement walls were covered in red tendrils as they pulsed. In the center sat a man in a throne made of Symbiote tendrils. His red curly hair had red tendrils run through it as he smirked.
"Two more people added to my family. I must say controlling those two Atlas personnel when I tried getting my son was a great idea on my part." The man laughed as two Atlas soldiers walked out of the shadows with Riot behind them.
"That boy is strong brother." The symbiote said making the man smirk.
"Oh i know. He's making a name for himself up there. But just like him I've been busy as well." The man stood up as he looked at the symbiotes behind him. "I think when the Vytal Festival is going off we strike. Father and my little boy will have to deal with us all. But I think we should get our brother back." The man smirked as purple, green and Yellow symbiotic figures appeared.
"And if he doesn't join us? The yellow symbiote woman asked making Cletus smirk as his symbiote covered him.
"Then I'll rip away the only thing that gives him power and take it back even if i have to steal a piece of him." Cletus laughed as multiple red and black bodies appeared as they began to laugh with him.
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