Blissful Bliss
Warning: Scenes of bullying and possible Suicide. Um...I really don't know what to say here but this chapter depicts scenes that may be hard to swallow and WILL ruin your mood of Thanksgiving. Idk why I'm telling you this right NOW because I haven't done much warning in the previous chapters but still....
I rest my back against the purple and blue walls of my warm room. Most people I have brought in for my sleepovers think it's lavender. The purple mixed with blue is actually Periwinkle. Not many people know that color, huh? I push against the wall and jump onto my floorboards but I'm one step off so I hit my hip against the side of my desk. Ouch! Yup, I have a swing in my room and a wisteria tree.
I softly walk across my room to climb onto the window place then I rest my legs over the edge while I lean my face into the glass window. Don't worry, most buildings are made from Cretoniuom, it's like glass but shatter and bulletproof. It can hold up to 780kg of weight.
I whip out my phone and start scrolling through social media. I scroll past pretty girls dancing some showing off their unique talents, some showing how they are attending an event. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, a funeral, or a gender reveal. They don't do much of that anymore these days.
I mean, privacy. Everyone's life is plastered all over the internet but sometimes it is better to tell people by yourself instead of your followers discovering it from someone else.
My next scrolling sends me a video of a red-haired girl from a Novascotian Private school getting bullied. Her knees scrape the sidewalk as they douse alcohol on her school uniform and then a kid brings out a matchbox. Those were illegal. Bullying and the matchboxes. I don't think anyone has owned a matchbox in over 65 years.
On the rails are fast-moving cars that go at least thrice as fast. Levitation grounds were a hazard to people so they had regulators installed around them to prevent attempts of people jumping in between electric-powered cars.
"Jump," One of them says. "Or I'll light daddy's little princess on fire" Another person brings out a match stick from the box causing me to grip the pad by its plastic cover.
"Fire like your fake hair, it would be cooler if your hair was actually red, RIGHT?" They grip her chin and the stench of onions blows from the person her into the girl's face. The girl stands up and the person in front of her drags her by the tie down to the ground. And I grip the pad tighter.
They shove her all around, and her moves are slurred from the dragging.
"ANSWER" The first person screams and others answer as they toss her around like a ball. Like the ball, the teacher would give the class so we could take turns talking. They roughly grip the shoulders of the red-haired and toss her to the next person after yelling a slur and onto the next and they too yell a slur. Soon the pristine collar of her uniform is stained with black fingerprints, crumpling over its edge. A single button on her uniform cost more than 3 thousand dollars.
Over and over until the poor girl falls to the ground.
Stand up.
"Come onnnn, either get burnt or jump. The people in these cars won't care anyway because it's you. A low-life commoner pretending to be Queen" Someone drops to her height, clicking the lighter open and the fire bursts out. They clang it back and the fire goes off. Stand up and show them. So the girl does but all she does is cry back down.
"Coward" Faces in shadows.
"Weakling" Faces from shadows and their curling smiles.
" What would her friend call it...Pussio" Someone hollers in a British tone.
"The girl on fire" They all gasp at the nickname as they laugh their little hearts out."Yes yes. You'll be in the news, the center of attention." The one kneeling in front of her raises her head to the sky with her hands on both sides, in a prayer pose. "THE GIRL ON FIRE, right Bliss?"
The red girl mutters something and the person recording the video brings it closer to her face as she keeps muttering. "I understand. I'm sorry. I forgive you" I switch the pad off as I lessen my grip.
I lean my head into the glass more as I feel rain platter against the window. I close my eyes as the temperature starts to cool down. Some of the rain goes through the window and stains my face, drowning my voice. The salty rain enters my nose and I drown in it, suffocating slowly as my voice cracks from singing too much.
I really wanted to breathe, to sneeze out the rain, to stop breathing like I ran a marathon but I stopped myself.
Because this is the most I can feel.
The silence. The sobs and the pain in my chest as I soon run out of breath.
Because I deserve this.
The world is bad not because of the violence of bad people but the silence of good people. So why were so many people silent and why did they let things like this happen?
"Bliss honey, come down. Help me with the turkey" I'm startled by a knock as my mom's soft voice comes from the other side of the door. I quickly wipe away my tears. No time for tears. Being sad was a waste of time.
I hum out loud because I'm scared my voice will betray me. I didn't want to worry my parents.
You'd think being rich would make things easier? It's harder because I'm 'new money' like the old dollars pocket filled brats like to call me.
When I was younger, we used to live in run-down house. It was always wet, dark and dirty in there. Roaches and rodents were the toys that I was gifted when I was born. I don't think i ever had friends because mom was paranoid about us living in the ghetto. I remember her always telling me to never open the door for anyone. I was told to never accept any gift from anyone, not even the family members. Why shouldn't I accept candy when you never gave me one?
I fall into a memory of my first sleepover, although it was a mistake.
I still remember the warm afternoon when Mom was cooking in the kitchen and Papa was out working...somewhere. I was sitting outside that Saturday and then sat two children by my side. We talked about any and everything. We talked about some cartoons and they told me about heroes who could change their bodies and had to keep their identities secret.
"Wanna see?" The older kid, a girl asked me. I reminded myself to tell my mom where I was headed but I was also scared she wouldn't let me go so instead I quickly yelled the name of the girl and her younger brother before rushing to the second building, not waiting a second for what mom would have said.I remember the warm living room and their super large television.
"What's that?" I point at the other smaller television.
"It's a microwave" The girl replied
"What does it do?" I ask
"It warms up your food, don't you have that?" She laughs at my silliness but I remember being so embarrassed because mom would never make food in large portions and never reheated food.
No, we never had eneough food to reheat.
The siblings led me to a huge car and then they sat down on it, taking pillows from the car and flinging them at each other's heads.
"Where are your parents?" I rubbed my small clean palms into my ragged clothes and suddenly became hyper-conscious of the state of my hair. I think this was when I first gained consciousness. "Oh, they're out right now, but my mom should be home first before our dad" The girl grinned at me and dragged me by my hand to sit in the huge car, the car sunk down like a sponge, it felt like a pillow but very big.
"Wow, your pillow is very big and soft" I don't care about the state of my dress and decided to relieve this feeling. I was planning on sitting down on the floor but at that moment, I despised sitting on anything that was not a big pillow.
"Calm down, it's just a couch" A couch... Our house didn't have any couches just pillows to put our food on, to sit, to sleep on.I remember us sitting down there in front of their TV as we watched cartoons and cartoons and then they introduced me to "Power Rangers" The red was the leader but I really liked the blue guy. Unfortunately, the blue one liked the pink girl. Maybe if I was a pink one, the blue one would like me too.
I don't even remember when the mom had entered the house as my eyes were glued to the glowing TV. The sun had gone reasonably down and in front of me was a plate of food that I hadn't noticed. I climbed down from the couch and I sniffed up my rice and stew in the yellow container. The sister beside me, has a pink container and the brother next to his sister had a blue one. The yellow ranger never really had any lover.
"What's your favorite food?" The girl asked beside me and I gently put my spoon down as it took me a while to recall any memorable food. The food mom made was delicious but I never really had a say in what we could eat. Whatever was on the pillow would be my dinner. No complaints.
"Uh...Coco puffs?" I didn't even know what does was but I remembered the Blue Ranger saying he liked it a few episodes back. I hoped she wouldn't notice I had been lying.
"I really like chocolate, coco puffs are made of chocolate too" The girl happily screamed but what was that?
"Chocalate? What's it?" I scoop another spoon."It's really delicious and the pink ranger also likes it" She claps her hands together and her eyes roll back as she thinks of something."Chocolate sounds like a snack, tho? So it's not really food" I innocently state but the girl's mood turned sours. And she points an accusing finger at me.
"You don't get to say what food is or is not, coco puffs are also snacks" She yelled at me. I can't tell if she was being serious but she seemed angry.
"Haha, I was kidding, don't get angry" I smile at her to appease her frown.
The sun went down completely but I didn't mind it, Mom wouldn't be angry. If she was worried, she'd have been calling my name by now but I don't hear anything.My eyes feel tired and my stomach gets heavy, I snuggle into the side of their big pillow car coach.
When I woke up, I'm was not on the floor snuggling to a pillow couch but on my own same old tattered pillow. Dad's voice rings out and I hurriedly run out from underneath the covers. I rarely saw Dad but a few days before he's home Mom always makes sure to make us have a deep clean day. Just like the one we had done the day before.
So every year, I only see him 5 times, he never stayed more than a week, the longest he had stayed was 6 days and then I'd see him 3 or 5 months later.
I am pulled out of my reverie. Letting out a deep breath, I hurriedly put on my bunny slippers and quickly pat my face dry of any tears.
As I head down the spiral of stairs and cross the lobby, the door is swung open and my dad stands there in all glory. Raindrops cover some of his blonde beard and his black suit."Honey" My mom's voice sweetens and I move behind her to greet my dad like an unspoken tradition. The poor man had worked his bones off for decades.
"Honey" I hear her say but it seems tighter somehow as she holds my dad by his shoulders and looks him up and down. "Is something wrong?" She asks
"Yes, everyone is going bunkers out there, apparently news of some type of virus has affected the whole of US and a quarter of Canada" My mom hovers over my dad but grabs his jacket. I have seen the videos too.
A whole country in 24 hours. That was mad if you ask me. I twist my ankle and look down at the shiny mahogany wood that reflects my red hair surprisingly well.
"Come give Papa a hug" I remember why I was down here. Down here on Earth. It was for happy thoughts, a happy life, living with family, and discovering things together.
"Daddy" I grin at the man of my dreams. I move to hug him when black blood runs from his nose down to stain the mahogany wood. His face turns into something I have never seen. pain.
"Dad?" I stand in place. His back arches into the air and he looks at the ceiling as he stands on the tips of his polished black shoes. Is- Is he going into a stroke?
"Honey go back up into your room," She snaps me as my dad goes into a seizure. I can't see his face, actually I can't see anything.
"Mom, what's wrong with Dad, let me help" I rush to the telephone in the huge reception hall and I dial the police, it rings and rings but there is no answer. I try the phone again, I turn back to see Mom trying to desperately hold on to my dad.
"Honey, go to your room." She grips his shoulders. It is only then that I notice she isn't trying to raise him up but pushing him down.
"The police aren't answering", I frantically punch in the numbers again. I look back from mom to the phone but when I turn back, her nose bleeds black too. Mom.
"Bliss, I said go" She grips Dad's suit as he struggles. Her jaw slacks falling to the ground and back up and her eyes bleed.
Why? I feel more rain stain my cheeks. No! No, this isn't happening. I blink my tears back in. Not mom too.
"Mom, help is here, just wait a little longer-" I don't know if to leave the phone but I'm scared. Scared if I leave it here, they might pick it up and I won't be there. Scared and I want to be by mom's side. She's scaring me. Dad is too.
Just a little longer. Just-
"BLISS, I said RUN" She wails heavily, casuing her black eyes to morph into somthing between angry and sad. I now notice that her she isn't only holding Dad down. Her legs are roped around his and her arms are wrapped around her husband's waits, holding him down while simultaneously stopping her from coming back up.
This makes her body jerk forward and back as she can't decide what way to go.
Body ont top body, making the odd shape of a cross in a gold-colored lobby, decorated by wisteria trees and lavender tones. A silver chandelier hanging just above them and a pool of squid ink on the floor.
When Dad struggles to raise his head up, his skin looks crumpled like paper, ashy like the one in Grandma's vase. He looks at me with his bloody eyes as he struggles to come out from under Mom.
"Bliss please, please go to your
room." Mom's sobbing voice comes out, her soft spokenness cracking into something awful. "Please I beg you in the name of God" Mom deserts her soft-spokenness and yells at me so much her veins are pooping in her throat. Momm-
Her back snaps and her top body turns up in the air. Her face is flowing with ink but her eyes are wide open. Her body keeps going up and then it edges down. Her top folds over like a flip phone. And then her arms twist back around. She suddenly jolts up with her legs bent over like in an iron bend pose and her upper hand folded and tucked into her legs.
"Mom" I barely whisper into the silence. My heart...where is it? Oh, it's right there. In a cross.
Mom turns her neck to me and we stare into each other's eyes for a whole existence.
Y'all I'm scared😭. Nah, coz why did it rain today on thanksgiving and my Auntie comes back home in the evening covered in Rain. Not only that, but she's acting weird. 😰😰
If a zombie apocalypse truly does happen today, I know SURE AS HELL, I'm not gonna samurai fight my way out my apartment with my family 😭🙏
Good thing, I'm younger than Zylith. And thank gosh, Thanksgiving isn't In September.😊
Perhaps in another universe, someone would have the oppurtunity to fulfill my longest dream. But it's definetly not today haha.
I'm thankful that Thankgiving isn't in September and I don't have cadets today! Thank God this isn't my week to was the dishes!! Yippie!!🥳
But you never know🔪😈
Author is out!
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