Nora Universe
A/N: Collaboration with Anthonyramosismyfav
Nora looked out the window as she saw the beautiful sunrise light the sky in a bright orange haze. It was a familiar view, but one she wouldn't be seeing for a while. She felt like rocks were in her stomach, because today was the day. It was time to leave the nest and head to college.
"Good morning hija," Lin said as he knocked on the slightly open door and pushed it open. It was hard to imagine walking into this room and not seeing his daughter there. He'd missed out on so much of her childhood and it always pained her. Lin had discovered her existence at age 13 and he had relished those five years with her. It hadn't always been easy but he loved her to the moon.
"Morning," the eighteen year old smiled, stretching her arms over her head. It was early, because they'd agreed to try to get there early to beat the crowds. She dressed and packed up the last of her things in her bags. They'd rented a car the night before and loaded it up with her bedding, bean bag chair, and other items. Lin loaded the last of it and soon they were on the road.
"We only have two more hours but let's stop to get breakfast okay?" he suggested. It would delay the inevitable a bit more and having one last meal with her sounded nice. Just the two of them.
"Cool," Nora pulled up her Google Maps to find the nearest McDonald's and let the device instruct Lin.
"I'm going to miss you so much," Lin said as he turned off the car. He was always someone to wear his heart on his sleeve. He didn't shy away from emotions, which had taken Nora a while to get used to.
"Me too, but I'll text you and call you," she told her father. She was looking forward to college like most kids, but she was very close to her father and Vanessa. If you'd asked her five years ago when she was with her mother, she'd be on the first train out of the city. Her mother was toxic and she knew she needed to get away. Lin had given her a stable home and was actually able to help and guide her. She'd miss him terribly and wasn't afraid to admit it.
"I know but I'm going to miss your fierce personality and your sweet face and your hugs," his eyes started to water as he gripped the leather steering wheel.
"I'm going to try to get my bachelor's in 3 years okay," she said quietly.
"I'm so proud of you." She stared through the car window. Lin eventually pulled up to a McDonald's with a large playground. "But I don't want you to hold back. You stay as long as you need and study what you want. And when you're done, don't feel like you have to stay in New York City. You've been here your whole life. Don't be afraid to spread your wings."
She nodded and offered a small smile.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Lin's tone was playful.
"Come on!" Lin exclaimed as he ran like a seven year old girl. Nora laughed and jumped on a swing as Lin climbed up the red slide and shimmied down. There was one parent who looked on in shock as she took a picture. They messed around a bit more until they were more hungry. Lin ordered an Egg McMuffin and Nora got a Big Mac.
"Big Mac at 10 am?" Lin cackled.
"Yep. Preparing for college life," she quipped. "Thank God Vanessa sent recipes."
They ate as Lin thought about how he somehow helped transform a rambunctious 13 year old Nora into an intellectual, witty young lady. The fire was still there, but she was channeling it now. Instead of mouthing off and getting in trouble at school, she had done things like join student government to protest unfair policies in her school. Vanessa had rubbed off on her, and he didn't deny the possibility she might become a lawyer herself. She could argue with the best of them.
After finishing, they got back in the car and before they knew it they arrived on campus. Nora looked around at the other people moving into the dorms and various students walking around. She felt a wave of excitement, everyone starting this new phase of their lives without parents. This was her life and now she was in the driver's seat.
"Alright let's get your bags," Lin and Nora got boxes and started to walk up to her dorm room. When she walked in, to room was bare with only a rusty desk, a bed and a closet. Luckily, Nora had her own bathroom to share with another roommate who wasn't there. They went back for a few other items in Lin's car.
"Lin is that you?" A young college guy asked. Lin waved.
The guys took a picture and started running around in excitement. When they made it back to the room, there was another girl in the room with boxes everywhere.
"Hi you must be my new roommate and...Lin Manuel Miranda?" She exclaimed in a British accent. Lin waved sheepishly, not wanting to take away from his daughter's excitement. This was her day and he hoped people would be cool.
"Woah, my mum and I are huge fans!"
"That's awesome!" he smiled. "I love your accent!"
"Thank you Mr. Miranda. Your accent in Mary Poppins wasn't too bad! I am from London but I am taking college in the states."
"That's cool I'm Nora!"
"I've heard of you too!" She laughed. "Can I get a pic for my mum?"
" Oh course!" Lin said as he took a selfie of everyone. Lin made sure everything was set up for Nora. He made her bed, silently hoping she'd be the only one there the entire year. They unpacked her personal things, like photos and the stuffed bunny that Vanessa had snuck in there. When they finished a couple hours later, the room was looking much more inviting.
Lin let out a breath and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. He bit back tears, not wanting to made Nora upset. She didn't need her father getting all emotional when she was about to start this new phase of her life. "Okay Nora be good. Be responsible and don't have too much fun."
"I promise I won't," she laughed, wrapping her arms around him. She held on, knowing that he needed this. He needed to know that she would always be there, even if she wasn't physically near him. There was a brief moment of silence until Lin broke down in tears.
"I'm going to miss you so much," unable to hold it in.
"Me too," Nora hugged her father, squeezing him tight. " Thanks for being there for me," he whispered.
"I love you so much," he held on to her, resting his chin on top of her head. He wished he'd had more time with her, but that had been out of his hands. However, he was certain Nora knew how much he loved her.
"Love you too, Dad."
"If you need me please call me I'll make it down here," he promised as he pulled away, holding her head gently in his hands.
"Okay. I'll call you every night I promise," she told him. Lin was pretty sure that wouldn't last. He wanted her to get out and enjoy her college life, not glued to making sure her family was okay. He knew she'd keep in touch.
"Alright," they hugged again as Lin placed a kiss to Nora's forehead.
"Bye," Nora said, watching her father walk away. She felt a twinge of sadness. Deep down, though, she knew this was what needed to happen. She was eighteen years old and had big plans. At some point, she had to spread her wings.
"Goodbye my little bean," he said as tears fell from his eyes. He left the room before he gave in and went back to hug her again and break down. Lin kept his head down as he took the elevator and then left the dormitory. He found the car and closed the door, pulling his phone out. Immediately, he dialed his wife.
Vanessa picked up right away, knowing her husband had likely just dropped off their daughter. She'd stayed behind, knowing this would be hard for Lin. He needed this day with her. Lin didn't say anything after she'd said hello.
"It's okay," she told him gently, hearing him breaking down a bit. "She's where she needs to be and she has a good head on her shoulders."
Lin sniffed, wiping under his eyes. "I know," he said shakily. "I know."
They spent a few more minutes on the phone and Lin calmed down. Finally, he hung up and let out a big breath. He put the car in reverse and began to turn away from the parking lot. As he reached the road, he glanced up at the tall building, around where Nora's room would be. The sun was starting to go down, and he saw a light come on. I looked at it for a moment, not knowing if it was Nora's room or not, but taking comfort in the fact she was there.
Even though she wouldn't be home that night, her light was on and that was enough for him.
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