Chapter 4
2 years later:
Virgil decided to walk to school today just to ease his nerves, he woke up in the middle of a panic attack and he needed to calm down. When he got to school there was almost nobody there.
Hm... I guess I'm early.
Virgil walked over to the willow tree that he usually sat under and well... sat under it.
He pulled his headphones out of his bag, as well as his journal, and began doing what he usually does when he's alone.
A few hours had passed, Virgil was nice and calm his hair it's original color when he heard someone yell his name.
"Hey Virgil! Over Here!"
Virgil pulled his headphones down so they were hanging over his neck, he looked up to see Roman, Patton, Logan and the whole football team waiting for him.
Virgil slipped his journal into his bag but as he did so he secretly and quietly shot a purple lightning bolt out of his hand onto the ground closest to the tree catching the grass on fire. Virgil stomped on the grass, putting the fire out and ran to Roman.
There.. now I'll know that I was there. Bitch, I always know where I am.. Why'd I do that? Oh yeah, because Fuck You!
~ Roman's P.O.V~ (Not EVERYTHING is changing)
I was watching Virgil, there seemed to have been this purple light that set the grass on fire... what was it? I just shook the thought as Vee ran up to me, immediately becoming shy and quiet.
"Why's the whole football squad here?!"
I laughed a little and put my hand on his shoulder. Virgil's always been extremely introverted, crowds larger than a few people made him extremely anxious. Heck, we're lucky he's even apart of our 'family' as Patton calls it.
"Because Virgil, we gotta stick together as a team!"
Virgil groaned and rolled his eyes. We continued to walk when a bunch of girls screeched and ran towards us. Honestly, I don't know why they try... they know I'm gay. Right?
"Oh my god! It's Roman Prince!!"
"I can't believe it, Roman Prince! The most fabulous quarterback in all of Ballater City!!" (Cringe.. ew I hated writing this line.)
The crowd grew larger around me the more the girls yelled.
Virgil's P.O.V
I sank down to my knee's and grabbed my head. The people around me were kicking me, tripping over me and yelling for Roman. I always knew that he was a pretty well-known quarterback but not this well-known.
I tightly shut my eyes and gripped my face. I began to rock back and forth, I had lost control of my breathing and I was beginning to feel attacked... attacked? I-I don't know if that's how you would word it but it was like my body was working against me.
The voices... too much.
The touching... too much
It was all... too much!
I felt as if I were to scream, there would be this exertion of force that would cause everyone to leave... but I can't.
You can't.... BREATH!
Logan's P.O.V
I looked down at Virgil, there was this odd black mist rising from under him. I placed my hand on Roman and whispered.
"Get everyone out of here."
Roman looked down at Verge in confusion then nodded in agreement as he led everyone except Patton and me to the lunch room.
I knelt to Virgil's side and put my hand on his back, but I immediately let go when I was electrocuted. Electricity, from the human membrane? Impossible!
"Verge... it's okay, everyone's gone."
Virgil's breathing was labored, his hair was dark purple and black, he was rocking back and forth. All symptoms of a panic attack, or possibly anxiety attack... but the storm?
All the sudden a storm cloud rose above the city with dark purple lighting beaming out of it, the wind around us picked up it's pace.
Virgil looked at me with tears in his eyes.
"It's too much. I-I'm sorry.... Too. Much."
Despite the physical shock, I picked up Virgil's head and wiped his tears.
"It's okay.. your gonna get through this."
Virgil's speech was similar to a robot, again, I'm pretty sure this was a sort of anxiety attack... but how was the storm involved? All of this was debilitating.
"Uh Logan..."
To Be Continued
So, If you read the next chapter, it won't be accurate because I haven't edited the next chapter yet. If you do go and read the next chapter, IT WILL NOT MAKE SENSE!
*it makes sense now.. all editing is done... for now.*
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