Chapter 32
I'm too lazy to Recap... s o r r y.
Virgil awoke with a gasp as he saw himself surrounded in utter darkness, being himself the darkness was no issue... he actually found it quite soothing. It was that he didn't recall where he was at that bothered him.
Virgil looked around and noticed a small shimmer of light in the distance, a small voice in the back of his head told him not to follow it but that small light was the only sign of life he had seen.
While back at the hospital Roman had been recovering and they were only waiting on the nurses and doctors to come and remove his breathing tube.
Patton had not returned from Virgil's side and Logan had been placing this false hope that Patton would be returning with Virgil when in all actuality none of that was true.
Patton had been shattered to pieces and it looked as if he wasn't going anywhere and Virgil... well, Virgil was dead.
Logan tried to hold a brave face for as long as he could as Roman went on about how he couldn't wait until Virgil got back so that he could love him... though the man did stab Roman, Roman still loved him as did everyone else.
Eventually, Logan stood up in the middle of Roman's love epiphany and walked out of the room, tears silently streaming down his face.
Roman was shocked, to say the least. He had waited patiently for the breathing tube to be removed before he asked if he could walk around the premises which were granted.
As best as Roman could, he made it to the outskirts of his door to see Logan broken down beside his doorway. The usually emotionless and intelligent young man had emotion flying everywhere... it had been so unlike him.
With that being said Roman knelt beside the sophisticate as best as he could and put a hand on Logan's shoulder, earning the others attention. "Logan... I'm fine, see!"
Logan chuckled and wiped his tears upon hearing Romans words, of course, Roman thought this was about him... how else could he think any different?
Virgil headed to the light, he didn't know what made him look down at his hands but in doing so he realized that he could see through himself. That's when he realized something wasn't right.
Virgil stopped as his mind began to race, there was only one reason as to why he had become transparent...
With the realization of where he was, Virgil fell to his knees and looked around... he couldn't believe it, he was really dead.
Logan had realized that Roman was in adequate condition for him to tell Roman what had happened. Logan had cleared his throat as he asked Roman to sit beside him.
In doing his best Roman sat beside Logan and looked at the other worried as he asked what's wrong. Logan took a deep breath, he wasn't exactly sure how he was going to do this... but he had to.
"This isn't going to easy for you to comprehend..."
Roman huffed and crossed his arms: "I'm trying to be nice but when you stab at my knowledge like that!"
Logan rolled his eyes and leaned back onto the wall. "You know how I said that Virgil had gone out to get snacks, evidently getting lost and that is why he is taking so long."
Roman nodded vigorously, fear and worry immediately seething through him.
Logan sighed, his heart began to break before he had even begun to tell Roman. "I lied, Virgil never left.. I mean he did leave but, he's not coming back."
Roman's eyes widened at Logan's statement as his heart sank. "So where is he?"
Logan had trouble answering that long-coming question... but he knew he had to. So with the thought in place Logan took a deep breath as he began to explain what had happened to Virgil.
Roman's heart shattered, he didn't know what to do with himself now that the one that he loved was gone... he knew Logan had said something but he hadn't heard it. As he looked around Roman began to realize that his breathing was growing shorter and harder and his sight was fading in and out.
Heart Break... is this what it does to you?
To Be Continued
See Ya Later Sinners!
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