i n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Jessica Paige Baker
Crush: your male anon
Sexality: Straight
Age: 16 ( but does vary with certain interactions .)
( fc is brooke monk )
Backstory: she was born & raised in the mafia ,, both her parents worked with it . she was trained self defense when she was 4 ,, & she knew how to properly hold & shoot a gun at the age of 8 . before that she was using daggers & other weapons . she started working with the mafia at the age of 12 ,, although she was always was connected with it . her mother died in a shooting when she was 14 ,, leaving her & her father . her father took over the mafia when she was almost 15 ,, & she also dislikes her father with a passion .
Personality: she can be really mean && defensive at first ,, which is to drive others away . inside the mafia she's actually quite nicer around them ,, but still tough . & that's only because she knows she can trust those people . she has a very soft heart on the inside ,, it's just hard to get to . she doesnt open her heart for many people ,, little to none at all . growing up in the mafia she's learned to eat or be eaten ,, she's got to be tough or she'll get destroyed .
ship : multi - ship ( with one main ship ,, available . only 2 spots are open & very selective . )
fandom : multi - fandom
sarah musk baker (deceased )
john dale baker ( alive .)
physical appearance
height: 5'4 ( she a short gal )
ethincity : caucasian
scars / marks : scars litter down her arms & all over her ,, from previous run ins with other gangs & her father . most of them have faded however .
other: she legit looks like a 13 year old without makeup ,, hence also why she's short .
mental illnesses / mental health
mental illnesses : ADHD ,, ( not really an illness but something she has ) , anixiety .
mental health : okay so her mental health HAS NEVER been in the best place ,, and probably never will be . she's considered killing herself a few times & tried it once , but it's not something that happens often .
academics & school : she's like /super/ smart . gifted ,, as some would say . at everything except for math . computers & any technology is her strength especially . she know how to hack & how to code ,, and read different computer languages .
like & dislikes .
likes : find out for yourself lmao .
dislikes: being provoked , socializing with people outside of the gang , her father .
i n f o r m a t i o n
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