Chapter 4: Kidnapped
I got back to the hotel to find Ashley crying on the bed.
"Ash?" I said. She stopped and sat up. "You didn't meet them did you?" I asked.
"EMBER!" She runs over and almost knocks me over from hugging me. Well that was unexpected. "I was so worried! Where were you?"
"Wait you were crying over me?" I let go of her and grabbed her shoulders in disbelieve.
"Well, little bit of both. I Touch Luke!" She said going back to smiling. Rolled my eyes and smiled. "So where were you? I search everywhere!"
"Well um-"
"Today on the Media 5 seconds of summer-" The tv interrupted me. This show is all about celebrities drama and tea. This is the only show my sister only watches on tv. I hated it, it's fake news. All it reports on is drama, some stuff aren't even true.
"They have this show here? Really!?" I asked in disbelief and upset.
"Sh!" She covered my mouth and watched carefully. "Its located here." she said in a duh tone.
"Also known as 5SOS, was leaving a show when all of a sudden a fan trips right in fronts of them." The lady said. They showed a video from a phone POV and... there I was. You didn't see my face, but my blue hair gives it away. I looked slowly at my sister, her mouth is on the ground and she is frozen.
"She was being dragged out by security till Luke stopped him saying 'She's my friend'." This happened a hour ago, how the fuck did they get this? "She got into the van and they drove off with her. Now everyone is asking, who is this girl? Is it Luke's secret girlfriend? Or was it just a random friend? Who is this mystery girl?" I stopped her by turning the Tv off.
"Wow, fangirls am I right?" I said trying to break the silence. She was still frozen. Ugh god, that was a crappy video, it could of been anyone! Sadly, my sister knows me too well. I stood in front of her. "Ashley? I can explain?"
"You met them... AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?!" She shot up and got in my face.
"Whoa, clam down. I was just looking for you and I tripped." I said really fast so she wouldn't talk over me. "I just tripped in front of them and they let me in there van." I sat down.
"What was it like? When Luke touched you?" She asked. I raised my eyebrows.
"Really? I was kidnaped and that"s all you care about?" I stood up
"Kidnaped?" She was confused.
"If they weren't a famous boy band, that would of been a bigger deal then me being a secret girl." I crossed my arms
"Mystery girl." She corrected me.
"UGH! You don't even care how I felt about it, all you care about is them!" I yelled. She took a step back and put her hand on her chest.
"Don't say that, I love you. I cried for a hour for you!" She yelled back. I just shook my head.
"Even if you did meet them, they're just gonna forget about you in a week. You're just another fan." It was silence. She just stared at me, and I could see holding back her tears.
"I'm gonna go..." She grabbed the key to the room and walked to the door. "i'll be back when you're not being a bitch." She ran out of the room and slammed the door. I sighed. Maybe I shouldn't of said that. They remembered me... maybe they could remember her. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes.
I ended up sleeping? oops. I didn't mean to do that. I sat up and saw Ash in her bed, facing away from me. I grabbed my phone and went through twitter. I saw she posted a sad quote, probably because of me. I also saw a bunch of Blue Hair Girl memes and news. Ugh. I need to go on a walk, to clear my mind. I put on some high waisted shorts, black tank top, and a gray zipped up hoodie. I put my black convers on and went out.
Maybe I'll go to that shop again. I just hope I don't run into those boys.
"Hey! look!" Someone yelled. I looked behind me and saw people with cameras, pointing at me. "It's that girl!" Oh shit. They know me? They started to put there cameras up and I turned my back to them before they flashed my face. I ran as fast as I could.
"WAIT MRS! Come back!" They yelled. "Are you dating someone in 5 second of summer?"
"Are you just another fan?" I ignored them and ran till I bumped into someone.
"Ops sorry." I said.
"It's alright love." Wait.. I looked up and it was Michael in that stupid disguise.
"Michael?" I asked. I stood up and stared confused at him.
"Come with me." He took my hand and ran.
"AGH!" He ran way faster then me, I almost tripped a couple of times. We ran a crossed the street into traffic.
"MICHAEL! WHAT THE HELL!?" I yelled. He just laughed. I looked behind and the camera people wouldn't crossed. The street was too busy to cross. He knew they wouldn't crossed. We stopped running and I was trying to catch my breath.
"Come on, I know where you can hide." he said.
"Hide? I don't need to hide, I just need to go back to the hotel." I turned and started to walk back till something pulled me back.
"I don't think you can go back without being seen, the smartest thing is to come with me." He said.
"With you? You're like a stranger!" I threw my hands up.
"No i'm not, you know me." he got closer to me.
"Barely." I mumbled.
"Ugh." he groans. He picks me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"HEY! LET ME DOWN!" I demanded. He didn't said anything, he just kept walking. "MICHAEL!" I tried to get out of it, but then I realized I'll just hurt us both. So I gave up. ugh.
"So Amber," He said.
"Its Ember you idiot." I corrected him.
"Hey, don't have to be so mean. I saved you." He said.
"No, You kidnapped me. Twice now." I looked down at his back. He has really long legs, it never ends, like where is his butt?
"I'm not kidnapping you." He defended himself.
"Kidnapping: take (someone) away illegally by force, typically to obtain a ransom" I said the definition. "This is force, not choice."
"Do you really get kidnapped that often, you needed to remember the meaning?" he asked.
"No, I just watch a lot of Kidnapping shows and stuff." I said.
"Well, Ember" he put evitnes on the E. "I'm not trying to kidnapping you, i'm just trying to save you from the paparazzi. Plus i'm not trying to obtain a ransome, whatever that means." He mocked me. "A thank you would be nice."
"Thank you so much." I said sarcastically.
"Your welcome." He said probably with a smile on his face.
"For kidnapping me." I mumbled.
"Ember!" he slapped my ass, lightly.
"AY! Don't touch my butt!" I yelled.
"Couldn't help it." I could feel him staring at it.
"If you don't look away now, I swear i'll kick you in the nuts so hard you won't be able to have babies." I threaten him.
"Damn, I was just joking around." I felt hands on my back and going to my hips pulling me down.
"AGH!" I screamed. He put me down by the front of a door.
"Here we are." He said putting his arms up. I looked up and saw a giant house.
"Where..." I asked still drooling over the house. He opened the door and walks in.
"The 5SOS house." He turned the lights on. the inside looks bigger than the outside. I walked in closing the door behind me.
"Whoa." I said turning around to take the whole house in.
"You can stay here for tonight, they will be gone by tomorrow" He headed for some stair and I followed. "Here's a tip too, don't go outside after 11 unless you're wearing a disguise." he said.
"You mean a hoodie and sunglasses?" I asked, but also joking.
"Yep." He was serious. I rolled my eyes.
"Not really a disguise..." I said quietly. We went to a room, which had clothes and underwear all over the place. "This is mine and Calum's room." he said ignoring me. "You'll be sleeping here."
"Wait, I'm sleeping here?" I asked.
"yeah, why not?" He asked.
"There's two beds, two people sleeping here already. Am I sleeping on the floor?" He isn't really the smartest, is he?
"Hm good point." Then a smirk grew on his face. "You can sleep with me." He jumped on his bed patting the spot he left for me.
"In your dreams." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Fine," He got up. "You can sleep in Luke's room, no one sleeps with him but he has a extra bed." For such a big house, i'm surprised they don't have a guest bedroom. He went into his closet and got a black T-shirt and he threw it at me.
"You could of handed it to me." I said. He ignored me and just grabbed my hand. Guessing we are heading to Luke's room.
"Hey Luke." We walked in and he was only in his underwear.
"Oh my god." I looked down at the floor and put my hand up.
"What's up Mike-" He stopped assuming he saw me. "Michael! What the hell? Why is she here!?" He yelled.
"Oh ops." he stood in front of me so it was blocking my view of Luke. "Well the paparazzi saw her and was chasing her. We tried going back, but there was no way we could so I brought her here." He said.
"You're a liar," I stepped out and put my finger up. "We didn't try to go back. You fucking kidnapped me!" I looked up at him, he rolled his eyes and looked down at me, giving me a look.
"Well, Michael is kinda right." Both our heads turned to him. I tried so hard not to look at anything besides his eyes. "You wouldn't be able to go back. Here i'll put some pants on."
"Good Idea." I looked back down. I looked up a little and Mikey was back in front of me. I saw his butt. Revenge time. I slapped it.
"HEY! OW!" he jumped and grabbed his ass.
"Pay back sucks, Huh?" I smirked.
"Ok Michael, you can leave now." Luke said.
"See ya love." he tried to kiss my head, but I moved out of the way.
"Prev." I said quietly. He left without saying anything and he closed the door. I looked up and saw a shirtless Luke. Damn...
"You can sleep there." he pointed to a bed next to another bed. I nodded and walked over and laid down. It was quiet for a minute before Luke broke it with laughing.
"So you really think we kidnapped you." he giggled. I sat up and looked at him.
"yeah, I don't know what else to call it. I mean Mikey said he saved me." I looked down at the black T-shirt he gave me. "i'm sure this is someone else's dream, but I really wished I wasn't part of it." I took my hoodie off and put Mikey's shirt on over my tank top. When I looked back at Luke his eyes was widen.
"Sorry I don't mean to be rude... but you know just think how you would feel if you were kid- I mean saved by a bunch of girls." as I said that I realized how great that would be for him. "You know what, nevermind." He just chuckled.
"Look sorry you got dragged into all this." He stood up and headed for the door. "If you need anything, I'll be down stairs." he smiled. I smiled back, then he left keeping the door opened. I got up and looked out the window. The night is actually, beautiful. At the hotel, there are too many lights to see the stars. It reminds me of me and my sister when we were younger. We use to go outside all the time to look at the star. I looked down at my phone to text her.
To Ash: hey, I kinda got into trouble. Its alright tho, I was saved (if you want to say that). I'll be back soon. XOXO
I Put the phone down and got into the bed. I put my hair up in a messy bun, took my shorts and shorts off. I hope he doesn't noticed. I laid back and waited for the darkness.
Re edited 1/23/20
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