Chapter 26: Time For a Change
The boys let us stay in a hotel room that Ashton and Luke were going to sleep in, they went to Calum and Michael's room. To be honest I wanted to go home, but for Ash I stayed. This is her dream so I'm letting her live it. Luke and Calum came in around 9pm asking us to go out. I didn't feel like going out so I said no, but Ashley jumped at the opportunity. I tried to get some sleep, but my mind kept wandering, thinking about the day, about Michael. How can I forgive him? What he did to me was just... wrong. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I woke up kinda early, around 9am, I got up going to the bath, realizing I didn't actually have to go, but ended up staying in there staring at myself.
I started to play with my hair, turling it with my fingers. I'm starting to get sick of this pink hair, my roots are starting to show, and it's so long. I could use a change. I rushed out of the bathroom and went to get the car keys.
"Mmmm Em?" Ashley said starting to wake up. I look at her in the bed, seeing her head peck out from the covers.
"I'm going out." I said.
"Where?" She asked sitting up. Her hair was down, all in a mess. She still had last nights makeup on, but it was all smudged. She honestly looked like a mess, I smiled almost laughing.
"The store, I'll be back. Don't worry, go back to sleep." she nodded and plopped back down. I grabbed a oversize hoodie and out the door. As I was walking down the hall I heard a door open behind me.
"Ember?" Someone asked. I turned fast, seeing it was Calum. His hair was all a mess, and he's was only in sweats and a tank top. This dudes are hot, like what the fuck.
"Did you just wake up?" I asked, chuckling after. He scratched his head and squinted his eyes.
"Yeah. It's 10am." He said as he was yawning, "Where you off too?" He asked.
"Just going to the store, to pick up things." I said. "I'll be back for Ashley." I turned back ready to keep walking.
"Well wait." He walked a little fast to get next to me. "Mind if I join you?" He asked
"I mean sure, but don't you have to get ready for the show?" I asked, looking up and down him.
"Not till 12. That's when I have to get dress. Plus I want to talk." He said. Oh great, talk. That's never good.
"I guess, but at least go put a shirt on." I covering his chest with my eyes. He looked down at his self and rolled his eyes.
"Blue hair dye and scissors?" He judge my basket. "Ember what are you going to do?" He asked, a little mad.
"Kinda obvious." I said making my way to pay.
"Damn you dye your own hair? And cut it!?" He yelled ish. I rolled my eyes.
"Calum, SH!" I told him. "I'm not as rich as you are, not everyone can afford such a luxury." I joked, but being serious as well.
"It's not that much..." He mumbled. "Is it?" He asked. I soffed, if he only knew. We made it to the cashier.
"Hi did you found everything....." her voice trailed when she looked up at me and Calum. I looked at Calum confused, but he was waving at her. I rolled my eyes and slammed my stuff down. Snapping her out of space.
"You're Calum Hood." She pointed.
"Nice to meet you." He said.
"And you look familiar too..." she pointed at me. Me? I crunched my eyebrows, confused.
"I do?" I asked.
"Yeah..." then her face lit up and she snapped her fingers. "Blue hair girl." my eyes widen.
"Um no, see I have pink hair. Not blue." I pushed my items to her. She started to check them and put them in the bag. Pink hair didn't even help keep my Identity.
"Can I get a photo?" She asked.
"Sure." He started to fix his hair and went behind the counter. The girl handed me the phone. I, kinda pissed, lazily took a photo, but it still came out good.
"Thank you!" she said to him then hugging him.
"No problem." he said smiling down at her. They let go of eachother then Calum came back to my side. I sighed annoyed a little.
"You know, Michael what kinda right about you." She said to me. This took me by surprise, like what is that suppose to mean?
"What?" I asked.
"I saw how you looked at me with Calum." She put her hand on her hip. "First Luke, then Mikey, and now Calum." She saw? Is she calling me a hoe? I give her a disgusted look.
"Excuse you?" I was about to get in her face till Calum took my hand, stopping me.
"Nice meeting you." Calum said to her. Then he dragged me out of the store.
"Let go!" I yanked my arm out of his gripped.
"Calm down." He told me.
"How can I be calm when that bitch calls me a Hoe?" I asked, loudly.
"Look, I didn't like what she said, but you can act like that. She'll tweet it out and if The Media see it then your repetition will be ruined... more than it is." He told me. I sighed and looked away from him.
"I didn't want this life, I just want to life like a normal person." I crossed my arms. Calum put his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at him, he didn't look mad, he just looked serious.
"Sadly your in this. The only thing you can do is prove that you aren't what they think." He gave me a weak smile. He's right, I can't escape the fame anymore. I have to accept it and show everyone who I really am.
"Thanks Calum." I said. He let go of me and we started to walk to the car.
"You know why I really came?" he asked. I looked up at him waiting for his responses. "It was to see who you are. All I've heard was from Michael and Luke. I wanted to know who you really are." He said. Well, that's sweet of him. I didn't think Calum liked me because of the Michael thing. I guess I was half right.
"Speaking of Michael, how is he?" I asked, a little scared to hear.
"Better, what did you do to make him better?" He asked me. I was confused,
I made him better?
"Um I just talked to him." I looked away from Calum thinking.
He's doing better?
We got into the car and I started to drive back to the hotel. I just kept thinking about how Michael was doing. I thought he was upset, but he was fine? I guess he's fine without me.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!" My sister yelled from right outside the bathroom door. I covered my ears and flinched.
"Ow." I uncovered my ear and looked back at myself in the mirror. "Does it look that bad?" I asked while playing with my hair. We were back at our house, mostly because I didn't want to ruin the hotel's bathroom with dye, and also I had to get out of there before Mikey woke up.
"No it's just- we don't look alike anymore." She pout. I rolled my eyes and giggled.
"That's kinda the point." I said. (A/N The picture above is what her hair now looks like.) "Upset that Mikey won't kiss you anymore?" I asked jokingly. She opened her mouth, acting offended. I turned to her and laughed. "aww don't worry I'll kiss you." I grabbed her cheeks and brought her to me, kissing her forehead.
"Ughk!" She yanked herself away and whipped her forehead. "I guess you're in a better mood."
"I am, and I thought it was time for a change. Speaking of that," I pulled my phone out and opened Twitter. Ashley came over to my back, peking over my shoulder. I still was getting hate, but I ignored them all and went to tweet something.
"Dear all 5sos fans, my name is Ember. Nice to meet you. I know you all hate me for hurting the boys and being a hoe, but you don't know my story. So I'm reaching out to the @TheMedia, I want a interview." And sent.
"Oh my god. You really want to do an interview?" Ash asked. I turned my head to look at her.
"Eh no, but it's the only way to tell my story." I said.
"Does this mean your ready to be famous?" She asked excited.
"I don't really have a choice anymore." I looked back at my phone, see all the tweets come in. "They already made me famous, it my time though to make it right."
Re edit: 1/8/20
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