Chapter 24: Twins?!
*Michael POV*
I messed up, really bad. Ember was no longer talking to me and we were in her town. I can't believe what I did, what is wrong with you Michael!
"Michael!" Someone yelled. I hummed in responded and looked up. " you ok?" Luke asked.
"No. Mate, I messed up." I put my hands on my face and brought them up into my hair.
"I agree with that." Ashton added.
"Come on, he didn't know it wasn't her." Calum backed me up. Right now we all were in a van to somewhere, I didn't listen where because I was too upset. Everyone seemed to be mad at me. Ember because I exposed her, the boys because I didn't tell them I was doing the interview, and even fans were mad at me.
"Doesn't really matter, he should of talked to her instead of going on that interview." Ashton said. I looked down, ashamed.
Ember, how the hell am I going to make it up to her? I can't lose her. i've tired to forget about her, but look where that ended up.
"Mates, let just agree Mike made a mistake." Luke said. "He's going to fix it."
"How?" I asked.
"Say sorry first." Ashton said with an attitude.
"I tried, I left 3 voice mails and texted her so much."
"I'll talk to her." Luke said
*Ember's POV*
I kinda cried all day. Ok, I did cry all day. I locked myself in my room and wanted today to be over. The fans found all my social media, so my phone was blowing up. I couldn't even look at my phone afraid of what they are saying. Soon I hear my phone ringing, I look and see Luke. I sighed, this is the 10th time. Will he never stop? I picked it up and answered, but didn't say anything.
"Ember?" He asked.
"Hum." I hummed.
"Ember, are you ok? Look i'm sorry what Michael did, the boys and I had no clue." He said. I didn't responded, I just sighed. "Ember, talk to me. How are you feeling?" He asked.
"I feel like shit, people from twitter, instagram, tumbler, even facebook are telling me how terrible I am." I finally said.
"Oh Ember, I'm so sorry." He apologized
"Its not like any of this is your fault. Its mine, for trusting stupid boys." I felt like I was going to cry again.
"No, its not you're fault. It's Michael's." He said.
"I don't even want to hear his name, I hate him so much." I said, getting pissed. Luke didn't respond, all I heard was shuffling. "Is he with you?" I asked, kinda hope he is so he can hear all this. I hope he feels like shit too.
"Um... no." He lied. I rolled my eyes.
"If you're going to lied, make it believable." I told him.
"But i'm not." He whined.
"Whatever Luke, i'm going to hang up. Thanks for the call." Before he said anything else I hung up. I sighed and laid back.
"Ok get your ass up." Ashely burst into my room. Like she was there the whole time, waiting for the right moment. I shot back up confused.
"How'd you get in, I locked the door." I asked.
"Never mind that, were going out." He moved on.
"WHyyyyyyy." I complained and fell back in bed.
"Because I'm done seeing you like this." I heard foot steps and then a hand pulled me up.
"AGH!" she dragged me out of my room to the car.
*Michael's POV*
The boys dragged me to this cafe. Why? No clue, I thought they would lock me up till the concert tomorrow. Their weren't really anyone here, just two people on their laptops. I sat as the guys got drinks. I looked down at mine and played with my drink.
Ember, I feel like shit. Why would I tell all her secrets just like that? I don't know.
"Ugh!" Someone complained. I looked to the door, my eyes widen.
"Ember?" I said quietly. Their stood a her, she walked in and right then her eyes met with mine. Her eyes widen and she just stood their. I stood up slowly and walked to her.
"Michael Clifford." She said, seemed in shock. This might be my only chance.
"Look, I'm sorry. SO sorry for what I did, it was so stupid, I regretted it when I saw the video." I started. "I wish I could take it back, but I can't. Ember please forgive me, I know it's not that easy but I need you in my life."
"Mikey i'm not-"
"Please Ember," I interrupted her. "I need you, i- i" I couldn't take it. I grabbed her face and kissed her. It wasn't long, only a little one. She had a shock face still. I crunched up my eyebrows, it didn't feel like how I thought it would.
"MICHAEL!" Luke yelled. I turned. He was confused and pissed. "What the hell?" He said.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it anymore." I explained.
"That's not Ember!" He said. I looked confused at him.
"What do you mean she-" I looked back at her. In the back of her I saw a blur of pink. I looked past her and saw another girl, with pink hair who looked like the girl in front of me.
"What the hell." I backed up and cover my mouth.
"um i'm Ashely, her sister." The girl I just kissed said.
"You son of a bitch." The real Ember said quietly coming right behind her sister.
"They're twins?" I asked, shocked and confused.
"Yeah, Ember is a twin." Luke said.
"Twins?" Soon my eyes rolled and I felt as like I was falling.
"MICHAEL!" everyone said.
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