Chapter 15: Do I Miss you?
*Ember POV*
In school me and Bard walk hand in hand. I decided to give him a chance, why not take a chance. Its been about a month since we started to date, but ever since then Mikey has talked less and less to me. I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks. He's probably busy with the tour and everything, or just is done with me and he's with his new girlfriend.
"EMBER!" someone screamed. I turned and see Ashely running to me and Bard. Of course its her.
"Ash, You got to stop doing that." I told her as she got to us.
"Sorry...but...LOOK!" She was out of breath. She hold up her phone of a tweet. I got closer to the phone and saw it was 5SOS's twitter.
"Um what is it?" I asked.
"TOUR DATES!" She yelled. Me and Brad covered our ears.
"Ow." He said. I giggled.
"Welcome to my life." I said. He smiled at me, he made me face him.
"Aw, i'll make it better." He said, laying his lips onto mine. I giggled through our kiss. Ash coughed reminding us she was still there. We stopped and face her.
"Sorry, was their more?" I asked, rapping my arm around Bard's.
"Yes, they come here in A MONTH!" She said. My eyes widen.
"And? Ash you should know your sister, she isn't a fan." Brad said.
"Well I thought she was, after what happened in Australia." She smirked. Ashely don't you- "With Luke specially." She said, interrupting my thought. -Dare.
"Luke?" He asked.
"Nothing happened," I looked at him and smiled. "Ashley!" I snapped my head back to her. "Remember, The Media made it all up." I hit her on the head lightly.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway I bought us both tickets so you're going." She poked my chest, twice as she said that. My eyes widen. Oh no. I can't.
"What? Ash-" I started to say.
"SEE YOU AT HOME!" She ran off.
"ASH!" I yelled, soon everyone had their eyes on me. Ugh. I took Brads hand and stormed off.
We went to study hall together and sat in silence. Brad was on his phone and I was doing homework listening to a song called Lay your love on me, Its from Mamma Mia.
"So, Luke." Brad said finally. I looked up, confused.
"Um what?" I asked. He shows me a picture of Luke Hemmings and me (well the back of me) from The Media.
"Why are you watching that?" I asked, taking my headphones out.
"I just wanted to see what your sister was talking about." He shrugged. "Blue hair girl? Mystery Girl? Luke's secret LOVER?" He started to raise his voice as he read the nicknames for me.
"Oh my god BRAD, stop. Nothing happened. They helped me get out of a jam, that's it." I said. "Didn't I tell you?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I didn't think much of it to be honest. By the look of this video, they kidnapped you." He showed me the first video The Media posted about me. I laughed a little at that.
"Yeah, that's what I thought at first." I looked down at the table, thinking about them. I smiled to myself.
"They look like losers." He laughed. I shot my head up.
"Hey." I said. He hummed in responded and looked at me. "They are still my friends, and they aren't losers." I told him. He put his phone down and leaded on the table to get closer to me.
"Babe, you spend one day with them. It's not like you text them everyday." He said, He looked away for a second then gave me a confusing look. "Right?" He asked. I sighed and looked down.
"Yeah." I put my headphones back in my ear and continued to work. Soon I got a text from a unknown number.
Unknown: Hey :)
Ember: Um hey? Who is this
Unknown: guess ;)
Ember: Is it a bird?
Unknown: What?
Ember: Wait! No! ITS A FROG!
Unknown: ....
Ember: No its Underdog! right?
Unknown: I think I have the wrong number, this is Ember right?
5sos girl?
Ember: If this is the fuckin Media, I swear I will Sue you.
Unknown: Relax It's Luke, you know. The Penguin?
Ember: I only know one Luke and that's Luke Hemmings. He's a human
Unknown: omg Ember. IT'S ME! LUKE. HEMMINGS! 5sos one.
Ember: lol i know, i was just messing with you :)
The Penguin: -_- anyways, hi.
Ember: Hi :)
Wait, how did you get my number?
The Penguin: Michael. duh
Ember: Oh. I didn't think you guys wanted to talk to me anymore, well Mikey really.
The Penguin: About that, sorry. We kinda been on his case because all he would do is talk to you. So Calum yelled at him to stop talking to you.
Ember: Oh. wow.
The Penguin: Sorry :( it's not that we don't like you, WE LOVE YOU! Mikey could talk to you now if he wanted to. We're on the road, on our way to see you ;)
Ember: Funny :P I know you're on tour. And it's ok. You guys are Busy and so am I with school. I need to focus on Graduating.
The Penguin: Or you could do what we did and drop out and join a band :)
Ember: That I wouldn't mind doing lol, but what band could I run away with?
The penguin: Us :3
Ember: HA! Funny.
I gtg Luke. Thanks for updating me
The penguin: np :) i'll text you soon
And after reading that the bell rang. I got up and walked out with Brad.
"Sorry about getting mad. It's in the past, what happened, happened." Brad said. I nodded.
"Yeah, What happened, happened."
Hello LOVIES! School just started so most likely will updates on just Saturdays then just at random times.... if anyone cares :)
Re edited 9/9/19
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