Chapter 11: Home
"MOM! We're home!" Ashely yelled.
"Girls! How I've missed you." She hugged us. "Did you have fun?" She asked. We looked at each other.
"Ember definitely did." She smirked.
"Ash!" I pushed her a little.
"What does that mean? Did you meet a boy?" Mom asked.
"She met these boys! 5sos and spend the whole day with them." Ashely told her.
"ASHELY!" I yelled at her.
"What?!" My mom was shocked. I told her the whole story and not to worry. The Media had no clue who I was and no one saw my face. After that I went to my room and unpacked till I got a call. Hum? I see it's Mikey, I smile.
"Hello?" I answer.
"EMBER! Hey." He yelled. I backed the phone away from my ear.
"Ow Mikey, lets not yell." I told him. I put him on speaker so I could unpack.
"Sorry, so are you home?" He asked.
"Yep, I'm unpacking right now." I said.
"That's always fun." He said sarcastically.
"Yeah." I laughed. "What are you boys doing?" I asked.
"Were getting ready for our tour, lots of work. Also won't be in America for 3 months." He sound disappointed.
"I heard, it's ok." I told him.
"But I want to see you nowwwwww!" He wined. I giggled.
"Mikey, you can wait. Now let me unpack." I went over to my phone.
"Aw ok. Bye love." He said.
"Don't call me that, bye Mikey." I hung up and put some music on. I remember Calum say something about Can't remember. I searched it up, and played it.
"Hey, pretty girl,
What's your name, what's your number?
I got the keys to my dad's yellow Hummer.
There's a party, you can come if you wanna go
Alright, see you later"
Hum, not bad. It doesn't sound like all the guys though.
"Bro, where's your shirt?"
"Ah, shit!"
"What the hell happened last night?"
"I've got the biggest headache."
"Yeah, I need an aspirin, my head's killing me."
"Who was that girl from last night anyway?"
Ohhhhhhh, Its Calum and Michael. Thats why they were laughing, I started to laugh at the thought.
"Ooooo are you listening to I can't remember?" My sister comes in. I quickly turn it off and look at her.
"Umm no." I lied. She smirked.
"I heard it." She crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes and continued to unpack.
"Still not a crazy fan." I said.
"Sure.." she said. I turned fast to her.
"Ok just because I hung out with them and you count me listening to their music doesn't mean i'm gonna fall in love with them. Now go." I waved her off with my hand. She left with a sad expression on her face.
"Hey Ember!" my best friends yelled. I turned and he was running down the hall.
"Hey Brad." I said as I hugged him.
"How was Australia?" He asked.
"Its was..." My voice trailed thinking about it. "Um great, it was really beautiful." I smiled.
"Well i'm glad you had a great time," We started to walk together. "But next time you go on a last minute trip, please take me." He begged. I laughed.
"I'll think about it." I said. Brad and I have been friends since freshman year, he's always been there for me and still is. All of sudden people started to look at me, and whisper.
"Um do you know why everyones looking at us?" I asked. He shook his head.
"EMBER!" My sister yelled. She ran to us, almost out of breathe.
"Ash, whats up?" I asked, a little confused.
"Look!" She shoved her phone in my face.
"The band 5 second of summer, were here a week ago. Saying that Blue hair girl was just a fan, but is all they saying true?" The Media girl said.
"Why are we watching this?" Brad complained, he wasn't such a big 5sos fan. Ok, he hates them. Did I just say 5sos?
"Just watch." Ashely said to shut him up.
"Well look what we found on our security cameras." A screen showed up next to her, on a girl (AKA me) running down the hall and all of sudden her hood falls down, exposing her light blue hair. My eyes widen.
"Damn, Ember she looks like you." Brad pointed out. The next clip was me outside, then Mikey came out. It showed my turning, facing the camera. Then they stopped it and zoomed on my face.
"Oh my god, they got my face." I looked up at Ash. She nodded.
"The Blue hair girl has a face, we later found out this girl spend the whole day with them. She also was sitting in a corner in the same room we were doing the interview. So who is this girl? Why did 5sos lie? And is she really just a fan." She winked at the camera and it turned off. Ashley put the phone down. I was furious, I was upset.
"That bitch." Is all that came out.
"I'm sorry Em, I shouldn't of brought you." Ashely said.
"No it's not your fault, its that woman! She put my identity out there, without my permission." I said.
"Well, it is a burly photo and you had glasses on." Ashely said trying to make it better.
"Well I guess i'll never wear glasses again." I crossed my arms.
"I'm not saying that- wait, your hair!" Ashely's face lighten up.
"What about it?" I asked.
"Dye it a different color, they know you as Blue hair girl. So change it, then they will think it isn't you." She explained. Wow, I have a smart sister.
"That's a good idea, but i'm sad i'll need to get rid of my blue hair." I twirled my hair. Ash just rolled her eyes and laughed.
"So wait, YOU were that girl?! What happened in Australia?" Brad asked. Me and Ash both looked at him and laughed.
"I'll tell you later, I need new dye." Me and Ashley ran off.
Re edited
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