T W E N T Y - F O U R
Regina bursts into the school doors with me racing behind her, we then both rush into the gym. Luckily, they were just preparing.
Regina sighs, relieved. "Ok, lets go back stage." Regina starts to walk, then I follow her. "Give Cady hers." she hands me Cadys outfit.
"Mk, Regina." I nod, then run to go find Cady.
I looked almost everywhere! I groaned, then pulled out my phone to call Cady.
"Cady!" I exclaimed. "Where are you?"
"I ammmmm...~" Cady paused. "Right behind you!"
I quickly turned around. "Oh my gosh." I looked at her wide eyed. "How long have you been there?"
"I've been following you the whole time." Cady grinned. "JUST KIDDING. I just now got here."
I playfully rolled my eyes, and then handed Cady her outfit. "There."
Cady smiled. "Thank cha." she walked onto a changing room, then came out about three minuets later. "There." she spun around.
"You look pretty." I smiled, then playfully punched her shoulder.
"Owwwiee." Cady whined, pouting at me.
I rolled my eyes. "Oh no. I am soooo sorry."
Cady crosses her arms. "Call 911."
I made my hand a shape of a phone, and deepend my voice. "911 what's your emergancy?" I made my voice normal again. "Oh! I punched my siste —"
Cady grabbed my hand. "And I have a huge bruise! I think she misplaced my shoulder!"
We looked at each other, then busted out laughing.
"We're such dorks." I say in between laughter.
"Agreed!" Cady wipes a fake tear.
The other Plastics then walk in. "What's so funny?" Gretchen asks, walking up to both of us.
Cady and I simply just grin.
Gretchen playfully rolls her eyes, she then goes to a mirror to apply lip gloss with Karen and Regina following her.
Cady and I were already done, so we awkwardly stood there, watching them.
"Done." Regina steps back, then runs her fingers through her hair.
"SAME!" Karen smiles, looking at Regina.
"Almost.." Gretchen trails off.
Regina walks up to me. "Ready?"
I slowly nod. "Mhmm, just nervous."
Regina looked around, and noticed it was just the Plastics. "You'll do great."
"Yeah, Y/N. You'll do catch." Cady grins, then playfully punches my shoulder
"Catch is NOT happening." I rolled my eyes while smiling.
"Oh come on." Cady pouts. "Please?"
"No." I shake my head.
"Pleeeeaaasee?" Regina begs.
"Oh gosh, not you too." I groan.
Regina simply smirks as a response.
I sigh, and then grin at the two. "Maybe when I am in a REALLY good mood, catch might just happen."
"DEAL!" Cady exclaims, the shakes my hand. "Regina, lets find a way to get her in a good mood!"
Regina thought. "I will have to think on that." she grins.
"GUYYYYYYYSS!" Karen says, with Gretchen fast walking behind her.
"What?" Cady, Regina, and I said in unison.
"We're next! Come ON!" Karen exclaims.
Cady grabs my wrist, then drags me behind the curtain.
"We are gonna do do ca —.." Cady starts, but stops as I glare at her.
"Don't even."
A/N: catch isn't happening :/
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