Just friends, no crushes, I hope, no I know
"The party?"
"The party!"
"The party?"
"Y-yes, the party"
"...the party?"
"Yeah, sorry"
"So are you coming?"
Silence "What will I get out of it?"
"Embarrassing photos you can use as blackmail?"
Silence again "Deal"
"'Kay see you then-" call ended
Hunk can't go, it's his grandmas birthday. So Lance only had Pidge, and Pidge is not the type to go on big parties, so it' kind of a miracle that Lane could convince them. He definitely didn't want to go alone. It's the Shirogane house, there will be the cool kids, there will be Keith. Not that Keith is something really important to Lance, but Lance was especially exited and nervous because of Keith.
He couldn't explain it to himself. Keith is just a friend, and he didn't need to be nervous. Still he couldn't help but be, well, extremely nervous. Dumb, no, idiot. That's what he thinks of himself right now.
The party starts in five hours, at eight, at Keith's house, with a lot of cool kids, and alcohol and stuff.
"AAAAhhh Lance! Stop being so nervous!" he said to himself in the mirror. He groaned a couple of times, hit his head on the wall, stared at the mirror, screamed again, and talked calmly with himself.
His bedroom door opens and he looks in it's direction. Veronica.
"What do you want, Vero?" he sits, no, throws himself on his bed
"I want to know what's up. You've been screaming for the past ten minutes" she crosses her arms and leans on the wall "Do you have a crush or something?" she raises a brow and does their McClain look, you know the ':3' one.
"W-What no! It's no crush. I just broke up with Allura, so no crushes" he sits up
"Yeah, sure. So what's up now? I'm still curious, you know" she walks forward and sits dwn beside her brother
"I am just nervous"
"Because of a party, I guess"
She laughs "Oh okay. My brother is finally going out. You are now a real man"
Lance rolls his eyes. Veronica notices and sits up straight again "Okay sorry. Why are you nervous?"
Lance shrugs and looks down at his hands "I don't know. This one boy invited me, Keith, and we just became friends, well I think we are friends, and I guess I am nervous?"
"And you are sure that it isn't a crush-"
"Sorry. Okay, but calm down"
"I'm trying"
Now Veronica rolls her eyes "But it's normal, being nervous I mean. You just became friends and you don't want to fuck this up" Lance shrugs and nods at the same time "Also, isn't Keith this one bad boy at your school? Mhh my bro is getting into businesses with a bad boy tm" she laughs and Lance turns red, like really red.
"Wow, Lance, no need to get so red. You sure you aren't into-"
"No, shush, no crush. Just friends, I hope, no I know"
Veronica sighs and stands up "If you say so. Do you need a ride to or from the party later?"
"Yeah, both would be great. Also we need to pick up Pidge first" Veronica nods and walks out of Lance's room, also closing the door behind her.
Lance sighs another time and looks frustrated in the mirror. Like those moments you look in the mirror to collect and sort your thoughts.
"Ten minutes, Lance" Pidge says
"I know I-"
They cut him off "It didn't take you even ten minutes to call me back"
"But I need-"
"Because of your fucking outfit?"
They both stay silent again "So you gonna help me?"
"No, ask Rachel. She has better fashion sense than you" and on that they hung up.
Lance was offended. Rachel had better fashion sense that him. Pidge was anything but right, he thought. No, he can handle this on his own, and he will prove it.
He opened his closed and took out jeans, that are a little lighter than normal blue, a black belt for the, and a yellow-orange t-shirt, with a little longer sleeves than normal, but not too long.
He changes in the clothes and looks at himself in the mirror. Soft boy. Yeah, you can call it like that.
No matter how good Lance looks, he still will use make up. Not much, just a little concealer, and he will fill his eyebrows a little -is that how you say it?-
However. Hair. Curly, or straight? Curly, to surprise all the people who only know him with straight hair.
White sock and blue converse. Look complete, and also time to go.
He texts Pidge real quick, and not to his surprise, they were ready a long time ago.
He and Veronica drive to Pidge's house and then to Keith. But of course a few blocks away, so they, like Lance said, "seem cool".
"So let me get this straight. You will search for Keith, make lovey dovey eyes at him, harass him with your pick up lines, and I will do what?" Pidge asks
"i don't know. search for your brother and make pictures of him, you can use them as blackmail later. Or even better, make pictures of everyone, then you can rule half of the school" he looks down at them and smiles awkwardly.
"Yeah okay, I will do that" they take out their phone, and an extra camera
"You always have this camera with you?"
"Only when I'm going out. Who knows what can happen"
Lance rolls his eyes "I forgot you don't trust reality". Pidge shrugs and turns on the camera.
Once they arrive, the go inside together, then stare at each other, nod, and then go in different directions.
"Keith, your boyfriend is here"
"He is not my boyfriend, Shiro"
"Sorry, I mean husband"
"UUUGGGhh. You know what, whatever" he walks away from Shiro and in the direction of the living room, searching for Lance.
He actually didn't need look too long. Lance looked like a lost puppy.
Keith walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, and Lance turns around"Hi"
"Hi, you actually came" Keith scratches his neck
"Yeah, why wouldn't i, we are friends after all right. Also people need to see me today" Lance poses dramatically. Keith couldn't help but smile at that, everyone would smile, believe me.
"So do you wanna drink something?"
"Sure, what do you have?"
"Vodka, Tequila, Beer, and stuff Matt brought, but it is unnamed, so I don't know what it is. For all I know it could be bleach"
Lance's eyes widen a little, but go back to normal after a while. "Let's get Vodka and Tequila"
"You wanna drink it without anything?" he raises a brow and leads Lance in the kitchen where all the alcohol is
"Yeah. It may not be the best, but I will be wasted at the end and I for sure will have a bad hangover, regardless of what I'll drink. The goal is just to get super, super drunk" Keith looks concerned at him and takes one bottle of each.
"Okay now, where is your room?"
"It's really crowded here, and really loud"
"I thought people need to "see" you today" Keith smirks
"Oh shut up Mullet"
"It's not a Mullet"
"Yeah sure, Mullet Man"
Keith sighs "You know what, it doesn't matter, let's just go to my room and get drunk"
"Now I like that attitude"
Keith takes Lance's free hand and pulls him with to his room.
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