I'll use your skin as a carpet
"So, how did the talk go?" Pidge asks as soon as Lance came back
"The talk with Allura or Shiro?" he asks and sits down beside Hunk. He takes his lunch out and starts eating the food his mother did for him.
"You already managed to talk both of them?"
Lance nods "Well, not exactly" he bites in his sandwich "I went to Shiro and before I could talk to him, I saw Allura flirting with him again, so I went up to them and broke up with her. Then I just talked with Shiro and his friends" he explains with a full mouth of food.
"You broke up with Allura? I'm sorry buddy" Hunk says between chewing on his food
"It's okay. I'll eventually get over it"
Lance was actually hurt. Well who wouldn't after a break up, especially when you act as if it doesn't really bothers you. He really liked Allura, and they were almost for three in a relationship. If Lance would be hones, he would say that he thought it will last longer. But like they say, everything has an end.
If you think about it, it's sad that not everything is forever. Everything will just eventually end. And if you overthink it, it will just get scary, and maybe even more sad.
After lunch the three went to their next class. For Lance it was chemistry, a beautiful lesson to fall asleep. Actually he could fall asleep in every lesson. He would stay home every day the whole year, but it's school we are talking about, so he needs to go and suffer the whole day, like every teenager. Man being a teenager is hard.
Lance eventually survived the day, not the day but the part where school is a part of it.
After his last period he didn't see any of his friends so he just went home, what also didn't take long, because he lives nearby.
"Mama, I'm home"
"Mama is out, she'll be back in an hour" Rachel, who was sitting on the couch and watching TV, said.
Rachel is Lance's twin. If they both were the same gender, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the apart.
It was like that in kindergarten. They both had short hair and no one could tell them apart except their mother, and that sometimes was problematic.
In middle school Rachel also cut her hair as short as Lance's so they could switch classes. And surprisingly no one ever noticed. Until one day, when Lance became friends with Hunk. Hunk always noticed. Then they stopped doing it, because Hunk was a little snitch back then.
"Do we have food?"
Rachel shakes her head "She is out, to get food"
Lance nods and walks upstairs in to his room. He did his homework in the 'I'm going to do it really fast, because I don't actually want to do them but I need to' mode. It may isn't correct, but at least he finished it in less than an hour. On the right time when his mom came home.
Lance run down stairs and hugged his mom "Hello Mama"
"Hey mijo" she smiles and hugs back. After the hug she gives him the groceries she bought
"What will you cook?"
"Lasagna" Lance smiles and walks happily in the kitchen.
His mothers lasagna is the best. It'S like she went into the food wars anime and was the female Yukihiro.
"Oh and Lance. Call your sister, you two will help me" lance and Rachel groan.
After they finished cooking they cleaned the kitchen. And when the food was ready they called Veronica and Marco, also Lance's siblings.
"How was your day Mama?" Veronica asks
"It was alright. Like always, sweetie. How was yours?"
She sighs and falls back on her chair "Stressful! You know like colleges are" she said and continues to eat
"I guess your day was the same then, Marco" Marco just nod and eats his Lasagna
Now she is the one to sigh.
"Okay. Lance, Rachel how were your days?" she looks in their direction and smiles
"Same boring day, like always , Mama" Rachel says
"I broke up with Allura" he shrugs and his mother looks concerned at him
"Are you okay, Lance?"
Their mother is the best mother you probably could have. She is always caring, she knows when something is up and when the right time is to talk to her children, or even leave them alone because they need their time. Of course she isn't always nice, she also is strict sometimes and doesn't allow her kids everything.
She is doing good as a divorced woman. She decided she wanted a divorce when she had a fight with her ex husband. It wasn't anything special, she just noticed that the had fights more often and that she didn't love him anymore.
However, now she is doing perfectly fine. Her kids support her, so she don't need a an. Veronica, Marco, Rachel, and Lance still visit their father once a month, so everyone is happy.
"At least in someones life is something going on" she said while rolling her eyes.
"Oh Lance, we won't be visiting Papa this weekend, I have plans there" Rachel explained
"What the fuck?"
"Mijo, language" she rolled her eyes again
"No, wait. You knew that we will see him this weekend for an eternity, you can't just cancel that!" he furrows his eyebrows "Veronica, Marco did you know this?" they both nod
"Why are you so upset? We will see him in two weeks then" Rachel simply says
"Because I canceled all my plan because of this weekend. And why did you even plan this without me?"
"You just weren't there at the time, Lance" Veronica tries to calm him down
"And? You could've waited for me, or the better idea would be that Rachel would cancel her plans like I did!"
"Lance, why does it upset you so much?" Marco puts his hand on Lance's shoulder
"Because you just didn't ask me. Did plan this without me. I needed to cancel all my plans with my friends, Rachel couldn't do the same?" he showed Marcos hand off of him
"Mijo, please calm down" she says with a tired voice, she is obviously tired of this shit
"Mama, did you know that they talked with Papa?" she nods and Lance just got angrier
"Lance, we know you get sensitive when it come to Papa-"
Lance cuts his brother off "The why did you even- Oh my God, I'm so upset"
"Don't bring God in it" his mother said, while eating
"You know, it wouldn't be too hard to call me or text me and fucking ask me if it's okay with me. Do I even exist to you, at least sometimes?"
"Lance, don't start with that, you know we love you" Veronica explains
Lance rolls his eyes and stands up "Whatever, I need time for myself, I need to calm down" he walk to the door puts his Vans on and first walks in the garage.
When Lances father still lived with them , he hid his cigarettes in the garage in their old car, that doesn't even function anymore for your information.
So Lance sometimes took the cigarettes and smoked one or two. He doesn't do that too often and after his father left his mother started smoking and is doing the same, so he still does it when he has hard times.
No one would ever think that Lance has hard times. He is the flirty happy Lancey Lance, no one would even assume that he may has shitty times. He doesn't even want anyone to know.
Lane takes the whole pack and a lighter, that he found on the table, and walks in the park beside the school.
No one usually hangs around there after school. There are cooler places in this town, so why would the teenagers be somewhere where you could see the school. Sure, some teens go there, but only to deal with drugs. Lance witnessed it a couple of times, but he really doesn't gives a shit.
When he arrives at the park, he sits down on one of the swings and swings a little.
He takes out the cigarettes and lights one. He inhales the smoke and watches cars drive past the school.
"You smoke?"
Lance turns around and sees Keith standing behind him "Hey, mullet boy"
Keith walks to the other swing and sits down "I told you to stop calling me that"
"Whatever" he shrugs. He takes out the pack of cigarettes again and holds the to Keith "Want one?"
Keith nods and gladly takes one. Lance gives him the lighter and Keith lights his cigarette
"I didn't really think that you smoke too" Lance said
"Have been for a long time. Shiro doesn't like it, but it's hard to quit" he said while looking at the smoke he just exhaled
"No one likes it when high school students smoke" Keith nods in agreement
"I don't smoke that often" Lance said after a while of silence. Keith just hums.
"Why did you even walk up to me? I thought you couldn't stand me?" Lance asks
"I never said that. I jut don't like to socialize. And you aren't that bad actually, I know people who are worse" he explained
They stayed again in silence. Not an uncomfortable, a relaxing one. You only could hear how cars drive by and the inhaling and exhaling from the boys of the smoke.
"Why are you here, and alone. Don You have friends?" the mullet boy breaks the silence
"Just needed time for myself. And you, I know you probably don't have any friends, but still" lance says awkwardly
"I needed time for myself too, I guess. What happened that you need time for yourself, if you don't mind me asking"
"Had a little fight with my siblings and maybe mother, I don't know. And you?"
"Just wanted to be alone" the both nod, not knowing how to continue this conversation.
"Hey, um, Shiro is throwing a party this weekend , wanna come?" Keith asks and scratches his neck with his free hand
"Wohh, the anti social emo edgy mullet head is asking me to a party? Since when so nice, Keith?" Lance jokes
Keith roll his eyes and then look at Lance "So? Yes or no?"
"Yes, I guess. I don't have anything better to do"
"Okay. Give me your phone number so I can send you the details later" he holds out his phone and lance types in his number
"Just don't fall in love , mullet" Lance laughs
"Shut up, or I'll use your skin as a carpet"
lances eyes widen "Okay, now I'm officially scared"
"That was a joke, idiot"
After Lance gave him his number and they finished smoking they said their goodbyes
"So, are we friends or what?" Lance asks before walking off
"No, I don't and won't have friends" Keith says without emotion
"I gave you a cigarette. We are friends" lance stated
"Whatever" Keith rolls his eyes and walks off first
Lance looks at Keith for a while and after a while he eventually goes home, now with a smile.
When he arrived he went to the garage again and put the pack of cigarettes on their place.
He greets his family and walks upstairs.
Keith is a nice person, nicer than Lance thought. They are right when they say don't judge someone by how they look.
The argument actually happened between my two cousins and their mother. Not exactly like I wrote it, but kind of like that
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