I'd beat up anyone, with my mom's wooden spatula, for you
I disappear sometimes, but I always come back
I lost the overview of the days,, so lets just pretend it's Friday
Trigger warning (mentions of scars and abuse)
On the next day, Keith woke up really happy. He couldn't stop smiling at himself. Well, once he noticed he was smiling he tried to hie it, he is still Keith the edgy boy, he can't ruin his image.
Shiro as always drove them to school. Matt's car is fine again, so the Holt's don't drive with them anymore.
Once they arrived at school, they all got out. Shiro and his friends went one way, and Keith the other.
He went to his locker as always, put some books inside and took some out. And when he closed it, Lotor was standing there.
"Hey Keith. Long time no see" he smiled. Keith rolls his eyes and just goes the other way "Wait" Lotor catches up "What's wrong, not happy to see me?"
Keith stops and looks at the taller with an angry face "After all you've done? Of course I'm not happy. Just leave me alone, Lotor" then he continues to walk, probably to where Lance and the others always are
Lotor catches up "No can do. However, how are your beautiful marks?"
Keith stops once again "Marks? Beautiful? You dare to call these scars beautiful. Do you know what you've done to my mental health?"
Lotor keeps a straight face "Come on, I needed to mark you somehow"
"What are you? A fucking animal? Honestly, stop it. I don't want to see your face again" he turns away to walk away, once again, but Lotor grabs him by his arm "What the fuck, let me go!"
Lotor leans down to Keith "Listen here you little bitch" his grip tightens "Don't you even dare to be mean to me. You know how it can harm you, don't you? Remember what happened to you in your past? Don't think you can escape that treatment"
"Keith!" both Keith and Lotor look up, it was Shiro with his friends. Keith pulls his arm away and runs over to his bother "Are you okay Kira?"
"Just fine"
"Well, see you around Keith" Lotor smiles and then leaves
Shiro turns to Keith "What did he do?" Keith was shaking "Hey, hey, don't worry he is gone" he wouldn't stop "Come on to a quieter place" he takes his hand and takes him outside, where no one is to see.
They both kneel down, Keith still shaking "Okay Keith, tell me five things you can see" Shiro completely focuses on his brother
Keith's voice is shaky "Ehm, trees, fence, grass, the school, and cars"
"Four things you can touch or feel"
Keith takes deep breaths before answering "Your backpack, you, my clothes, the bikes over there"
"Great. Three things you can hear?"
"Your voice, the wind, and, and myself?"
"You doing great Aki. Two things you can smell?"
Keith looks around, slowly calming down "Gross cafeteria food, gasoline"
"One thing you can taste"
"The sandwich in your hand"
Shiro smiles "Better?" Keith nods "Good"
Keith looks up at Shiro "Lotor threatened me. He wanted to hurt me again. Shiro, I'm scared"
"He won't. Trust me. You have Adam, Matt, Curtis, Lance and his friends, and me, we won't let him"
Keith tried not to let the flashback get to him. All the beating, cutting, bruises, burns, scars, cries, screams. It was a lot. Lotor didn't know when to stop. He would only if something distracted him. Until that would happen, he would cut him, hit him with every heavy object he could find. He would put his cigarettes out on Keith's skin. No, no, no, no. He doesn't want it to come back.
No, no, no, no.
He won't let the memories get him. Now he has people who really will protect him, who love him, who won't harm him.
"Thank you, Takashit"
Shiro rolls his eyes "That nickname again?"
"That's for using 'Aki' and 'Kira'" he smiles slightly at the older
"Are you ready to go back?" Keith nods "Alright, what class do you have now?"
They stand up "Chemistry with Lance"
"Let's come find him" Keith nods once again.
They went inside and found Adam, Matt, and Curtis immediately "Are you okay?" Adam asks
"Yeah, now I'm fine. Thank you"
"Katie just texted me, asking where you are. I told them to come here"
"Mattress" the group of the older turn around and see the younger group walking up to them
"Call me Mattress again, and I swear to god I'll tell mom who you've been hacking"
They roll their eyes "Keith what took you so long?"
Shiro frowned, but before he could say anything, Keith answered "Eh, Lotor showed up"
"I'm sure Rachel has one of mom's wooden spatulas with her, and I can call Vero and her girlfriend to beat that walking L'Oreal ad up" Lance walks up to his boyfriend and takes both his hands in his
Keith smiles at the small and gentle movements "It's okay. Thank you, Lance"
Matt leans down to their sibling "Are they dating now?"
Pidge looks up confused "They weren't before?"
They both stare at each other for a hot second and then look at Lance and Keith, who were really close to each other, then looked at each other again and nod. Knowing exactly that the two in fact were dating. The energy says it all.
"Ready to go to chemistry?" Lance asks
"Yup" and on that, they headed to class.
Curtis looked at his friends "Are they dating?"
Shiro nods "Yes. You guys don't know what I walked in on" Pidge looks disgusted "No Pidge, not that"
"Oh okay" they put their resting bitch face back on.
"Lance?" lance hums in response "Would you really beat up Lotor with your mom's wooden spatula?"
He nods "Yes, and I would also steal my moms slipper too hit him with it"
Keith smiles "Thank you"
Lance puts them on a halt and kisses Keith on the cheek "I would protect you at all cost, okay?" Keith nods smiling and Lance kisses him again, this time on the lips.
Keith is really happy to have Lance. He is really different than Lotor. He actually cares about him.
Sure it's a norm in relationships, but he could never experience it until now. Lance makes him feel special, loved, and that is the best feeling he could ever ask for.
He doesn't want to lose the Lance- wait. He will be gone in less than a year.
Kolivian, Krolia, Blades of Marmora.
I'm sorry this chapter is a little short.
Also the technique Shiro used to calm Keith down is called 'the grounding technique'
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