Don't involve your distrust in the government
For my previous chapter. Don't smoke kids
When Lance woke up, Keith was already gone.
He sits up and stares into nothing for good a minute, thinking about the happening of yesterday night. His faces flushes red and he hides it in his face, even thought he is alone.
After maybe another minute, he stands up, as much as you can in a tent, and walks out. He finds everyone already awake and eating breakfast, or lunch, he has no idea what time it is.
"Good morning" Shiro greets him
"Oh no, you're awake? It was peaceful without you" Pidge says
"Ha ha, very funny Pidgeon. What time is it anyways?" he sits down beside Pidge
Shiro gave him a sandwich and coffee, and then sat down beside Adam "Almost eleven. Did you sleep well?"
Lance takes a bite out of his sandwich and nods "Better than I thought"
"Next time Matt can sleep with them" Pidge starts "I couldn't sleep at all, he was snoring like it was the end of the world" they roll their eyes at Matt
"As you were any better" Matt crosses his arms "You were kicking me the whole night with your gremlin legs"
"Guys don't fight. It's too early for that shit" Adam says and takes a sip of his coffee
"It's nearly eleven, babe"
"Exactly" Shiro chuckles and hugs his boyfriend, in which Adam hugs back
"Get that homo shit outta my face"
"You're just jealous, Keith" Adam smiles at him
"You got that right" Keith answers back "But also I just feel lonely" His eyes wander over to Lance, only to catch Lance staring back at him. They both look away quickly.
"If you wouldn't be so emo, you would find yourself a boyfriend, Kira" Shiro says
"I still can't get over it that Shiro call Keith Akira, or Kira" Lance shakes his head
"Yeah, I hate that name" Keith rolls his eyes
"Why" Lance raises a brow "I like it, it's cute" he shrugs and finishes his breakfast
Keith's cheeks flush red "Thanks, I guess" Lance smiles at him
"A minute ago you were complaining about the gay shit now you do the gay shit" Adam says with a blank face
Keith turns more red "Oh, shut up"
"What is it Keithy" Lance starts "do you have something against being gay with me" he smirks "You got really sexual in the car yesterday"
Keith hides his face in his hands "Oh my god, stop this is so embarrassing"
"Don't talk yourself out of it, Lance" Pidge says "It seemed like you were enjoying the act yesterday"
"S-shut up, Pidge"
"You're not denying it" now they are the one smirking
"I mean" Lance also goes red "It wasn't bad"
"Kate, you're turning him on" Matt whispers loudly, what a paradox
"Watch your mouth, Matt. I once saw how you look at Curtis"
Shiro and Adam look over at him "Is that true?" Shiro laughs
"It is" Pidge confirms "Sometimes it's 'talk about Curtis' Friday and you need to prepare yourself for maybe an hour to listening to the shit he talks about"
"Pidge, don't expose me like that"
"We can help you with Curtis" Adam says
"Yeah, you could've told us earlier"
"So we just gonna forget about Lance's and Keith's pining, okay" Pidge looks down at their coffee
"Yeah right" Matt doesn't want to talk about his crush "Lance, you said you liked what Keith did the other day"
Lance has calmed down already "So, I'm not going to lie now, but that actually was hot, and I'm not complaining"
"I can't believe he actually just said that" Pidge shakes their head "Keith, the government has Lance, we gotta save him. Our Lance would never admin his gay thoughts"
"Eh sorry, it's bi thoughts, and it's really me, don't involve your distrust in the government" he crosses his arms
"Guys, I think Keith officially died" Adam says. Everyone looks at him
"R.I.P Keith Akira Kogane, died cause of gay panic" Matt says while closing his eyes and putting his hand on where is heart is "Sorry Lance, now you can't fulfill your Wattpad thoughts with him"
"Oh boy" Pidge laughs like a maniac "I once witnessed him reading something really nsfw"
"Pidge don't expose me please" Lance laughs awkwardly
"Same on Keith's side" Shiro says. Keith was still hiding his face in his hands
"I wouldn't expect that from him" Pidge says
Shiro nods "But it's true, it was a Drarry fanfiction. So unholy, later that day I hit him with a bible"
Keith shoots his head up, still red from his embarrassment, and points at Shiro "Don't act all innocent, Takashit. I saw you reading the exact same shit later that day"
Pidge bursts out in laughter "You all are disaster gays"
"You got that right" Shiro says while nodding "So Keith, did you calm down?"
Keith nods "Yeah I did" he smiles at absolutely nothing.
Soon after they finished eating, they changed into other clothes and got something to eat and drink and then put it in their bags. They wanted to wander a little. They didn't just make their way there just to sleep there and eat and then just drive back.
One thing Shiro, Adam, and Matt need to do, is look out for Keith. Something always happens to Keith.
Like said, he one time was found next to some weird ass dead thing. Once he came back with a deep cut on his arm. One time he almost fell down a cliff. And the list goes on.
After a couple of hours of walking, and Lance's complaining, they found a lake and cliffs from where they could jump off.
Shiro went into the water to see if it was deep enough to even jump of off the cliff, and it was, luckily.
Since, none of them brought any swim suits, they just went in the water with their underwear, and t-shirts if they wanted *cough cough* Pidge.
"Holy fuck, the water is cold as fuck" Lance whined
"Come one Lance, it will get warmer once you get used to it" Keith rolls his eyes.
Keith actually just wanted him in the water so he doesn't need to stare at Lance's chest. It would probably kill him, if he keeps staring at it.
"If you won't come in, I will take in you in my arms, drag you up there, and jump" Keith points at the cliff
Lance tries to step in once again, but goes away from the water "Yeah- no, not a chance"
Keith starts to walk out, Lance took that as a signal to run away. But that bi disaster got distracted by Keith's chest. And not only because it was hot, of course also of that but, his chest was full of scars. But he tried not to stare, look, so obviously.
Everyone noticed, but they're smart enough to not point it out.
Keith grabs Lance by his hands and starts to pull him towards the cliff. After maybe good five minutes they were up there.
"This is higher than it looked from down there" Lance comments
"We still need to talk about yesterday" they both look down
"I liked it" Keith says "What happened yesterday, I mean"
Lance looks at Keith then back down "Yeah me too"
They stay silent for a couple of minutes.
It's not that they don't want to talk about it, they just don't know how to start or what to say. Sure, it might come off as easy "why not just say that they really like each other". The thing is, it's not easy to talk about feelings, it never was. And there is always that little fer that the other doesn't feel the same.
What if the other just wanted to joke. What if they only meant it friendly. What if they use me as a replacement. There are always what ifs.
For Keith the situation might be a little more complicated. Since he will be gone after this school year, it doesn't really seem lie a good idea. Still he doesn't think about that right now, right the he is concerned if Lance actually feels the same.
"JUMP COWARDS" Matt shouts from down-below
"WE ARE ALRIGHT UP HERE" Lance shouts back "So yeah, this is actually kind of awkward" he adds
"Yeah, tell me about it" Keith scratches his neck
Lance turns to Keith "Okay, so I'm scared about my feelings right now" Keith also turns to Lance "But I will say that I don't regret anything, and I like you for a while now, and that time in school when we talked about our crushes, I was talking about you. And I was really happy when you asked me, if I wanted to come with you guys on this trip. Also I liked the kiss, you're a good kisser" Keith looks him in the eyes "Okay, wow, I just really confessed here"
Keith sighs loudly and smiles "Oh my god, okay, that's good, I was scared"
"What do you mean?"
"Okay, I thought you don't feel the same. I don't know. But yeah, I also like you for a while now, and am really happy you confessed now"
"Wait so you feel the same?"
Keith nods "Yeah. Do you really think I would hang out with people I don't like"
"You hang out with Matt"
"Matt's a rat" Lance nods understandably "Also, it was really out of character to do the thing I did in the car, and you don't know what was going on in my head when you said you thought it was hot"
Lance smiles a little embarrassed "You don't know what was going on in my head. I had lewd thoughts back at that moment. Also it takes my whole strength not to stare at your chest all the time. I mean, you're seventeen, why do you have abs?" Lance says nervously "Not that I'm complaining, it's an amazing view- Okay I'm rambling" he shuts himself up. Not wanting to say something unnecessary.
"Well, first of, thank you. And second- there is no second, I can only say the same, I try to control my eyes right now, just focusing on your face"
They both get red again.
"Shall we?" Keith asks
Lance nods "Yeah, on three?"
Keith nods "One"
Lance looks at Keith's hand "Two. Can we hold hands?"
Keith looks at Lance and then at his hand "Sure" he takes Lance's hand "Three"
They both jump and scream as if they're dying.
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