Part 6
(I caught the illness from mf Chester and im so sick rn yippeee)
Chester's pov:
I woke up with my head hurting on a wonderful Saturday morning. Or afternoon since it's 1pm. After all the yelling I got from Mandy yesterday, I believe I've finally learnt the lesson and will notify her if my plans change. I mean I get it and I'm glad she worries about me, but shaking me by my shoulders and yelling at me for 20 minutes because I got sick is a bit too much.
On the sickness part I actually no longer have a fever, I have no idea what magic rituals Edgar performed on me that it went away that fast. My throat started hurting though and I'm coughing quite a lot, which is fair enough I guess.
I walked out of my room and saw Mandy watching tv in the living room. I walked past the couch she was sitting on and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and some breakfast.
-Don't bother with making food, I made you some french toast. -Mandy said without taking her eyes off of the tv.
-Oh thanks. -I said, a bit surprised.
I put some water into the kettle and waited for it to boil while I munched on the toasts. Once I've prepared my tea, I returned to my cave (room) and checked my phone. I certainly didn't expect a message from Edgar.
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
How r u doing
Chester (prankster🎁)
Im doin gud
How ar ya😘
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Im good aswell
Ur spelling is horrible
Big yikes
Chester (prankster🎁)
I kow i tupe fats
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Chester (prankster🎁)
I know i type fast
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Chester (prankster🎁)
Fine ill try harder
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Already better
I was about to have a stroke
Chester (prankster🎁)
Okay its not that bad
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
It was
But hows ur illness
Do u still have a high temp or anything else?
Chester (prankster🎁)
Only my throat hutrs im fine otherwis
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Well im glad then
Chester (prankster🎁)
U are??😍
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Chester (prankster🎁)
Yuo care about me dont u?
U were worries for me? Aw the poor baby!😝
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
I wasnt
Im just curious since u were at mine yesterday
Chester (prankster🎁)
Ye ye sureeee
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Fym sure
I couldnt care less about u
Chester (prankster🎁)
Wow, rude😔
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Im gonna go repaint my nails
The black is coming off
Chester (prankster🎁)
Ooo yea I saw ir nails when inwas ag urss
Theyre so edgy and cooool
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Thx ig
Chester (prankster🎁)
Ive been wanitng to paint mine for a while
Idk what color tho
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
U seem like someone who would paint their nails rainbow
Chester (prankster🎁)
Amazing idea Eddie!
Ill get different color on each nail
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Ew dont call me eddie my mom calls me that
Chester (prankster🎁)
Oopsie sorry ed
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Its ok
Chester (prankster🎁)
Well ill go get the nail polihs then
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Stop copying me
Chester (prankster🎁)
Stop the hate, appreciate!😩
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
What can i say
Im a hater
Chester (prankster🎁)
Well ill masg u later then😘
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Bye 👋
-Hey Mandy I'm gonna go to the store real quick.
-Okay. But could you bring me some candy? And a monster actually.
-Sure thing. So Pipeline punch and cherry gummy candy right?
-You know me too well. Oh and—
-If I find Hello Kitty fizzy PEZ candy, I'll grab 'em.
-I tamed you well. -Mandy giggled.
-I'm not a dog!
-Didn't say you were.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I walked out the door. After waddling down the stairs, I exited the building and started walking towards the store. It wasn't very far, it only took me a few minutes to get there. As I walked between the isles looking for the candies, I ran into Bibi and another guy.
-Hey Bibi, didn't expect to see you here! Also may I ask who this gentleman is? -I greeted.
-Oh you haven't properly met yet, this is Fang, and Fang this is Chester. -Bibi introduced us.
-Hi, nice to meet you buddy. -Fang shook my hand.
-Nice to meet you too! Actually you look pretty familiar... -I put two fingers on my chin.
-What can I say? I work in the film industry. -He said proudly.
-He's a part time cashier at the nearest cinema. -Bibi said with an annoyed face.
-Bibi sweetie why are you trying to ruin my image?
-What image? Also if you call me sweetie again, you can have a rendezvous with my Mr. Bat! -she said angrily.
-Uhm I think I'll go I have quite a few things to find and I don't want to bother you. -I said, trying to escape this awkward situation.
-Oh we don't mind you, but we can catch up after we finish our shopping. -Bibi smiled, while Fang raised an eyebrow at her.
-Okie dokie! We'll meet outside the store then. -I chuckled and then continued to be on the lookout for candy.
Once I acquired the candies, monsters and any other food items, I wandered to the other side of the store where various beauty products sat on the shelves. It took me a few minutes to find the nail polish section, there was just so much stuff there. I was looking for some colors that are more on the pastel side. In the end green, yellow, pink, blue and orange ended up being the chosen colors, i think they will look pretty cute.
After paying for all the stuff I bought, I put them into a plastic bag and headed out to the front of the store. Bibi and Fang were already waiting outside, coming over once they saw me.
-You finally finished! What took you so long? -Fang said annoyed, to which Bibi nudged him with her shoulder.
-Sorry that I made you guys wait, I was choosing some nail polish colors. - I said, scratching the back of my neck.
-Ooo lemme see! Are you gonna paint your nails? -Bibi asked excitedly as I showed her all the colors I got.
-Yea! I saw that Ed's nails were painted and it looked so cool! I wanted to try aswell but black is just not my color haha! -I chuckled.
-Omg show me when they're done I wanna see!
-I don't think I have your number tho.
-Oh you're right, sorry! Here. - she handed me her phone with her whatsapp on the screen. I pulled out my phone and typed it in.
-All done. Soooo what do we do noww? - I smiled.
-Well we should get back home now, we're only now starting our project, as Fang's finally fine. I heard from Ed that you were sick aswell. -Bibi explained.
-Yee I got drenched in the storm yesterday, I'm still coughing quite a lot.
-Aww well I hope you'll get better soon! -She said before we all said bye and parted ways.
I walked back to our apartment, struggling to get the keys in with the bag in my hand. When I entered the house, I saw Mandy vacuuming the floor.
-Oh hey Chester! I'm just doing a bit of cleaning, it was a bit dusty in here. -she said then went back to vacuuming.
-Oh okay. -I walked past her and started unpacking the plastic bag on the counter.
-Did you get Hello Kitty PEZ?
-I did! But I kinda ate it on the way here... -I giggled.
-Oh you little!! -Mandy began chasing me around with the vacuum in hand.
-HAHAHAHA I'm only joking! Jeez... -I put my hands up in defense. -I didn't find any.
-You are mean like a jellybean! We don't joke around when it comes to candy.
-Hehe sorry. -I put my tongue out, to which Mandy smacked me on my head.
-Ugh I'm so bored! -I whined to myself as I laid on my bed. I really want to do something fun with someone but Mandy is so antisocial, she doesn't even want to get off the couch. Should I really bother Edgar and ask him to hang out with me? I don't have any other friends around here yet. He's gonna think I'm up to something, we've literally been together all the time in the past few days. Well, it's worth a try.
Chester (prankster🎁)
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Chester (prankster🎁)
I am terribly bored
Wanna hang out??
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Why me
I dont go out
Chester (prankster🎁)
I dont have any other friends
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Sucks to be u
Chester (prankster🎁)
Please Eddd
Lets grab some ice cream
Its really hot today
I'll pay
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
Free ice cream? Heck yea
I'll be there in 20
Chester (prankster🎁)
Okie see you there :)
Edgar (emo boi🖤🧣)
See ya
I got up from my bed and pocketed my wallet for the second time today. I put some stuff into my bag and I went to put on my shoes.
-Where are you going again? -Mandy questioned.
-Just grabbing some ice cream with Ed.
-I swear, you're like a wild cat, wandering around all day.
-Still better than a house cat who lays around all day!
-EXCUSE YOU? I work for the both of us you bitch, I'm allowed to lay around! -she said, her face red from anger.
-I didn't say anything, what are you even on about? -I acted innocent.
-Thought so too. -she huffed.
Mandy went back to focusing onto the cooking show she was watching and I headed out. The sun was shining hard as there were no clouds on the sky to block the waves of light, but I didn't mind this because I love the sun. I love how the sunshine feels on my skin, so warm and so calming.
I walked along the roads, navigating my way through the neighborhood to find the ice cream shop. The heat was getting a bit too much though so I retreated into the shade of trees and houses. I slowly made my way to the shop, arriving just a few minutes before Edgar showed up.
-Sup. -He greeted, seemingly irritated by the sun.
-Hi Edd! I'm so glad you came! -I exclaimed happily.
-I said I would so here I am. -he smiled.
We started chatting as we stood in line for ice creams. There were a bunch of people, but it's honestly unsurprising with how the weather is. Edgar was in a long sleeve black shirt and his scarf which wasn't the most ideal with this weather, but at least he had shorts on.
-Gahh I'm burning in the sunnn! -He whined, still in line.
-Probably 'cause you're dressed in all black.
-I don't think I even have any lighter clothes, I just like wearing black, okay?
-Yea you gotta keep up the emo look! -I giggled.
-And you gotta keep up the clown look right? Whats with this goofy hat anyway? You wear it all the time. -he pointed at my jester hat.
-Oh this? I made it myself a few years ago! My grandpa used to work in the circus as a jester, and I wanted to be just like him when I was little. I actually joined a circus when I was 14 for like half a year until the circus moved.
-Wait what?? You used to work in a circus? -Edgar looked baffled.
-Yea haha, I really miss it actually. I only do acrobatics now.
-FUCK YOU MEAN ONLY? That's literally so epic, I can't even run a kilometer!
-Hahaha! Thank you Ed, it makes me happy that you find it cool. -I smiled at him, still chuckling.
-Bro you gotta show me your skills, you made me curious now! -his words made me blush a bit. Does he really think it's that cool?
-Sure! After we get ice cream, we can go to the playground that has like that fitness park part, that should do it. But now it's your turn! Tell me about that iconic scarf of yours! -I asked smiling, but his happiness faded instantly.
-Not here. Maybe another time. -he suddenly seemed sad.
-Are you okay Ed? -I put my hand on his shoulder, a tad bit worried if I said something wrong.
-Yea yea, it's just a hard topic. A bit too personal.
-I'm sorry! You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. - I reassured him -Oh it's almost our turn, sooo what flavor will you ask for?
I tried to get Edgar's mind off of whatever has upset him. I actually ended up buying 2 scoops of ice cream for both of us, and even though Edgar tried to pay for at least one scoop of his, I refused and paid for both of us.
-Okayy, now that we got our sweet cold cream, let's head to the fitness park. -I said as we started heading there.
-I'm too pale for sunny days like this, I'm gonna get sunburnt. -Edgar continued to whine.
-Oh wait, actually I found something when I was looking for my wallet. -I rummaged through my bag and pulled out exactly what I needed.
-An umbrella? -he looked confused.
-Yea! It can cover you from the sun! It's multifunctional you know.
-That's actually pretty smart, thanks. -he popped it open and put it above his head -Rainbow? Really?
I just chuckled as we continued to walk towards the playground,
2275 words
Im sorry this took so long to make, i fell down the stairs yesterday and fractured my ankle💀
We spent a good 4 hours in the ER waiting room so yea😘 at least there was a kid who played brawl stars with me so yippie
Part 7 is already in the works so ye💃
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