Part 4
(I made a new cover lets gooooo)
As soon as I opened the door to our apartment, I saw Mandy in the living room calling someone, almost in tears. When she heard the door open, she turned around and hugged me.
-Where were you Chester?! I was so worried! Why didn't you pick up my calls? I called you and texted you like a bazillion times! -she yelled.
-I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you I was at Edgar's for a group project. My phone died earlier on so I couldn't answer your calls. I'm sorry Mandy. -I apologized, hugging her.
-I was so worried, we're new in town and I thought something might've happened to you.
-Oh Mandy, I really didn't wanna make you worry, I even brought you a little present on my way home.
-Chester this is not the time for pranks.
-It's not a prank, I swear! You can beat me with the broomstick if I'm lying. -I put my hand on my heart.
-Okay, then show me your so called present.
I dropped my bag off of my shoulders, and started rummaging through it for Mandy's present. It sank to almost the bottom of my bag of course, but I managed to get it out and hand it to my sister.
-Look it's a peppermint candy plush! He has a cute little smile and a bag in his little hands! You can keep candy in his pouch, and I actually filled it for you!
-Aww it's really cute Chester! Thank you. But I'm still quite scared about the pouch. -Mandy said, fearing another prank.
-Honestly I don't even blame you anymore, here lemme show you.
I opened the pouch and put my hands in it, stirring the candy, then I picked out one and popped it into my mouth.
-See? It's not poisoned, the bag doesn't have spiders in it or anything, it's completely safe and tasty on top of that.
-Then I'll gladly take it, and thank you again Chester, I really appreciate it. -she smiled.
-Anything for my big sis. But could you give me another candy? It's actually really nice...
-Ah you! -Mandy giggled and handed me one.
Edgar's pov:
Friday morning I got ready for college and headed out. I walked to school at a slow pace, enjoying the fresh breeze the morning brought. Once I was near, I saw Chester coming from the opposite direction, so I waited for him at the gate.
-Morning. - I greeted him, hands still in my pockets.
-Oh hi! You didn't have to wait for me you know. -He said as we continued walking.
-It's fine. - I shrugged.
We entered the building and went to our class, sitting down at our desks.
-Ah thank fuck it's the friday we get to go home at 12. - I sighed.
-Wait what? I haven't fully checked our timetable yet.
-Oh, gimme a sec, I'll show you. Here. -I handed him my phone.
-Damn, this is lucky! I'm gonna love this friday!
-We all do buddy, we all do.
Shortly after Bibi arrived and soon the teacher followed. Classes had begun, one after the other, making us feel like the day is passing too slow. After our 5th class we could finally go have lunch and then go home after.
-Come on Ed, let's go get lunch, it's something actually decent today. -Bibi exclaimed.
-Chester are you coming? -I asked.
-Uhm nah, I'm not paid in for lunch. I don't eat that type of trash, I'll just go home and eat something.
-Actually why are we eating this monstrosity every day? And PAY for it?? - Bibi questioned.
-'Cause it's easier than packing food. -I explained.
-Soooo I guess I'll head off. Edgar uhm message me when you're home and I'll come over to finish the project. - Chester said.
-Okay dude, see you soon.
-Bye guys! -with that he walked off.
After Chester left, we went to grab our lunch from the cafeteria. Once we obtained the suspiciously good looking dino nuggets, we sat down at a table and began to chat.
-I completely forgot that you're working on this project with Chester. It must be so annoying, I bet you hate it. -Bibi said sympathetically.
-Not necessarily. He's actually nice and kinda fun too.
-What?!? But I thought you hated him after his pranks!
-Quiet down! But yea he did make me so pissed, but after yesterday I actually find him kinda cool. -I explained.
-You lost your mind Ed, it's not like you to forgive people so easily, especially to even make friends with them!
-Oh what do you know? -I rolled my eyes.
-I know just enough about you cause we've been friends for TEN FUCKING YEARS!
-Shut up Bibi! The whole fucking caf is watching us!
-Then what is it about him that made you like him so much?
-I don't like him that much, but he just seems like a cool guy. I just feel like we could be friends.
-I have no idea whats gotten into you that you started being so friendly with him, but I'll just drop it. -She crossed her arms.
We continued to eat, and soon after we finished, we headed home. The sky has been sunny all day, but as I was walking, clouds started to form. It didn't look like it was going to rain yet, but there is a great chance that it will later. Once I got home, I went up to my room. As I was laying on my bed, I messaged Chester saying that he can head over as soon as he's ready, and only a minute later he replied that he will be on his way shortly.
I dropped my phone next to myself, and stared at the ceiling. Chester should take like 30-40 minutes to get here, what do I do until then? My mom's still at work and she's working late anyway so I'll basically be alone with him. I both hate and somehow like that idea, but I don't get why I feel that way. The memory flashed in my mind of Chester's red face as I propped myself above him, making me blush aswell. Fuck, why am I thinking about this?
I got up to go wash my face with some cold water. I looked at myself in the mirror, and realized that I had totally smeared my eyeliner all over my face. I washed it off fully, and then returned to my room to play some games until Chester arrives.
After like twenty-odd minutes, it started raining, first in tiny drops, then the drops grew and fell more rapidly. In the matter of minutes, it was pouring outside. I still haven't heard from Chester, but I assumed he was on his way now, probably carrying the most clownish umbrella known to man. It's gonna be 1pm soon, hopefully we can finish the presentation quickly. We might play some games aswell, last time I actually had fun.
Another 20 minutes passed, yet there was no sign of pinkie. He might've had to turn back for his umbrella because of the rain, I thought to myself. But that was not the case, as moments later the doorbell rang. I went downstairs to open it and was met with Chester, absolutely drenched, his clothes had water dripping off them, and his hair was stuck to his face.
-Hey. -He greeted me, out of breath.
-What the fuck dude?! Get in right now! - I dragged him into the entryway and closed the door behind us -Why are you so drenched? Did you seriously not bring an umbrella or a raincoat or anything?? Oh my god, just wait here, I'll bring you a towel and some spare clothes. If I can even find any that fits you, you're quite tall.-I said, looking him up and down.
I went up to my room and fetched the baggiest clothes I own. A bigger hoodie and some spare sweatpants that I never wear. Then on my way back downstairs, I stopped by the bathroom to grab a towel aswell, tgen brought it all down to a shaken, dripping Chester.
-Here. Now, could you tell me why you decided to waterboard yourself in this apocalyptic weather?
-Uh well I was halfway here already when it started raining, and I tried to wait it out in a bus stop but it was only getting worse and the bus wouldn't come for a long time, so I decided to run for it. I know it was a shit idea, but in my mind I thought that each way is the same distance so might aswell get here. I didn't think I'd get this drenched honestly, and I'm sorry to be a nuisance. -he explained as he tried to dry his clothes with the towel.
-It's fine don't worry. Just maybe think about it a bit more carefully next time.- I advised.
-Yea I will. But ugh I'm so gonna get sick after this!
-Yup you probably will. Don't you wanna go home tho? Is there anyone that can pick you up?
-Uhm not really. My sister's at work but it's not like she can drive anyway.
-Oh that's not good. I mean my mom could take you home, but she won't be back for hours.
-That's fine, we're gonna work on the project for a while anyway and then we can do something until I can go home.
-Yea that works I guess.
Once Chester made sure his clothes weren't dripping anywhere, he took his jumper off along with his shirt in one go. I didn't get a chance to look away, and my eyes got stuck analyzing his body. He had pretty refined abs, biceps, and basically he was just hot. He's pretty muscly but you can't even see that through his clothes, I thought he was a skinny wimp like me, but now I just feel embarrassed. He probably works out but damn he looks hot as hell.
I could feel my face get warm and I looked away, embarrassed. You can't just stare at someone like that Ed! What would he even think of you?? Chester noticed my sudden movement and looked at me.
-Oh sorry, I thought you wouldn't mind me changing cause we're both dudes! -Chester apologized with a red face, covering his chest with his wet shirt.
-I-it's alright, I uh, I'll just wait for you in my room.-I tried to play it cool but failed miserably.
I walked up the stairs in shame, and plopped onto my bed, whisper-screaming into my pillow, so Chester wouldn't hear it. I fucking stuttered ughhhhhhh! I'm so fucking lame what the hell! I literally barely know the dude, why am I simping for him right now??
Just a moment later I heard the door open, as Chester entered my room, wearing my spare clothes.
-Dude I got so drenched outside, even my socks and underwear is soaking wet, yikes! But I won't ask for stuff like that as yea, just no. -he smiled and giggled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
-That would be so unhygienic, ew. -I made a disgusted face.-Now, should we continue with the project.
-Yea of course.
We sat down and picked up just where we left off. While I was writing the words on the slides, I kept misspelling stuff and I couldn't focus. My mind was full of images of Chester's abs, and the time I jumped on him, and the two images combined... OKAY BRAIN SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I PERFORM DIY LOBOTOMY ON MYSELF.
My face was red as a tomato, thankfully I was facing away from Chester so he couldn't see. He was busy finding sources for the slides anyway. I turned my head around to check on him and our eyes caught for a second, then he looked back onto his phone to continue his search.
-Found anything useful?- I asked, crossing my arms.
-Not much really, the sites keep repeating each other. I think we'll have to work with what we have.
We began to construct actual sentences instead of just notes and slammed some random pictures onto the slides. After just above an hour, we were done with it. Now comes the question, what should we do now?
2067 words
Yall Chester is canonically buff, he does acrobatics and is fit AF. 😍
Jesters are usually pretty good in acrobatics as they do cartwheels and shit to entertain their lord👀
This took unnecessarily long to write
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