Part 17
Edgar's pov:
As soon as I got home, my mother greeted me with a hug.
-How was the sleepover sweetie? And what did you end up doing yesterday? -she bombarded me with questions.
-Hear me out, Chester took me to a Draco concert!! -I told her with excitement.
-Oh my, isn't he your favorite singer? That's amazing sweetie! -she cheered after a moment of surprise.
-Yea! And the sleepover was super fun too. Actually I have something to tell you... -I said, my tone getting a little serious.
-Oh? What is it sweetie? -she tilted her head to the side in curiosity.
-Uhmm well... me and Chester are dating. -I blurted out.
After a moment of silence, I looked up at my mother as she pulled me into a hug.
-Oh my god Eddie I'm so happy for you! Chester is such a sweet boy, I trust that he will he good to you. Wait... *gasp* yesterday when you slept over, did you two..? -she questioned with a shocked expression.
-NO! No, no we didn't. Nothing like that, we just cuddled. -i looked away in embarrassment.
-I see. Well I'm here if you have questions, although I'm not quite sure about my knowledge on gay sex. -she chuckled as I reddened in embarrassment.
-Mom stoppp! -I pulled my scarf up into my face, walking up the stairs as I tried to escape the situation.
-I mean it! It's better to ask! -she yelled after me, chuckling in the end.
I went straight to my room, closing the door behind me before flopping down onto my bed. I laid face first in my pillows for a second before grabbing my phone to check my messages. Of course Chester had already texted me.
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Heyy babeeeee
Are you home yettttt
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Hey Chester
Yes I am home
I told my mom we're dating and shes happy
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Im gladdd🫶
Anyway i wanted to ask something
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Oh? Go ahead
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Would you perchance..
Care to go on a date with me?
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Why would i say no lol
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Idkkk im nervous
But yayy
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Ur so silly :)
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Is tomorrow afternoon good?
After school
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Sure im free
But just saying, after a monday my expectations will be high
Gotta impress me you know ;)
Chester(clown boy🖤)
I was gonna aim for impressing you anyway haha
Lets meet at that hill at the outskirts of town
You know the one we saw from ur roof
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Ooo sounds cool
What time?
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
I guess i dont need to dress up fancy do i
Chester(clown boy🖤)
Maybe another time ;)
I'd love to see you in something fancy
But ye you can dress casual
Ed(emo lover💕💗💞)
Well it's settled then
Already excited haha
We continued messaging back and forth, chatting away about the most random stuff. No one has ever made me smile through messages, especially not making me giggle and kick my feet like a high school girl. He was totally ruining my tough guy personality.
Soon it got late and I went to shower, to which Chester responded "without me?🥺". He always manages to get on my nerves yet somehow makes me chuckle too. Anyways I quickly washed myself and then got ready for bed. I chatted with Chester for a bit before wishing him a good night, and going off to bed myself.
After a while, I lay still awake, unable to fall asleep. I missed the comfort of Chester's presence, and I just couldn't stop thinking about him. After stirring in bed for almost an hour, I came up with a substitute. I grabbed one of my big pillows, cuddling up to it as if it was a person. Hmm somethings still not right. I thought for a second, before grabbing Chester's cologne that he gave me, spraying it on the pillow. I cuddled up to it again, taking a deep breath and it sure smelled like Chester now.
Gosh this is embarrassing and cringey, I'd die if someone saw me do this. Even though it was cringe, the comfort that this pillow brought me was enough to help me fall asleep.
Next morning I woke up to my alarm, urging me to get up and start my day. I groaned and went to get ready, dressing up and putting on eyeliner. I was so not ready to go back to school, thankfully summer is just around the corner, so our suffering will soon end.
Once I finished my breakfast, I put my trusty boots on and headed off to school. I walked slowly, admiring all the bushes and trees that still had drew drops on them from the night, the little droplets reflecting the light back, making the plants sparkle in the early sunlight. I listened to my music while looking up at the leaves and smiling. For the first time in forever I felt truly joyful.
I walked through the school gate, humming along the tune to the song that played through my headphones. Suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulders, so I turned around and was met with Chester who had a cheerful smile on. I slid my headphones down to my neck so I could greet him.
-Morning Chester. -I smiled at him softly.
-Good morning babyyyyyy!! -He jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly.
-Hii! -I giggled, patting his back, a little surprised by his enthusiasm.
-I missed you so much! -He whined, giving me a quick kiss.
-I missed you too. But could I ask you something?
-Oh sure, what is it my love? -he tilted his head in curiosity.
-Could we keep our relationship low profile? Not like a secret, just maybe not be too obvious. I gotta keep up my edgy emo look and it would be hard if you're calling me cute little nicknames and making me giggle all the time. -I explained. I was nervous he'd take offense, but when I looked up he still had a smile on.
-Aw of course, if that makes you comfortable then I can hold myself back a little. -he chuckled.
-Thank you Chester, I appreciate it. -I kissed his cheek.
-Anything for you sweetheart. I also hate the pressure that people put on couples in school, and I wouldn't mind avoiding that. -he explained, intertwining his hand with mine as we walked towards the building.
As we entered the building he released my hand, only holding onto my pinky finger with his. I couldn't help but smile a little from his attempt at being affectionate without it looking obvious. Once entering the classroom he let me go ahead in the doorway, and we made our way to our desk at the back.
-Morning. -Fang greeted us, already at his desk.
-Hi Fang. -I smiled at him as I sat down.
-You seem oddly cheerful today. -He raised an eyebrow.
-Do I? I just slept pretty well. -I shrugged.
-Hmm yea, I don't believe that. -he crossed his arms, eyeing me.
-Can I tell him? Please please can I?? -Chester whispered into my ear excitedly.
-Go ahead Chester. -I sighed, a smile creeping onto my face.
-Tell me what? -Fang had a confused expression.
-We are dating! -Chester whisper-yelled with a massive smile, following up with a giggle.
-Wait WHAT?! -Fang's eyes widened.
He looked at me to get a confirmation on this, and I just nodded. He looked so confused, baffled even, struggling to come up with words. Seconds later Bibi arrived, and as she was about to sit down, Fang grabbed her shoulders and shook her.
-BIBI! Did you know that these bitches are dating??? -He asked, still not believing it completely.
-WHAT?!? YOU GUYS ARE DATING?? -She turned to us, slamming his hands on our desk.
-Shut up! We don't want the whole class to know! -I shushed them.
-So it is true! Well congratulations my dudes, hope y'all are happy together. -Bibi smiled, clearly taking it smoother than Fang.
-We are. -I chuckled, holding Chester's hand under the desk.
-Bibi how are you not surprised?? -Fang turned to her.
-Have you not seen them together before? It was so obvious they liked each other. -she scoffed with a teasing smile.
-What?? No it wasn't! You're a witch Bibi... -Fang huffed, crossing his arms.
-Your mom's a witch! -she spat back.
-Don't talk about my ma like that, she made you orange chicken specifically because you said you wanted to try it!
-Okay yea I take it back, your mom is really sweet. And your grandma is super cute, I always end up chatting with her. -Bibi chuckled.
Moments later the teacher came in and our classes had begun. Minutes went by slowly each class, and the classes went by slowly throughout the day. Finally at lunch time I had a moment of peace. The food seemed eatable, so the 4 of us sat down to eat in the cafeteria. Chester munched on his packed food as usual, while we ate the definitely unhealthy cafeteria food.
Once we put our trays back, we went out to the garden for a little since we still had time from our lunch break. We all sat under a tree, as the sun was shining brightly from above, blinding anyone who dared look its way. I sat down next to Chester, leaning my head on his shoulder as I enjoyed the sounds of nature with my eyes closed.
-I think we're gonna go back, I uhm have some homework to do for next class. Come on Fang! -Bibi said, standing up.
-What? Why me? -He questioned confused. I saw Bibi giving him 'the look' to which he finally understood what she was tryna do.
-Ohhhh! Y-yea sure i'll come help you with your homework! -he got up aswell and they walked away, leaving me and Chester alone.
I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought that they wanted to give us privacy, which was sweet from them. I hugged Chester's arm, my head still leaning on his shoulder. We sat there in comfortable silence for a while, until I felt Chester poke my shoulder, making me open my eyes again. He had a tiny blue flower in his hand, he probably plucked it from somewhere in the grass around us.
-A beautiful flower for a beautiful guy. -He said with a smile, handing me the flower.
-Aww, Chester! -I chuckled, taking the little flower from him, and looked at it closely.
-My love language is little gifts so expect me to hand you random stuff every now and then. -He giggled, kissing my forehead.
-I'll make sure to cherish each present you give me. -I smiled.
This might've caught Chester off guard, as his cheeks went red and his eyes sparkled from my words.
-I think I'm gonna marry you. -He said quietly, almost a whisper as he stared at me with love filled eyes.
-Yea I hope you will. -I chuckled, kissing his lips softly.
We chatted for a little while before going back to the last of our classes. Once those were over, we could finally head home. I waited for the others at the gate as usual, instantly grabbing Chester's hand when he arrived. Once the gang was ready, we all headed off campus. Sadly me and Chester had to part right away, as he lived the other way.
-Don't forget about our date my love. See you at 6, I love you. -he kissed me.
-I won't. And love you too. -I said with a smile, hugging him before turning to leave.
As we walked with Fang and Bibi, they kept questioning me about how this relationship even happened, asking who confessed and when, and just being nosy overall. I didn't hesitate to continue walking when we split up, fastening my pace to get home as quickly as I could.
I have a date to get ready for.
2025 words
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