Part 15
Edgar's pov:
After the concert, we were heading back to the bus stop chatting away about how cool the show was. We even ended up getting signed t-shirts from Draco. As we walked down the streets, it was already dark, only the streetlights's glow was helping us navigate. We stood by the sign, waiting for the bus patiently.
After some time it came, and thankfully only few people got on with us, so we had seats. We sat down and i put my headphones on, turning on some comforting music. Chester sat next to me, staring out the window with a smile on his face. I laid my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes as I listened to my music. I felt his hand wrapping around me and he pulled me closer, giving me a little side hug.
The ride home was calm. When we arrived back to the school, we got off and just awkwardly stood there for a while.
-Thank you for this amazing present. -I said as I walked up to Chester and hugged him.
-I'm glad you liked it. -He hugged back, softly patting my back.
-Well, it's uhm getting pretty late so.. -I said, gesturing about going home.
-Wouldn't you like to.. sleep over maybe? -Chester said with a nervous expression on his face, but it just made me smile.
-Sure, why not? -I smiled, walking along him on the way to his apartment.
I quickly pulled out my phone and messaged my mom that I'm sleeping over just so she knows, and she sent back a massive thumbs up emoji, with the following text: "okay sweetie stay safe". What an amazing mom.
Me and Chester walked in silence, I was enjoying the cold night breeze but I noticed that he had a perplexed look on his face, as if something was on his mind.
-Yo, you good? -I said, startling him.
-Doesn't sound too convincing. -I chuckled.
-I was just thinking.
-About what?
-What we did at the concert. -he answered quietly, staring at the ground. His words made me pause for a second, having completely forgotten that I kissed him.
-Oh. I'm so sorry, I just— -I began to apologize, but he cut into my word, facing me.
-Edgar, stop. -He said, firmly putting his hands on my shoulders. His cheeks were slightly pink, and he smiled at me with sparkles in his eyes. -I like you.
-Huh? -I was shocked, hardly being able to process what I just heard.
-I said I like you. -he giggled.
-I- I like.. you too. -I looked away, embarrassed.
-Can I... kiss you? -He asked, his face glowing red as he stared into my eyes. How could I possibly say no?
-Ye-yea. -my voice was shaky as I agreed.
Chester raised his hand, softly placing it to hold my cheek as he slowly closed the distance between us. He looked at me with so much love in his eyes, it made my heart flutter. I felt Chester's shaky breath on my lips before they met his as I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss. My hands made their way up and stopped to rest on his shoulders. Our lips moved to a rhythm as Chester's hand caressed my cheek. After a minute we pulled away panting, out of breath. For a moment we just stared at each other before I spoke up.
-So are we like dating now or what? -I asked.
-I guess. Would you like to be my boyfriend? -He chuckled.
-I'd love to. -I smiled.
We pulled away from each other and continued walking to Chester's apartment holding hands. I kept smiling so much that my face hurt, yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop. I glanced at Chester and he had the same smile on his face which just made me smile even more. As we got up to his apartment, he opened the door and let me in. Even though we tried to be as quiet as possible, a tired looking Mandy walked out of her room to greet us.
-Hey Chester, hey Edgar. Wait, Edgar? What are you doing here it's like almost 10pm. -She asked, rubbing her eyes.
-He's sleeping over, hope you don't mind. -Chester said, rubbing the back of his neck.
-Oh sure, as long as you're quiet. I'm gonna go sleep, good night. -Mandy waved and then closed the door after herself.
-I think I'm gonna skip showering since it's so late. -Chester yawned as he stretched.
-Same. -I said and yawned aswell.
We walked into Chester's room and turned his little desk lamp on for some light.
-I'll go change in the bathroom. Ah wait do you want any pyjamas? I might have some spare. -Chester offered.
-Ah no need. I think i'll just sleep in my shirt and boxers. -I said, taking off all of my bracelets and placing them onto the desk.
-Oooo smexy. Well suit yourself.. boyfriend. -He chuckled, and I joined in aswell.
He left the room and I took off my trousers and scarf, folding them and placing them onto the chair. "I guess I'll sleep in bed with Chester." I thought, not necessarily minding the idea. I sat on the bed, scrolling on my phone until Chester got back in some shorts and a shirt, which I guessed were his pyjamas.
-Dude, even your pjs are clown themed? -I giggled.
-Why not? I think they're cool. -He huffed sarcastically.
-Soo are we sleeping in the same bed? -I asked lifting an eyebrow.
-I mean since we're dating I think it's fine. Or is it too early? -he said, climbing onto the bed.
-Early for what? We're not gonna do anything. -I chuckled.
-Oh, yeah right.
-Oh my god you were thinking of it! -I laughed at Chester, to which he turned red as a tomato.
-No I wasn't! -He shot back, looking away.
-You're so freaky.
-WHAT?! What did you call me?? -He yelled but I shushed him since Mandy was trying to sleep.
-Shut up dude! Now let's sleep.
-Yea let's.
He turned off the lights and climbed back into bed, the light of the moon shining through the window guiding him. I laid there, looking at Chester, and he was looking back at me. What an awkward staring contest this is.
-I kinda wanna cuddle you. -Chester whispered.
-What's stopping you? -I whispered back.
-Do you want to?
-Sure, I don't mind . -I smiled, scooting closer to him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. I couldn't help but chuckle.
-What's so funny? -He asked.
-I never really cuddled before. -I admitted.
-What? Didn't you have a girlfriend before?
-Yea but Emz didn't like cuddling, unless she wanted to take a selfie for her vlog. She said I'd wrinkle up her clothes.
-Oh. I guess you didn't really kiss then either?
-Yea, maybe a peck on the lips, but again, only for selfies.
-Nah man that's fucked up. Imma treat you better, don't you worry. -He said, kissing the top of my head.
-You're lucky, the bar is pretty low right now. -I chuckled.
-I'll be such a great boyfriend that the bar will go up into the sky. Not like you'll need the bar again, cause I'm your soulmate.
-That's a bold claim.
We giggled and chatted for a while, but I was getting pretty tired. I snuggled closer to Chester and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep as he kept planting kisses into my hair.
-I love you. -I whispered before sleep fully engulfed me.
-I love you too Ed. -Chester whispered back with a smile.
Chester's pov:
The next morning, I was surprised that someone was in bed with me. I looked down to see Edgar snuggled up to my chest, which brought a smile to my face. I didn't have the heart to wake him up, he looked so calm that I just laid there and didn't dare to move. I put my hand on his head, playing with his shiny black hair. After a few minutes Edgar rolled over, rubbing his eyes and then going for a big stretch with a yawn.
-Morning princess, did you sleep well? -I asked, turning onto my side and propping my head up with my hand.
-Mhm. -He nodded, struggling to fully open his eyes. His hair was messy, his dark strands pointing everywhere, making him look super cute. He rolled back to me, hugging me and snuggling into my chest.
-No more sleeping, it's 9am and I'm starving. -I patted his back.
-But I'm still tired. -he said groggily.
-Wake up man, we gotta get some breakfast. -I said as I got up.
-Just give me 5 minutes to collect myself. -Edgar rolled onto his stomach, hiding his face in my pillow, which made me chuckle.
I went to the kitchen and decided to make some coffee. While the machine worked its wonders, I poured some cereal into a bowl, dumping the milk on top as I sat down and began dining. I ate a few spoonfuls before Edgar walked out of my room, trying to comb his hair into place with his fingers.
-Where can I find a bowl? -He asked, yawning.
-Bottom cabinet next to the oven. Spoons are just above in a drawer.
-Thanks. -He got his utensils and then sat down next to me.
Edgar poured some cereal for himself too, and we ate in silence. I kept glancing at him as I ate, and eventually he caught my gaze.
-What? -he scoffed.
-You look cute with your hair so messy. -I giggled, my comment making Edgar turn red.
-I'm not cute! -he huffed, crossing his arms.
-Oh my bad, I meant to say that you look super edgy and cool mister emo guy. -I mocked him jokingly.
-Chester if you don't shut your mouth, I will do it for you. -He grinned, but his eyes had such a devilish look that it made my heart skip a beat.
-Oh~? I'd like to see that, Lord of Darkness, edgiest of them all. -I continued, curious of what he would do.
-You asked for this. -He stood up with a smug grin on his face.
Edgar walked over to me and pushed my chair back, comfortably taking a seat on my lap, facing me. As he wrapped his arms around my neck, my face flushed red cause I certainly wasn't expecting this. Edgar leaned in, his lips attacking mine like he was hungry for them. My surprise faded as I melted into the kiss, but it had to come back when Edgar pushed his tongue into my mouth. Not like I minded it, but damn where did he learn this? My hands wrapped around his torso as our tongues danced, totally forgetting about everything around us.
-What. In the. Ever. Living. Fuck. Is going on? -The voice of Mandy made me snap out of my trance, I looked behind Edgar to see her standing in her doorway, traumatized.
-Hey Mandy. Good morning? -I said, embarrassed to get caught like this.
-I feel fucking assaulted. -She exclaimed as she took a step back and shut her door.
-Fuuuuuuckkk. -Edgar groaned, hiding his face in my shoulder. -This is so embarrassinggggg!
-I have to agree with you on this one. -I chuckled as I kissed his head, making him giggle aswell.
1913 words
Have some cute stuff dear followers, now i can write the cutesy dating part! Yayy😁
Also question, should I write some freaky action into the book? Is that needed here, cause I certainly have the capabilities to write something like that😉
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