chapter 18
After that we laid there watching T.V. till Mary came in. "Ohhh uhhhh..." She quickly put Rose down and left.
"Oh my god. I'm So embarrassed."
"Well it won't be that way for long."
"What do you mean?"
"Well uhh...oh hey look Rose wants you."
"She'll come up here if she wants me."
"Now what do you mean Adam?"
"Well uhh this was supposed to be a surprize, but when I talked to my mom the other night, she said she is buying us a house."
"WHAT?! So we will have our own house with our own family?!"
"Oh my god," I kissed him in excitement and happiness.
I rolled over him and picked my clothes up off the floor I stood up with my clothes and started to put them on. "Wow. You look beautiful especially with your clothes off."
"Well I better cause if not then you're never going to see this again."
"Babe you always look beautiful to me and always will. I'm even if your skinny, fat, or get hit by a truck, I will still love you and think you're beautiful."
"Uhh I guess I'm going to take that as a compliment but hit by a TRUCK Really?!"
"I was just trying to put something in so you know how much I love you."
"Aww," I leaned and kissed him with my clothes held up against my body.
After I put my shoes on he got dressed aswell and we went down stairs as my sister called for me."Violet!"
"Yeah," I said as I came into the kitchen.
"Do you wanna stay the night with me?"
"Sure just let me get some things and Rose."
"Ok," I went over to Adam and handed him a cup of soda.
"Babe I'm going to spend the night with my sister okay."
"Yeah have fun."
"I ran upstairs and packed I got a purse that someone gave me for my birthday and put my phone and wallet in it. Then I put Rose on her leash.
I went down stairs and out to Caroline's black honda. I put my bag in the front seat with my purse on my shoulder. Caroline came out and got into her car. As she started the car Adam came out and said goodbye to me and the baby in my belly. I got in the car and put Rose in my lap. Adam stood in the driveway untill we were out of sight. "You have a good boyfriend."
"Why do you say that?"
"Well he is staying with you even though you're pregnant and most guys don't, he seems to love you unconditionally."
"Well he is the one that really wanted a child in the first place. Wow never heard that one before."
"I know right."
"Did you tell mom and dad?"
"Yeah I called mom last night."
"How'd she take it?"
"Good she is telling dad for me."
"Do you wanna stop bye there?"
"Yeah lets see how everything is going." We drove to Sickamore street to my parents house.We got out and knocked on the door and my dad answered. "Baby girl is that you or am I still sleeping?"
"No it's me dad, it's both of us."
"Well come on in." We went inside and everything was new and nothing like how it used to be. "Wow you guys really meant it, you changed."
"Yeah we did and we decided to get new things since we are having our first grandchild. I always thought Caroline would be the first mother but I'm glad your having it with a boy who cares about you."
"Me too dad."
"I said do you wanna stop by there?"
"Yeah, sure." When we got there my mother answered the door. "Oh hey sweetie how are you?"
'Hey mom." she hugged Caroline guest since she'd been gone since she was six. "Everything is new."
"Yeah I wanted new furniture and all cause of our first grandbaby."
"How did dad take it?"
"Oh uhh well he is crying and has been since I told him."
"Can I see him?"
"Yeah he is in the bedroom." I went into his room and found my father in bed with a whole bunch of tissues and loudly crying. "Dad?'
"Why are you crying?"
"Because my baby is going to have a baby."
"Oh dad." I thought it would be Caroline who gave us or first grandchild."
"Well I am and I like it that way. So stop crying." He stopped and got up and hugged me and then felt my stomach. "Not much there yet but it's a little bump."
"Yeah soon I will show though."
"Well what are you going to name it?"
"Well for a girl I want to name her Ashley Naomi Smith and for the boy I want to name him Jacob Drew smith."
"Why Smith for the last name?"
"Because dad I wanna get married to Adam. If I got married I would want you and mom to be there even thought you two were horrible."
"Yeah I know baby and I'm really sorry for that."
"It's fine."
I went out with my dad into the living room. I sat next to my mom and my dad went to sit next to Caroline.
"Hey." He hugged her tight and then sat down. My mom pulled up my shirt to see my belly. "Wow it a cute little bump."
"Now you be carefull, don't stress, don't fall, don't do anything to this baby."
"Ok okay mom I won't. Mom...ummm.. is it safe to you know while I'm pregnant?"
"Oh well uhh yes but I would try to be careful while doing it."
"Caroline how are you?"
"Oh I'm fine I just can't believe you guys change after Violet left."
"Well we change for the better and to change before we lost both of our children completely because of the the way we were. It wasn't worth it.
"I'm glad to hear that." I went into the kitchen with my mom and Caroline and we made food for us.We snacked and then we said our goodbyes. Caroline and I got back into the car and drove to her house. "So you have a two bedroom apartment and it's just you."
"Well I have it for guests but I was hoping to have you move in with me but I can see that you're going to be somewhere else now." I smiled. We sat on the couch with Rose watching movies.Rose soon fell asleep and so did Caroline. I watched all the movie and the put Rose down on the other couch and the picked up my sisters feet which were kinda light and put them on the couch. I laid down on the other end of the couch and fell asleep.
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