"Alistair! Alistair, where are you?"
He stepped out of his study into the hall and frowned at his wife. "Whatever is the matter, why are you bellowing?"
"It's Skylette, she's gone! I thought she was sulking because Edwin has left. I left her too it, I didn't want to upset her further." She was wringing her hands together. "After Codey ... I thought I was doing the right thing, giving her time. After all, Edwin is coming back; he's just going home for a bit."
He took her hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over the backs of them gently, soothingly. "Dear, you're rambling. Tell me what's wrong?"
"She isn't in her room or anywhere in the castle. I can't find her! And Lightning is gone!"
Alistair frowned. "How could she possibly leave without anyone noticing?"
She shook her head. "I don't know! No one has left since Edwin and his people."
His face darkened. "Our daughter is too damn cleaver. She must have slipped out with Edwin's people."
"Edwin will keep her safe, as soon as he notices she's with them he'll make certain she's protected."
He turned and entered his study. "Why would she leave like this?"
"Perhaps she believed Edwin wouldn't return?"
"Perhaps, though I can't imagine why she would think that of him."
His wife snorted. "After Codey, I think perhaps our daughter might be a bit insecure about her relationships with men."
"That's ridiculous. She and Codey didn't have any sort of relationship. Stop reading things into it. This is Sky acting out, believing she can do as she pleases. Trying to show me, she is as capable as Darrien. Go anywhere and do anything she pleases. She will learn that isn't the case."
"Are you going to leave your room or stay in here and sulk?"
Codey ignored Arthur and remained prone on his bed, an arm flung over his eyes. He could care less about whatever was happening outside his room. He didn't want to know what they were plotting. He didn't want to know about Edwin and Piper, or how their relationship involved Sky.
"Go away, Arthur or I'll swing on you same as Edwin."
"You can try."
"You may be better with a sword, but I'm faster with fists and we both know it. Now get out."
"The wedding is in an hour, out by the lake. I suggest you attend. If you don't I'll be extremely disappointed in you."
"Then prepare yourself for disappointment."
"You know, I've put up with a lot from you, but this is the largest load of horseshit yet."
Codey removed the arm from over his eyes and glared at his former best friend. "Screw you."
"No, Codey, screw you. The woman you profess to care not a thing about is downstairs working to help Edwin marry the woman he loves while you're hiding up here sulking. She is here and you could be down there with her! Without her father getting the way!"
He was up off the bed in seconds. "No, there is nothing there and there never will be! Drop it, Arthur. You have no idea what you're talking about; there could never be a damn thing between us. I know that now."
Arthur put a hand in the center of his chest to keep him from shoving past and leaving the room. "And Edwin and Piper are impossible too? Nothing is impossible, Codey. It can be if you give it a chance. Stop fighting it."
He grabbed Arthur's wrist and flung it away. "I have a job to do and if I do it correctly, I won't be returning to the castle with you." He slammed out of the room.
When he stalked through the dining room of the inn, he avoided looking at Sky where she stood with Piper in her dress, waiting for Edwin to leave for the lake. He had something of his own to do.
Sky turned and watched him go with a frown. When Arthur stepped up beside them, she looked up at him. "Is he coming back?"
Arthur shook his head.
She turned away and headed for the kitchen to check on the basket of refreshments the cook was packing for them to take to the lake, hoping to hide her tears from the others. She wanted Codey to come with to the lake for the wedding. She'd wanted to see him, hoped they could rekindle their friendship. It looked as if Codey wanted nothing to do with her, not anymore.
Her father made certain he hated her. Whatever her father had done, whatever he said, it permanently damaged their friendship. She sniffled and pressed her back into the wall.
"Are you all right?"
She scrubbed her hands over her eyes and looked at Piper. "Yes, I'm fine, really."
Piper sent her a gentle smile. "Take it from someone who cried too many tears over her man, you are not all right. It hurts, a lot. It will get better."
Her laugh was bitter. "It won't. It can't, not now. You saw him leave. Codey no longer cares."
"A man who no longer cares wouldn't have punched Edwin for kissing me. He cares, Sky, trust me."
"No he doesn't. He socked Edwin because he has honor and it upset him to think Edwin had broken his vow to me."
Piper snorted. "He socked Edwin because he was jealous."
"Edwin wasn't kissing me, he was kissing you. How does this even make sense?"
Piper leaned against the wall beside her. "Simple, Codey wants to be with you. He believed Edwin was with you, thus his jealousy. Yet he walks by and sees Edwin kissing me, he becomes enraged because he believes the man he has lost you to can't even appreciate you enough to be faithful."
"That's ridiculous."
"Love is based on the ridiculous. Trust me. After all, look at me, I'm a baroness now."
Sky giggled. "Yes you are. Let's go get you married to your prince."
Piper linked her arm through Sky's. "Then we'll work on getting you married to yours."
Sky grinned. That wasn't likely to happen, but she didn't want to do anything else to ruin Piper's day. It was time for the wedding.
Codey strode past the guards, ignoring them when they called a greeting. He and Arthur had become familiar sights around the baron's home. Continuing on, he walked quickly down the hallway until he was before the door to what had become the baron's throne room. He threw open the doors and stalked inside to where Campbell sat on his throne, looking for all the world like a king. A thoroughly corrupt one at that.
"I think it's time you cleared out."
Campbell straightened from his relaxed position, frowning. "I do beg your pardon? Who are you to make such demands? I am Baron here, certainly not you."
Codey drew his sword and held it aloft, making certain he could see the jeweled hilt. "Wrong, I am Baron here."
Campbell stumbled to his feet, eyes fixed on the sword. "Impossible! Where did you get that sword! Thief!"
"I am not the thief you are. Not to mention a murderer. You kill our father."
Campbell curled his lip back. "He was never a father to me! Imposter! Who are you? My brother died!"
Codey slowly pulled the crest from beneath his shirt. "I am exactly who I claim to be. Marsten Codey Lewelyan, the rightful Baron of Kingsley."
"Liar, my brother died during the raid!" He turned to the guards lounging against the walls around the room. "Arrest him! He's an imposter impersonating the dead baron's son!"
Codey backed toward the door as the men jumped forward, pulling their weapons. Okay, maybe this idea had been a bit rash. He parried a blow from one man, spun and kicked out at another, but there were simply too many of them. He was overwhelmed and disarmed quickly.
Campbell stepped down from his dais and up to Codey. "You really thought it would be that easy, did you?" He reached out and yanked the chain from around his neck. "Now you have nothing. Take him to the dungeon!"
"You can't do this! I am the true heir! Release me!"
"No one cares who you are and no one knows. Goodbye, brother." Campbell took his seat and studied the crest he now held. "At long last, every obstacle in my path is gone. I am now truly Baron of Kingsley." Rumors of Marsten's survival had persisted for years after the raid. He sent men to search for his brother, but to no avail. None could find him. He knew it was only a matter of time before he returned home. Oh he had his suspicions when Codey and Arthur came strolling into town, but nothing to confirm them. He held up the chain and watched the silver of the crest flash in the light. Here was proof and he had it in his hands. He threw his head back and laughed.
How foolish was it of his brother to come alone and challenge him? Now no one would know he had survived and there would be no further challenges to his rule here.
Save for the king.
And that would be handled in due time.
"The wedding was perfect. Thank you, Sky." Piper hugged her tightly.
"You're welcome. I'm so happy for the two of you!"
Edwin sighed. "Now we must return north and face my father. It won't be easy."
Sky gave his arm a little pat. "Don't worry, you have all of the papers and they are all in order. If you have any problems, write and I'll be there to back you up as quickly as I can."
Arthur raised a hand. "As will I. Come on now man, a princess and a prince backing your marriage, your father won't be able to refuse it."
"Thank you, both of you. It means so much to have you on our side."
Arthur grinned. "Too bad we couldn't bring Codey around. Be nice to have him as well."
"Oh yes because having a former stable boy turned knight would persuade his father ever so much." Sky rolled her eyes at him.
Arthur opened his mouth but Piper kicked him beneath the table. "Ow! What did you do that for?"
"Oh dear me, sorry, leg cramp." She smiled sweetly at him.
Sky stood and stretched. "I think I should head to bed. It's late and we've been up a long while." She turned to look at Arthur. "Tell Codey ... I don't know, just tell him ..." She didn't know what to tell him. She just wanted him to know she would welcome him back into her life, if that's what he wanted. How did she say that?
Arthur smiled and gave her hand a small squeeze. "I know. Go on."
"You're a good friend to him, thank you." She turned and left, tears blurring her vision and she could have sworn she heard him grumble out, "Too good sometimes." As she left.
The next morning, Arthur took a seat at his usual table, frowning as he did. Piper took a seat across from him. "Is there a problem, Arthur?"
"Yes, I can't find Codey. His things are missing from his room, but Lightning is still in the stable. Where would he go without a horse?"
"Why would he leave his horse behind?"
"It isn't his, technically. It belongs to Sky, to the king's stables."
"Well then I suppose he felt he had no right to it. Do you think he's moved on?"
Arthur thought about all that happened since they arrived in Kingsley and he slumped back in his seat. It was possible Codey walked away from everything. After what happened with Edwin, perhaps he realized this life wasn't for him. Living so close to Skylette and denying his feeling for her, he finally decided simply to walk away rather than face it. There was also the problem of Campbell.
"Damn him, he should face things, not run from them."
"Are you speaking about Sky or the baron?"
He narrowed his gaze on Piper. "What do you know of the baron?"
"I followed him to the lake, Codey of course not the baron. He was going to pitch his sword into the water. I thought it was a waste of a rather decent weapon. He showed it to me, it's a beautiful piece. He said it belonged to his father. He also showed me the crest piece he wears around his neck. I know who he is, Arthur."
He cursed and squeezed his eyes shut. "He told me yesterday, he had a job to do. I should have listened when he said that! Damn him! He's gone after Campbell!"
"Alone? Isn't that rather foolish?"
"Very and if he has then there's only one place he can be."
Piper bit at her lip before replying quietly, "The dungeons."
His look was grim as he nodded. "Or he's already dead."
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