Age 8
"Mr. Levi?" Eren asked as he looked around the room then up at Levi.
"Yes?" Levi asked, his voice sounding irritated. Eren shyly looked away from him and glanced around the room again.
"So this is my room?" Eren said and took a small step forward. Levi sighed and leaned against the door frame.
"That's right brat. Hope you don't have any complaints." He said and turned to face away from Eren. "So I don't know anything about being a parent so you're just going to have to take care of yourself. I'm sure it wont be that hard. I'll teach you how the washing machine works." He said and started to walk down the hallway.
"Mr. Levi!" Eren shouted and peeked his head out from the room.
"Yeah?" He called back turning around to see Eren looking at the ground sadly.
"Thank you." He said and disappeared back into the room. Levi sighed and made his way into the living room. He didn't understand what could have possibly possessed his now deceased best friend to entrust his son to Levi, but there was nothing he could do about it.
He was stuck raising his best friends eight year old son. Why on earth his best friend would leave him his kid was beyond Levi; He was only nineteen, how could he possibly raise a kid. He sat down on the couch and looked over at the clock that sat under the TV across from the couch, 6:00 pm. He should probably make dinner soon, he did have to feed two people now. He rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes. When he opened them again the room had darkened. Levi blinked away the sleep from his eyes and glanced at the clock and growled, it was now 8:00 pm.
He stood up quickly and walked to the hallway. He saw the light under the kids room still on so he decided to make dinner. As he approached the kitchen he smelled a familiar scent in the air, chicken, and it smelled really good. He walked into the kitchen and saw Eren in his pajama's and an apron at the stove, pushing fried chicken out of a pan and onto a plate. He looked over to the table and saw that it was set with salads placed at two of the chairs.
He stepped lightly across the tiled floor and sat down in a chair at the table. Eren turned around and jumped slightly, but still smiled at Levi. "I made dinner." Eren said and made his way to the table, placing the plate of chicken down on it.
"I can see that. I guess I wont have to teach you how to cook" Levi said as Eren sat down across from him. Eren picked up his chop sticks and fumbled with them slightly before attempting to pick up a piece of chicken. Levi chuckled and reached his hand across the table. "Let me help you." He said and adjusted Eren's grip on the chopsticks.
"Thank you." Eren said and blushed a little in embarrassment. Levi picked up his chopsticks and began to eat as well. He glanced over at Eren who was doing slightly better at eating with chopsticks after the slight help.
"So I know its only been one day, but what do you think of Tokyo?" Levi asked Eren and took a bite of chicken. Eren glanced up at him and swallowed the bite he had previously taken.
"It's not bad, Kinda cold." He said and looked down at his food. They continued to eat in silence and Levi grew comfortable with it. When they both had finished eating Eren had gotten up and took the dishes from the table. Levi didn't attempt to help since he didn't ask the kid to clean up, but was appreciative of it anyway. Levi sat back and watched Eren do the dishes while standing on a chair.
He stood up and walked over to the fridge, opening it and pulling out a beer. "Are you allowed to drink that?" Eren asked sceptically. Levi sighed and turned to him.
"Mind your own business. Don't forget whose apartment you're staying in." He said threateningly and closed the fridge. He strolled out of the kitchen, down the hall, and back into the living room. He flicked the TV on after sitting back on the couch. sipping the beer, he flipped through channels hoping to find something interesting. Eren stood in the doorway for a while before Levi noticed him.
"Um, Mr. Levi?" Eren said and Levi slowly turned his head to him. Levi set his beer down and sat up a little.
"What do you want brat?" He asked in a monotone voice and Eren looked nervously down the hallway. Levi looked at him quizzically waiting for him to speak.
"Could you... check for monsters... in my room... before I go to bed... please?" Eren mumbled just loud enough for Levi to here. Levi almost laughed at the kids request, but he couldn't. The brats been through enough, not to mention he WAS only a kid. This was the least Levi could do to try and make him feel better about being in a new place.
"Yeah, I guess." Levi said and stood slowly. Relief washed over Eren's face and he lead the way down the hall to his room. Levi walked into the room with him and Eren pulled back the covers on his bed. He slid his small body into the bed and pulled the covers up to his chin. "Alrighty, First the closet." Levi said and made his way over to the closet.
Levi slowly opened the closet and peeked around. "Ok so I'm not seeing any monsters... Wait... oh my god." Levi said and looked back at Eren with a fearful expression. Eren's eyes widened and he began to panic.
"What! What is it!" Eren said and hid half his face in his blanket.
"Nah I'm just kidding. there's nothing there." Levi said with a laugh. Levis vision was briefly obstructed with a pillow. Levi grabbed the pillow with his hands moving it away to reveal a pouting Eren who was now sitting.
"That wasn't funny!" Eren yelled and Levi threw the pillow back. Levi walked over to the bed and got on his knees.
"Alright alright I'm sorry." He said and looked down under the bed. "I'm not seeing anything here either. I think we are officially monsterless." Levi said and stood back up. Eren nodded and wiggled his body back under the covers. Levi walked over to the door and flicked off the lights.
"Goodnight Mr. Levi." Eren said and Levi stepped out the door. Levi turned back to him and nodded while leaving the door open slightly so some light from the hallway would shine into the room.
"Goodnight brat."
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