The airport
A/N: After weeks of not being here nor posting anything I bring you all a fic I wrote on an old Blackberry.
Something I wrote to express my love for our amazing leader.
(Y/N) = Your name
(Y/L/N) = Your last name
(Y/F/L/N) = Your friends last name
"What do you mean this pink case is not yours? Lilin, you are the only one who would use a plain pastel pink case as an adult, how is that you lost it?"
"I'm telling you, this luggage ain't mine, I opened it and it had male's clothes. Besides, it's more easy to find another pink case than a black one."
"Ugh, touche"
You were currently in the lobby from a japanese airport, both your friend and you being victims of the confusion in the personal at the moment of giving you a suitcase without even asking for and ID or the paper to show it was your case. Apparently, this was a rush hour in the airport, how were you supposed to know it?
And now you had to spot a pastel pink case and a black case that looked just like yours.
Lilin and you had decided to stay a couple of days in Japan before going to Korea, were you were attending a BTS concert, among other places and events.
What a way to start your vacations.
"Wait, aren't cases supposed to have a tag with the owner's info?"
"Oh my gods Lilin you are a genius! Quick, search in and out of the case for a phone number!"
And so you did.
But before you could phone the number it had (with no name, how wonderful), your friend's cellphone started to ring, an unidentified number displaying in the screen.
"Perhaps is the case owner. Come on, answer."
"But in what language?"
Your friend almost dropped her phone at your screaming but answered anyway.
"Uh, hello?"
"Hi, I'm calling to tell you my friend has your case. This is his number, but he wanted me to make the call." The voice was familiar to you, but the noise from the airport didn't let you make a lot of thought about it.
"Oh! Thank you! Is just someone gave me another pink case...wait, he? I think I have his then!"
"That's wonderful. Want to meet in the McDonalds from the east side?"
You were listening to the convo, since your friend had clicked the speaker button. Soon you were making sings to her to go meet in the coffee shop at the almost middle of the entire airport.
"Am, you know, that's kind of far from where I am, what about the coffee shop in the middle? That with the...I think it's a fox in the logo?"
"Perfect! See you there. We are wearing black speckles."
"I don't think spoting someone with a pink case is that difficult."
And then he hung up.
"Well, seems like you will be getting your suit case soon."
"You too (Y/N), just make the call."
"Naa, let's get yours first, then mine. I've hopes the owner won't leave the airport without his case."
And so, you found yourself sitting in a table for four from the fox coffee shop, four cups of caramel macchiato in it, waiting for the case's owner and his friend to show.
"Why you bought 4 of these? We don't even know if they like coffee or this one. I mean, I'm up for a rainbow hot chocolate right now, or a pumpking spice latte, just to try it for once."
"(Y/N) stop complaining, its the latest we can do as an apology."
"But it wasn't ours nor their fault."
"I know, but an apology for making them come to this point. It seems they were in the other side of the airport."
You just groaned at your friends kind and sweet behaviour. Truth be said, jet lag has started kicking in you and you got a little cranky at the lack of sleep.
"Seems like you've been waiting here for a while, huh?"
Your head snapped at the sound of that voice.
"Yay! My case!" Your friend however didn't stop for a minute to analyse the two boys that were standing near the table.
"I'm sorry for the trouble this might've caused darling." The guy with what seemed to be light brown hair sticking out of his hat was bowing a little to your friend while the both of them were exchanging cases.
"Oh my! There's no need for that! It's okay really! I'm glad we could get our things before getting out of this place."
You grabbed the two extra cups and walked to the trio.
"Here. Take this as an apology for making you walk all the way 'till this point."
The one with marshmallow pink hair and a brown coat grabbed one and bowed a thank you.
"They are caramel macchiatos. My friend's idea." you said while giving the other cup to the pink case owner.
"Thank you! Oh! Where are our modals Nam? My name is Kim SeokJin."
"Sorry, I'm Kim NamJoon. Thank you for giving my friends case back."
That's it, the names had told you all what you needed. And now you were trying so hard to not fangirl or faint.
"It's okay, don't worry. Are you guys related or something?" You hit your smirking friend with your elbow.
"Excuse her, is just, we came from a place were last names are barely the same, she's (Y/F/L/N) Lilin, and I'm (Y/L/N) (Y/N)."
"It's fine, we get that a lot. Are you leaving soon?"
"The airport? No, we still have to find my luggage. This one ain't mine either, but I wanted her to get hers back first." You said while pointing a little at your friend.
"No way! You also got your luggage switched?" The almost scream that scaped NamJoon's lips startled you, but you still nodded.
"Yeah. And the owner is also a male. But my case is black, so my case is harder." You snapped your fingers at your (lame) joke.
And two people groaned.
"(Y/N) I thought you had left your sense of humour back at home!"
But then you heard a little laugh. It was coming from NamJoon.
"Gosh you are the same as HoSeok"
"HoHo, it Se-ms like this fella and I would get along."
You couldn't help it. When you were nervous you either went silent or said awkward and lame jokes.
But NamJoon seemed to enjoy them.
You turned around to see a group of 5 boys walking towards you.
Crap. You made a joke with his stage name. Well, there goes your non-fan image.
You and HoSeok were walking to each other and when you meet you hugged like you were friends for years. Which was great.
"Who are these girls hyung?" Asked the boy you knew had to be TaeHyung.
"The one here is called Lilin and she had Jin's case, while the one over there with HoSeok is (Y/N), who also got her luggage switched."
"Wait, didn't you said your case was filled with girl's clothes? And also BTS merchandise?" Asked JungKook while looking around, trying to spot any camera pointing at them.
"Yup." You were far enough to listen to them, and your friend went to pick your cups, forgotten on the table.
"And didn't you also said the owner was cute?" Jimin asked this time, since he has seen the polaroids you had in your case, just printed before leaving home with Lilin.
"Oh shush." He was trying to hear what you and Hobi were saying, because it seemed like you two were having fun, but it also seemed like you both cringed at some stuff every then and now.
Lilin also knew who these guys really were, and was starting to feel nervous around them, so she rushed to you and HoSeok.
"Uhm, (Y/N)? What if you call the number your case had so we can go find it?"
"Jezz! Right! Wait Hobi, let me make a call!"
And so, you left your friend with HoSeok, who proceeded to make conversation like nothing has happened.
"Wait, why are you calling HoSeok Hobi so soon?" The deep voice from YoonGi, who was sitting besides your not-yours case, made you remember the manners in Korea.
"Uh, I didn't really thought about it, we were making stupid jokes when he said "I am Hobi and I'm your..." which I completed with Hommie... I don't know, sorry." You bowed a little at the mint green haired boy.
"If it's okay for him then I don't have a problem, I was just curious."
You were so confused, but decided to leave it there.
So you phoned the number. One, two, three rings and someone picked up.
"Oh well, it seems like destiny wanted us to spend some more time together."
You gave a 180 grades spin to see NamJoon holding his phone on his ear, which had the Ryan phone case you were planning on giving him at the fan meeting!?
"What on earth? Did you...?"
"Yes, I opened the case, I had a lollipop in it and wanted it, but came across with stuff that wasn't mine, your pictures and a gift addressed to me."
"And you took it!? No, more important, why haven't you all gone away? WHY AM I STILL SPENDING MONEY ON THIS PHONE CALL!!??" And so you hung up and walked towards him.
And he was smiling at you. An "I found out you are my fan and I'm your bias so I'm showing you my dimples" smile. God dammit you felt a blush crept on your cheeks but didn't let it affect your mood.
You crossed your arms "So? Answer me...please."
"What?" Now that was a smirk. He was just teasing you.
"First of all, why haven't you all gone if you already found out we are fans of yours? We could be creepy fans."
He just laughed at that. You weren't sure if it was at you or just the idea in general.
"You are not, because you could have screamed at us sice that first phone call. Or have taken pictures of us long ago."
"Ok, we are not creepy fans, but still. I thought you guys would go away as soon as you encountered a fan."
"We usually do, but because they scream and practically call more people onto us." It was Jin the one who answered now, interrupting his chat with Lilin.
"Ok but then why you took your present? It was supposed to be a surprise." You said while pouting, trying to look cute.
"(Y/N) stop it, you have no aegyo powers!" Your friend 'screamed' at you, making a reference to an inner joke she and you had.
"Oh shut up Lilin, there goes my self confidence." You knew it was a game but when you faced Rap Mon again his face showed...was that concern?
"I took it because I wanted to see your reaction at seeing me using it. And don't be so harsh on yourself. You did a good job using aegyo just now. You are actually pretty cute." The more he kept talking, the more you could see a blush on his cheeks matching his hair.
You had no idea how you looked.
"Uhm, thank you. It's a joke you know? But that's pretty reassuring...and I'm more the badass kind." You tried making a rude stand.
But failed miserably, just making the tall rapper laugh, and hearing him laugh made you happy, relaxed.
He was about to tell you something when someone was tugging at yours and NamJoon's clothes.
"I'm sorry to break the moment, but paparazzis are staring to gather. Can we leave?" Kookie sounded really upset.
So you felt guilty.
"I'm sorry, we got you all in this situation. I shouldn't had let myself get carried away." You bowed "thanks for giving me and Lilin our luggage. Lilin we better go and let the boys left..." But when you looked around for your friend, you didn't find her, nor Jin, Suga, V nor Jimin.
"We are leaving, but you two are coming with us." HoSeok's words would have worried you coming from anyone else, but confusion is the only thing they made you felt.
"Wait, what?"
"It's clear you both are interesting and funny girls, and our hyungs seems to have an interest in you two, so you are coming with us." And just like that, JungKook was taking your case away.
"Besides, I still owe you a rainbow hot chocolate."
The voice was really close to your face, while a hand tried grabbing you by the waist, but right after feeling your surprise, the hand went to grab yours, lacing warm and long fingers with cold and short ones.
"Namwhatareyoudoingthecameraswejustmeetwhat..." A little squeeze and a fond look was all what you needed to stop rambling.
"Ok. Can we get my case from JungKook tho? I have some fragile stuff in it and I'm worried."
"Sure, although he's not the one breaking stuff with his mere presence. By the way, I really liked you calling me Nam."
"What about NamNam?"
"No that sounds like the noise something will do while eating." He said while faking a cringe, earning a smile and a chuckle from you.
"Ok Monie, keep walking, the cameras are getting close and our friends are getting away."
You started walking faster, but his long legs helped him catch up with you with no problem.
It seemed like this vacations were going to be full of surprises.
A/N: So that was my first contribution to the BTS fandom everyone!
I wrote it out of my aching heart after reading people comments defending NamJoon, because I've been lucky enough to never see the attacks to him, but I know they exist and well, he deserves so much better.
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did while writing it, and if I wrote any of the boys OOC let me know, feedback is always appreciated!
And shout out to the amazing @introwhatamitou on twitter for being my beta reader and an amazing Nam supporter~!
Read you all later!
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