Chapter Seven
There was a chorus of "to the future" but I couldn't bring myself to join in. To do so would indicate I agreed with what my father had said, and I most definitely was not. I had different plans for my future.
The Ramseys were beaming and nodding in agreement. Phoebe refused to meet my gaze, and the stare Miles aimed at me was filled with betrayal. Miss Darkin frowned at her friend, though her aunt appeared to be oblivious.
I had no doubt my expression held exasperation. Phoebe had been emphatic about having no desire to marry me. Why hadn't she made that clear to her parents already? Why let either side remain hopeful for a situation that wouldn't happen.
"I cannot think of a connection that would be more beneficial for everyone involved," Rosamund said from where she presided as hostess. I focused on her, unsurprised by her apparent delight in the whole thing. Why was she so anxious to see me leave?
"I must say, I believe his time away has given Luke steadiness of character," Mrs. Ramsey said to Father. "It's wonderful to see. You must be proud of him."
Whatever Father said in response was lost to me. Miss Darkin caught my eye and raised her glass. "May I take wine with you?" she asked. Automatically, I raised my glass in return and took a sip as she did. The age-old way of expressing friendship did nothing to appease my anger. She offered a sympathetic smile before turning to attend to what Mr. Ramsey was saying.
I couldn't follow any of the conversations that went throughout dinner. Any questions Mrs. Ramsey asked of me, I responded without hearing what was said or know what I answered. Miles glowered at me from across the table and Phoebe didn't say a word to me.
What was going on?
If Mr. Ramsey assumed it was because I wished to be by Phoebe's side that I was anxious to leave the table after dinner, he would have been correct. But it wasn't a romantic inclination that prompted me to follow a straight line to her and take her arm. I wanted to hear the truth and then strangle her.
"You are hurting my arm, you brute," Phoebe said as I pushed her to the pianoforte. "Lucas Bywood, let me go!"
"Choose some music to play, and I will turn the pages for you," I said, loud enough to be heard. In a lower voice, I demanded, "What did you tell your parents, Phoebe? I thought we had agreed we would not suit each other as life companions. Or did I misunderstand when you said you didn't want to marry me this morning?"
Pulling free, she scowled at me. Her back was to the gathered company, so no one else saw her expression. It would have suggested a less than lover-like feeling for me if they had!
"I had no other choice. Now go glare at someone else."
I narrowed my eyes at her answer. "That has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard." I set the music in front of her since she did not seem inclined to do so for herself. It would serve her right if she could not play whatever it was! "Why did you not tell them you have an attachment to Miles? Why did you have no choice?"
A glance at my friend confirmed Miles was still glaring at me. "There is no engagement between us! You don't understand what I have to endure."
"Be that as it may, the words 'I do not want to marry Lucas Bywood' are remarkably easy to say. You see? I just said them!"
Her foot connected with my ankle and I bit back a yelp of pain. "We cannot talk about this now, Lucas. Someone might overhear and then where would we be? Meet me tomorrow morning at the pond. We can talk then."
She placed her fingers on the ivory keys and began to play. Sourly, I noted she knew the song I had put before her and took a step back, grimacing as my ankle pained me. Having no desire to watch her as a lover might, I shifted my gaze to the rest of the party and searched for something to distract me from wanting to murder Phoebe.
The older members had begun a game of whist, leaving the rest to talk amongst themselves. Miles continued to send dark looks in my direction. I had the sneaking suspicion I would be challenged to the duel he had mentioned earlier if I did not find some way to fix this mess.
Miss Darkin's eyes met mine, and she once again offered a sympathetic smile. What must she think of this whole thing? Though it felt good to have someone on my side in this situation.
Tearing my gaze away, I focused on my brother and sister-in-law. George appeared to be telling some hunting story if his gestures were anything to go by. Rosamund's expression was bored which was an improvement over the cruel smile she had aimed at me through the whole meal. They were the most unlikely couple I had encountered, though Miles and Phoebe were strong contenders for the title at the moment.
I couldn't help but wonder what made Rosamund dislike me so much when we had hardly spent any time in each other's company. Her persistence in wanting me out of Bywood Hall puzzled me. Yes, I could understand it would not be enjoyable to have your husband's family continually underfoot but the Hall was large enough and what else could she have expected?
"Olivia, you must play now," Phoebe said, getting my attention. With a start, I glanced over to find her already standing. I hadn't heard a note of what she had played. "You always entertain us so well."
"Certainly, Phoebe. You know I am delighted to do so," Miss Darkin said, rising from her seat. She took Phoebe's place at the pianoforte and glanced up at me. "Do you have something, in particular, you would like to hear, Mr. Bywood?"
"I am sure anything you play will be wonderful, Miss Darkin." She was the one person in the room I did not feel some hostility against.
"That is high praise, Mr. Bywood, but you have never heard me play and cannot know whether I have any skill or not."
"You strike me as the sort of lady who would not put herself forward to play if she did not feel capable of entertaining." She laughed softly as she sorted through the music and I sought some way of continuing the conversation. "Have you known the Ramseys long?"
Miss Darkin sent a brief glance at the younger members of the party. "There is a distant family connection between us somewhere, or so my aunt tells me." She set her choice of music up. "However, Phoebe and I have only been acquainted for about two years. I would say we are close."
"Then perhaps you could explain—"
"Luke, you must join us," Rosamund said, interrupting me. "It is too wicked of you to be away from Miss Ramsey like this. One might think you disliked her."
Holding back from a sigh, I moved away from the pianoforte as Miss Darkin began to play. Miles walked past me to take my place, and I couldn't help but notice the tense set of his shoulders. If he did not confront me before the morning, I would be more than a little surprised.
Though the seat next to Phoebe was vacant, I chose to stand behind the settee. Rosamund frowned for a moment and then her lips curved with a smile I didn't trust to be sincere. "I have a wonderful idea. We should dance. Philippa, you play lively tunes so well. Mr. Russell and Miss Darkin can dance, Luke and Phoebe will be partners, and I shall dance with George."
A more managing female I had never met! "You will have to excuse me from your plans, Madame," I said to her. "I am in no mood for dancing tonight. Do not let me put a damper on your fun, though. George always enjoys a country dance."
George, in truth, did not enjoy dancing and he frowned at me for saying he did. "I am at your disposal, my dear," he said nonetheless. "I would not for the world have you think the Bywoods are a disagreeable family by nature."
The implication being that I was the only person being disagreeable. "George! That is a terrible thing to imply!" Philippa said, her tone offended by our brother's statement. "If any of us is disagreeable, it would be you! Why must you tease us so?"
With her aim of throwing Phoebe and I together thwarted, Rosamund made no response to her husband's generous offer or Philippa's offense. Instead, she focused her attention on Miss Darkin. I glanced over and saw Miles turn the page for her. Seeing him do so irritated me beyond measure. What right had he to dance attendance on another lady while his affections were elsewhere?
"What a fine match they would make," my sister-in-law said, her tone thoughtful. I was immediately suspicious. "They both have dark hair. Imagine how wonderful it would be if they were to use the house party to become better acquainted and then Mrs. Ramsey may have the distinction of two matches being made."
Phoebe raised her chin. "Matchmaking never did anyone ever good, Mrs. Bywood," she said sharply before I could formulate an answer. "You may be settled but permit the rest of the world to make their own matches."
It was as though a tiny bird had clawed a cat. Rosamund appeared to be startled, and Philippa's eyes had grown as round as a dinner plate. At that moment, I felt a brief moment of charity towards Phoebe and was pleased someone had put an end to my sister-in-law's matchmaking before she could take it any further.
Was it merely that Rosamund was a newlywed and did not like having so many of the family on hand? Would that explain her eagerness to see me married and away from Bywood Hall? Or did she have some other reason to dislike me?
Miss Darkin finished her song, and we all applauded, though I once again hadn't heard a note of what had been played. She demurred from playing another song and abandoned the pianoforte to Philippa. "Do you all truly wish to dance?" my sister asked as she sat before the instrument.
"Yes, let us dance," Phoebe said, getting to her feet. "Mr. Russell, you will not be as stuffy as Mr. Bywood and refuse to dance, will you?"
Me? Stuffy? My indignation fled, though, when Miles said, "I am more than happy to share a dance with you, Miss Ramsey. I can think of no other activity that would bring me greater pleasure."
That put Phoebe out of my hair. Rosamund's expression was as though she had sucked on a lemon and I smirked as I watched. George summoned footmen to roll the rug out of the way. Philippa warmed her fingers up, practicing a few scales. I stood out of the way, wishing for a drink than stronger than the tea that was on hand.
"If I may say so, you appear to be out of sorts, Mr. Bywood."
With a start, I realized Miss Darkin had come up beside me. "I give you leave to say anything you wish to me, Miss Darkin. I suspect you know the details of this whole thing, perhaps even more about it than I do."
She hesitated and then nodded sympathetically. "I cannot explain or tell you anything, which I suppose you were going to ask earlier. I was sworn to secrecy, you understand, and I must keep my word."
"I will not press you for an explanation then. I will have the truth from her soon enough."
"Miss Darkin, you simply must help Philippa choose the right music," Rosamund said with impatience. "Lucas may be disobliging if he wishes, but I will not allow him to keep you from being involved and entertained."
Offering a smile, Miss Darkin moved over to the pianoforte and picked up the selection of music. My sister-in-law seemed determined to punish me for refusing to dance. I gave in and picked up a cup of tea. As I began drinking, I contemplated when and how I could make my escape from this evening.
The evening would not be over soon enough for my taste!
When morning finally came, I was tense with pent-up emotion. The evening had dragged on, and I had done my best to avoid my sister-in-law. Doing so limited what I was able to participate in. The younger generation spent much of the evening dancing and the older members passed their time with playing whist.
When our guests finally left, I made sure I vanished before my father or brother could speak to me. I also didn't want Miles to plant his fist in my face, which is what I would have been inclined to do if I had been in his shoes. Of course, I didn't see how I would have ever been in a situation like this.
I knew I would not be able to stand the congratulations and the gloating of my family was sure to have. I had done nothing but insist I would not marry Phoebe and she refuses to agree? I couldn't face them until I had the truth from Phoebe. And the truth would have to be...I don't know what, but she had better have a way to get us both out of this predicament.
Skipping a snack from the kitchen, I hurried out to the stables. I'd sent a message, so Phaeton was waiting for me. I led him out and prepared to mount.
"Have an important assignation to go to, Luke?"
At Miles' voice and cold question, I gave a start and spun to find him only a few feet away from me. "Were you waiting for me or did you follow me out here?" I asked, watching him warily. His hands were curled into fists, and it wouldn't surprise me if he tried to plant me a facer. "I will wait if you intend to saddle a horse and come along. I suspect you want answers as much as I do."
"So you admit you are meeting with Phoebe."
"I never intended on it being a secret. I suspect Miss Darkin will be there as well. I suggest we not keep them waiting."
Scowling, Miles gave a brief nod and strode into the stable. Ten minutes later, we were riding towards the pond. Miles edged ahead of me as though he didn't want to be near me. As irritated as I was, I could understand his feelings on the matter.
The day was cloudy, which didn't help matters at all. The wind stirred the surface of the pond as we arrived. Phoebe and Miss Darkin were there, as I suspected they would be. Both of them were seated on the grass, and Miss Darkin was sketching something. They rose as Miles, and I approached.
"You're late, Luke," Phoebe said immediately. It still surprised me how lovely she was now she was grown, but her tone of voice reminded me I was speaking to my old childhood playmate. "My mother would be appalled if she knew I was meeting you like this. It is on your head if we are caught."
"No one's sense of propriety will be offended with Miles and Miss Darkin here," I said her as patiently as possible. "I think you have some explaining to do. You informed me, most emphatically as I recall, you did not have any regard for me and did not wish for me to ask for your hand in marriage. I have said so to my own parents, so why do your parents continue to believe there may yet be a match between us?"
Phoebe's pout did nothing to add to her looks. "Phoebe, explain it as you explained to me," Miss Darkin said with more calmness than I could have managed. The sketchpad she had clutched her in her hands tilted slightly, enough that I recognized the scene she had captured. I was curious to have a closer look, but it was not the time for that. "You must tell them everything at once."
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