"HEY BIRTHDAY BOY WAKEY WAKEY!!" Someone shouted into Harry's ears.
Harry lifted his head from the pillow and rubbed his eyes. He saw a pair of blue eyes looking down at him, "Happy birthday Harold!!" Harry squinted his eyes and he smiled at who he saw.
"Thank you, Niall, when did you get here?" Harry asked, groggily.
"An hour ago, waited so long for this day. Now come on!" Niall answered, pulling Harry out of the bed. Harry stumbled onto his feet and said, "Niall, shush. Louis is sleeping." Niall laughed, "Silly, do you see him next to you?"
Harry then realized that he had woken up alone. He quickly wore a t-shirt over his head and pulled grey sweatpants over his long legs, before Niall could practically carry him out of the room.
Niall dragged him over to the kitchen, where Harry saw two backs facing him. "Boys! He's awake!" Niall's voice boomed into the kitchen.
Both the boys turned with a cake in their hands which read 'Happy 18th Birthday Harry!!' in that shade of blue colour.
"Happy 18th Harry!" Zayn and Liam said in unison. Harry's face broke into a smile, he loved chocolate cake, "Thank you so much guys! This is perfect, did you bake it yourselves?" Both Zayn and Liam nodded.
Niall piped in, "They made it this morning. I swear I could it right away." Zayn laughed, "Niall, do you really want us to lock you in a room till Harry cuts the cake?" Niall laughed and shook his head.
Harry said, "Alright, I'll go freshen up but where is Lou?"
"That idiot threw up this morning, worried he would ruin this day for you. I've sent him out for a walk, for some fresh air." Liam said, shaking his head.
"Oh lord. And, how are you all up this early? It's six in the morning." Harry asked. Zayn said, "Well, we all woke up at five and got ready for today. Me and Liam baked the cake. It was all Louis' idea though, all the waking up, coming here and everything."
Harry beamed; his boyfriend was lovely. He nodded, thanked them, and went to freshen up.
Harry was greeted by a hug when he exited the washroom. Harry relaxed in the hug, inhaling Louis' familiar scent. "Happy birthday baby, sorry I wasn't there when you woke up."
"Thank you, Lou and don't worry. You won't mess anything up. You're here and that's all that matters." Harry said, and broke the hug as Louis dragged him to the common room.
Harry looked around in awe. Why hadn't he gone to the common room earlier?
There were balloons and streamers everywhere, and in the middle stood three boys smiling at him. Louis soon joined them, still holding hands with Harry, and said, "Go on Harry, cut it."
Niall wanted to say something, but was unable to, so he nudged Harry in the ribs. Harry looked at him and said, "Hmm?"
"'M orreh fur eatin a bith oof yer cake's cream Harreh." Niall said, his mouth full of cream. Harry looked at him, amused, and said, "Oh Niall, don't worry about it."
But Louis was glaring at the three of them. Liam said, "I tried so hard to stop him, you know. But he kicked my you-know-where and sprinted towards the cake."
"But what was Zayn doing then?" Louis asked, angrily.
Liam sighed, "He was fixing his hair. I asked him to help me but he said his hair was messy and that he had to fix it immediately." Zayn shrugged his shoulders, "That was really importan-" but Louis glared at Zayn so he shut up.
Harry said, "Guys, it's all good. I'm now cutting the cake, stop with the fighting and complaining."
Before cutting, however, Harry said, "Hey...All four of you cut the cake with me." All four of them smiled wide, and reached to cut the cake with Harry.
Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis sang the birthday song for Harry, while Harry tried hard not to sing along.
Harry cut the first piece of cake and fed Niall. Niall did a small dance at that, while Louis pouted. Harry giggled and kissed Louis' pout away, feeding him next. Then Zayn and Liam. Finally, himself.
"Now...The gifts!!" Liam announced.
Niall hurried over to the under the bed and pulled out some bags. He took the bags to Harry and said, "Take these. You'll find mine, Zayn and Liam's gifts in them." Harry quickly sat down and opened the gifts one-by-one.
Niall had bought some clothes for Harry, a recipe book, and a photo frame of the two of them.
Harry was smiling so wide, his cheeks hurt. He gave Niall a tight hug and kissed his cheek, "Thank you so much Niall. I LOVED these." Louis remembered to not snap at Harry for kissing Niall. Niall smiled and said, "It's nothing mate."
Zayn and Liam, apart from the cake, had bought Harry a wristwatch and a pair of boots. "Oh my God, these are...Chelsea boots?!" Liam nodded. "I love this Ziam!! Thank you so much for all these!" Harry exclaimed. He hugged both Liam and Zayn at one go, and they returned the hug saying, "Happy birthday bro."
Louis spoke up, "Uhm...since you've all give your gifts to Harry, it's now my turn." Harry looked at him, "You have more?" Louis nodded and rushed to get Harry's gift.
He returned with a green cloth bag containing something, with the label 'Always You Mall' on it. Harry gaped at that and said, "Lou you didn't... did you?" Louis said, "Please don't throw a hissy fit. You really liked it; I know. And when Harry likes something, Louis gets it for him."
Harry chuckled but opened the bag, while the other three were confused. Harry pulled it out from the bag, and Louis looked at him expectantly.
Harry gasped, "It really looks...wow." Harry threw the bag down and started assessing the blue dress Louis had bought him. Zayn said, "Man, Harry. Even I want it now." Niall said, "It looks good though." Liam nodded, "Not good, brilliant."
"Thank you, Lou. It's fabulous." Harry said. Louis said, "Love you babe."
With that, the gift exchange session was over.
Harry walked into the washroom, to bath.
The other three boys had gone to Uni, while Harry and Louis had taken an off.
Harry came out of the bathroom a while later, wearing the dress Louis had bought him. "Well, Lou. How do I look?"
Louis gaped at him; his boyfriend looked damn hot. He had to adjust his sitting posture to ensure his slight bulge wasn't visible.
He walked up to Harry and twirled him around. His Harry looked gorgeous.
"Wow Harry, you look like a princess. My princess." Louis said, amazed.
Harry blushed and said, "I'm your princess, daddy." Louis wondered if his bulge could be hidden as he blushed a deep red.
"Say that again." Louis demanded.
"Daddy." Harry said, seductively.
Louis moaned and reached out for Harry's hand, placing it on his already hard member. Harry moaned upon touching him.
Louis said, "You, made this happen." Harry moaned again, as Louis reached forward and pressed kisses along his jawline, slowly moving to his neck and working a bluish-purple spot there.
Harry threw his head back and gave him more access, and Louis quickly finished his job and said, "Hmm...I would fuck you right here, but no. We have a tight schedule, let's go."
"Go where?" Harry asked.
"You'll see, now come on." Louis tugged on his hand and they left the dorm, with Louis driving them to some place.
"You're the birthday boy Harry, go first." Louis urged.
Harry took a deep breath and said, "Alright."
Louis had brought Harry to a zoo, and currently they were standing in front of a couple of dolphins.
Harry had roamed around in his dress, not bothering about the weird looks people around them gave him. Harry reached forward and touched a baby dolphin's nose. He slowly rubbed her nose and she gave out a noise which meant she was liking Harry. Harry played with her for sometime, while Louis took millions of pictures of Harry and the dolphin.
When Louis reached forward to touch the dolphin, the dolphin splashed some water on him, getting the poor guy all wet.
They left after a while, with Harry babbling something about how dolphins mate.
It was almost lunchtime, so Louis took him to a Thai restaurant. They filled their stomachs with some Thai food and walked on the footpath for a while when Louis said, "Haz?"
"You're now 18. Remember you wanting tattoos?"
Harry's eyes were immediately on Louis and he stopped walking.
Louis took a deep breath and said, "I, uhm, this is like my other gift to you, like only if you want that is. Will you get a tattoo with me? Like...Have you heard about matching tattoos?"
Harry nodded eagerly.
"So, well, I was wondering and I thought we could get matching tattoos." Louis said, slowly. Harry gave Louis a big smile with dimples and said, "Oh Lou, I'd love to get some matching tattoos with you! But, what shall we get?"
Louis said, "I've thought about that as well. Your first word to me was 'Oops' and mine to you was 'Hi'. So I thought...you know? You get 'Hi' and I get 'Oops'."
Harry hugged Louis, "That would be perfect. You're just awesome Louis, you are AWESOME. Thank you."
"It's nothing babe, now let's go get them yeah?"
They buckled up in the car and drove to the tattoo shop Harry knew.
They walked out of the tattoo shop with their respective tattoos. Harry had gotten a 'Hi' tattoo near his left underarm while Louis had gotten an 'Oops' tattoo on his right forearm.
Louis had to admit that he was having the time of his life.
It was currently 3pm, so Louis knew where to go next.
"Lou where are we? Can I remove this blindfold now?" Harry asked, impatiently.
"No, just hold on for some more time." Louis said, as he led Harry to the correct spot holding his hand.
Harry huffed, "How long?"
"Little more time..."
They walked and walked and finally Louis said, "Here we are. Now I'll take your blindfold off."
As soon as the blindfold was off, Harry looked around but before he could realize what was happening, a shower of flowers fell from above.
He looked up to see Zayn, Liam and Niall emptying baskets of flowers on Harry, while grinning.
Harry looked around in confusion, as Louis stood there with arms crossed on his chest, chuckling at how confused his boyfriend looked.
"Lou what is going on?"
"Well, see around this place, will ya?" Niall shouted from above.
Harry walked around and realized that this was actually a house under construction. Liam, Zayn and Niall came down to stand with Louis, while Harry roamed around.
"He's clueless, isn't he?" Zayn asked.
"He is." Louis giggled.
Harry then crossed his arms on his chest and angrily said, "What is going on? Will you four tell me or not?"
Liam spoke, "This...is a house under construction."
Harry motioned for him to continue.
Louis carried on, "I wanted to keep this as a surprise for you. I was awarded the 'Best Player of the Year 2021-22' and earned a great deal. So, my first thought was, to build a house and live there...with you."
Harry looked at him with wide eyes, "You want to...live with me. You want to live with me?" Louis nodded and said, "Only if you want to live wit-"
He was cut midway as Harry slammed his lips onto Louis' and kissing the life out of him. He broke away soon after and said, "I'll love to live with you Louis. I can't wait!"
The other three cheered, while Louis and Harry couldn't wait for another five months to move to their house.
They spent the evening looking around the construction site and neighbourhood, and later at night ate a Chinese restaurant because Louis knew Harry loved Chinese.
Everything was perfect, but Louis still had one last gift for Harry.
2042 words.
Okie people I know I literally ✨suck✨ at writing chapters like these.
What do you think of Louis' gifts for Harry? Which did you like the most?
What do you think will be Louis' last gift for Harry? Those who know what it is(you know who you are) don't comment anything here.
Vote and comment besties!!
P.S. Lots on the wayyyy xx
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