Another update! My mood's too good off late I guess hehe
Dedicated to my lovely impatient friend
Hope you like it xx
As Louis and Zayn entered the room, they saw it was completely dark. Zayn reached for the switches and switched on a few lights. They saw chains of polaroids hanging on the walls. Louis walked closer to one chain and looked closely.
They were pictures of Harry, Gemma and some man Louis didn't recognize. There were also a few pictures of a woman, who looked very much like Harry.
Zayn, on the other hand, seemed to recognize all of them. Louis asked him, "Zayn? Who are these people with Harry and Gemma?" Zayn took a deep breath and said, "His parents Tommo."
Louis looked closer. They were indeed his parents. Only...Harry's father looked very happy and cheerful. Harry and Gemma seemed very young in the pictures. "How old is Haz in these pictures, Zayn?" Louis asked. "Fourteen in some and fifteen in some." Zayn replied.
So, these were Harry's memories of his family.
Louis felt he would tear up. Harry really did love his family so much that he missed them so bad. Louis wondered what he could do to help Harry. After a while of looking around at the pictures, both Zayn and Louis exited the room, and sat in the common room.
"Zayn, in less than a month, it's my birthday. And, since it'll be Christmas break, I'll be going home to Doncaster." Louis suddenly said.
"Oh, that's great Louis. when is your birthday?" Zayn asked.
"24th December. I was just wondering...If I could-wait. What does Harry do every year during Christmas?" Louis asked.
"Till the 25th he works all the time. Just to keep his mind off things. On the 25th, he drives over to my house and stays there till the break ends. Why?" Zayn said.
"I was wondering if I could take Harry over to my house? In that way he could meet my family, spend Christmas with me and... feel like at home?" Louis asked, shyly. Seeing Zayn stare at him, Louis quickly added, "I promise you he won't be hurt. My youngest sisters are a bit clingy; but they will never hurt him, I swear."
Zayn smiled wide and said, "I don't doubt you or your family Louis. Take him wherever you want, I don't mind. Just, don't leave him all alone. I'm not asking you to stick to him; but ensure that at least one of your family members are with him. If he ends up alone, he'd think about his past and end up in tears."
Louis nodded and said, "I'll ask Harry when he comes back. Anyways, it's just 29th November. We've a lotta time." Zayn nodded and said, "Thank you, Tommo." "For what?" Louis asked. "For you know, being with Harry." Zayn said. Louis smiled and nodded, "I-He's like, not really just a friend to me anyways. I have never liked anybody before, except HIM. I just hope, Hazza doesn't turn out to be-" "He won't. Harry is not homophobic, neither am I. Plus, he's gay too. How can he hate you unnecessarily?" Zayn said, cutting him midway.
Louis smiled. Zayn is right. Harry isn't homophobic. Harry isn't straight. Harry is nothing like HIM. He is my Harry, my Hazza, my Haz. Louis for once didn't avoid or ignore his thoughts related to Harry. He wondered if Harry could ever be his. Never in a million years. His brain threw at him. It wasn't wrong though, but Louis didn't want to think about that right now.
The dorm door flew open, and Harry and Liam entered the dorm. "Hi Zaynie, hi Tommo." Liam said. "Hi baby." Zayn said and got up to peck Liam's lips.
Harry, on the other hand, just stared at Louis, just to get stared back by Louis. "Hi Hazza." "Hi Lou." "Can we talk? You and I?" Louis asked. "Yeah sure, what is it?" Harry asked.
"Will you, like, only if you want to, I won't force you it's completely your choice of course, I just need to know, it's like a question actua-" Louis said but Zayn cut him and said, "Harry, Louis wants you to go to his house for the Christmas break." Harry let out a breath he realized he had been holding. He had a slight feeling Louis will ask him out but of course, the feeling wasn't mutual.
"Alright Lou, I'll come with you." Harry said, with a smile. "Great. Liam and Zayn are going to Zayn's house in Cheshire, so it'll be just you and I going to Doncaster." Louis said. "Right, no worries." Harry said and went inside to freshen up.
Weekend passed with the boys playing and enjoying, and Harry and Louis cuddling up every night in Harry's bed, because they were close friends obviously.
Gemma decided to return to Cheshire on Monday morning. It was a pretty emotional goodbye, where Harry and Gemma couldn't stop crying and when Gemma left, Harry broke down in Louis' arms. Louis soothed him by saying they will all protect Harry just like Gemma did.
Then, all four of them went to Uni. It was going to be a busy day, packed with classes for all of them. So they went, promising each other to meet during lunch.
During lunch, Louis and Zayn walked to the cafeteria to meet Harry. Surprisingly, punctual Liam was nowhere to be seen. "Have you seen Liam?" Zayn asked Harry. "No, I was gonna ask you the same." Harry said. Louis was now worried but calmed himself down saying he must have had some really important thing to do, hence he's nowhere here.
"Should we have lunch or go look for him?" Louis asked. "I think we-" Harry began but a loud voice boomed, "Oh God where the fuck is Zayn?" All three of them turned their heads to see Niall shouting. "What is it Niall?" Zayn asked. "Oh Zayn, I'm so sorry, it's Liam." Niall said. "What happened to him? Where is he? Is he okay?" Zayn shouted. Niall didn't say anything. He just tugged at Zayn's hand and pulled him towards the parking lot.
For a while, Louis and Harry stood still not understanding whether they should go behind Zayn or not. Harry looked at Louis and said, "Babes, let's go." Louis nodded and both sprinted towards the parking lot, not for once realizing that they had intertwined their fingers and were walking hand-in-hand.
Zayn was sitting on the ground, with someone's head on his lap.
Louis rushed forward to Zayn, breaking free from Harry's hand, and sat down next to him. "Liam, Liam, what's wrong? Zayn what happened? Niall? What's wrong with Liam?" Louis asked, hurriedly. Zayn just shook his head and tears dripped down his eyes. Harry kneeled down and rubbed Zayn's back while Louis asked Niall to speak. "He's actually unconscious right now but, he was...kissing a girl?" Niall said.
Louis looked at Niall, mouth slightly open. Harry was confused. Zayn was just crying. Liam was still unconscious. "You're joking Niall?" Louis said, nearly laughing but Zayn shook his head, "Nope, he's isn't. I saw him do it." "What? But he's gay..." Louis reasoned. "That's what I thought. But he turned out to be-" Zayn began but Louis said, "No, no, no. Liam is not bi or straight or anything. He is gay, I know. Don't doubt him Zayn, he can't betray you. He just can't, he won't."
"But I saw him kiss her! With my own eyes! I couldn't stand it, I swear." Zayn said. "Could someone explain what happened before we got here?" Harry demanded.
"I walked into the parking lot with Niall. I saw him standing with his back facing me and kissing a girl. I shouted his name and he immediately turned towards me. He saw me standing and with one last look at the girl and me, he lost consciousness. I rushed to hold him as he fell down. The girl, on the other hand, rushed away while I tended to Liam. Yeah, that's what happened." Zayn said.
Louis and Harry digested all the information. Harry spoke, "We should wait for Liam to regain consciousness before we jump to conclusions. Don't assume things when you don't know things, Zayn. I know it hurts but let's wake Li, yeah?" Zayn nodded and Niall went to get a water bottle.
After splashing some water on Liam's face, he woke up. First thing he saw was Zayn's pale self. His eyes watered at the sight as he spoke, "I swear I didn't cheat on you Zaynie. I don't know what happened. I was walking to the cafeteria but that girl pulled me to the parking lot and kissed me out of nowhere. I swear I didn't kiss back. Then when I saw you looking at me, I got so worried you'd think I cheated on you. So, I passed out. But I swear I didn't cheat on you baby, I swear, I really really swear." Liam said.
"Shush babes, shush. I believe you love, I believe you. I just got a bit panicked and shocked at the sight but I believe you now. I'm so sorry Li, for doubting on you." Zayn said.
"I'm sorry Zaynie, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Liam began but Zayn crashed his lips onto Liam's and they were kissing which eventually turned out to be snogging.
"If you don't mind, can we go eat now? Get a room for yourselves later." Louis and Harry smirked, walking back to the campus with Niall behind them. They all ate together but Niall left earlier than the rest four, not that the other suspected anything.
"Nope, it didn't work. Louis didn't lose Liam as his friend, neither did Zayn and Liam break up. I don't know how that didn't happen. Yeah, I think I need time to work out the third part of the plan. It has to be effective. No, I won't go to Uni, I'll attend it from home. He can't know about my presence yet, that's why. Give me some time idiot. I'm not a machine, I'm a human who happens to be your boss in this plan. So shut the fuck up and let me make changes in our plan. It'll take months for everything to be set. Yeah. Just take care of the girl. I'll tell our boy that he can take a break from this job for a few months. Alright, talk to you soon."
"Yeah Lou?"
"Do you ever regret befriending me?"
"What? Why are you asking all this, babes?"
"I don't know, just answer me."
"Oh no, I'm so glad I met you. I would be in vain without you Lou. I am understanding my value, thanks to you."
Louis smiled, "Thank you Hazza."
"What's wrong Lou?"
"You're like, the first friend I have had for more than 2 months after such a long time...except Liam."
"I won't leave you, Lou."
"I won't leave you either, Haz."
"Hello Zayn?"
"Hey Li, what's wrong? You're okay?"
"No, I'm good. I was just calling to let you know that I went over to Hotel Vibez to meet Harry but guess what? He wasn't there."
"What? Where's he? Is he okay?"
"No, no, calm down. He took an off today."
"So you're saying..."
"That he took an off to stay back at the dorm with Tommo!"
"Oh my mirrors, really?"
"Yeah, and can you stop saying 'mirrors'?" Liam said, with a laugh.
"I love mirrors." Zayn said, with a pout.
"Okay babes but we should actually celebrate. Louis and Harry together, in a dorm, alone..."
"I don't think they would do things Liam; they'd just talk or cuddle at the most."
"Hmm...right. How about I come ASAP and we do things?" Liam teased.
"Ah, waiting love. Come soon. Bye."
Harry and Louis were cuddling in a sofa, watching Titanic. Louis was holding Harry, as Harry was drawing circles on Louis' palm. Both watching the movie end, and credits rolling in. Harry wiped his tears away. "C'mon Harry, it's just a movie! It's just a movie." Louis told him. "But it is emotional, Lou." Harry sniffled. Louis just nodded and hugged Harry, as Harry snuggled into Louis and nuzzled his nose into his shoulder.
They stayed in that pose for a long time when Harry spoke, "You know what?"
"I haven't cuddled anyone in ages."
"Me too, Haz." Louis admitted.
"You're a great cuddler Lou."
"I love holding you Hazza."
Harry smiled at that. Louis loved something about him, finally. "Thanks Lou."
And Louis said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time now, I think I'll tell you about my past soon. When we go to Doncaster, someday there."
Harry smiled and said, "Open up only if you want to, Lou. And only when you are ready."
"I want to, Harry. You're a great friend."
Harry nodded, "You're better. I'm so glad I met you."
They stayed cuddled and quiet for some time until Louis spoke, "Will you hate me after I tell you everything about my life?"
Harry moved out of Louis' hold and looked at him. Worry and doubt was etched on Louis' face. "I can never hate you Louis. Never in a million years."
Louis smiled, "Don't let me go, please?"
"No babes, never." Harry said and pulled Louis into a tight embrace.
Louis melted in his embrace and let Harry hold him. "I think I'd be nothing without you Harry. Yeah, I have Zayn and Liam, but they know everything about my past. You, without knowing anything, are supporting me. What can I ever do to repay you?" Louis said.
"You've done too much already Lou, I'm really happy to have you, that's all I need. Friends." Harry said, rubbing Louis' back.
"If you rub my back any further, I'll cry." Louis said, with a slight chuckle.
"Then cry, nobody has to know. It's just you and me." Harry said.
Louis shook his head, "No."
"Let your guard down, Lou. It's just me, you can show your weak side in front of me. Remember that day? When you broke down in my arms? It's a good sign of opening up, Lou." Harry encouraged.
"I know..." Louis said. And he began sniffling. Harry rubbed his back further. Louis' eyes welled up and soon tears began pouring out, wetting Harry's sweater. Harry continued rubbing his back, not bothering about his sweater.
"Harry?" Louis said after a while of crying.
"I think I'm in love with someone?"
Harry's heart sank. "Is he the guy who you're so afraid of?"
"Oh hell, no. I stopped liking him ages ago. I can't like him-not after what he did to me." Louis said, immediately.
Harry sighed, "Alright. Who is it?"
"Hmm...won't tell you now. Maybe when I tell you about my past." Louis said.
"Okay...at least tell me something about him." Harry urged. He wanted to know who this guy was, jealousy filling his insides.
"He's from our Uni, first year. He's taller than me, way taller. His eyes and hair are worth dying for." Louis said, with a smile, as he looked up at Harry.
"Do I know him?" Harry said, trying to hide his jealousy and sadness.
"Of course. You know him very well." Louis said, trying not to laugh.
"Do Zayn and Liam know him?" Harry asked.
"They know and I've already told them about him." Louis said.
"Oh...right. How about sleeping right now?" Harry asked.
"Hmm...sure. Someone's jealous huh?" Louis teased.
"No, not at all. I like someone too, as you know, so there's no point in getting jealous." Harry said.
"Right. Don't admit your jealousy." Louis said, with a giggle.
"Shut. Up. Let's sleep now." Harry said, his temper building.
"Sorry, c'mon let's sleep." Louis said.
They stripped down to boxers soon, with Louis wondering how he would be able to resist Harry almost completely naked in front of him. Till you open up. His brain told him. He mentally nodded.
They cuddled again, this time on Louis' small-but-who-the-fuck-cares bed. Louis' hands in Harry's hair, Harry's head on Louis' chest and his hands around Louis' waist.
"Have you thought about getting tattoos?"
"Oh no. I'm freaking scared of them. You?"
"I'm waiting to turn 18 actually. I'm gonna get as many tattoos as I can." Harry said, eagerly.
"Brave boy, I see. Liam has always wanted me to get tattoos whenever he gets his, but I've never."
"Hmm. Right."
"I'm gonna sleep now. 'Night Haz." Louis said.
"Goodnight Lou." Harry said.
Louis slept immediately but Harry couldn't. Not after realizing that after a few days, Louis wouldn't cuddle with him. Louis wouldn't comfort him. Louis wouldn't encourage him. All because he loved someone.
Someone who was not Harry.
Harry decided not to think about that presently. Enjoy staying with his love, Louis, while he can. He looked up from Louis' chest to see him sound sleep. He sighed and slept after saying one thing aloud.
"I'm in love with you, Louis William Tomlinson."
2842 words.
This was a huge chapter...how was it?
Fank you so much for 390+ votes, 1.8k+ reads, 4.16k+ comments! Y'all are the best ❤
Next few chapters will be situated in Doncaster...
What do you think will happen in Doncaster?
Lots of love,
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P.S. Lots on the wayyyy xx
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