Chapter Six
~Y/n's POV~
We walked deeper into the woods I was taking him to. He followed close behind me so he wouldn't get lost, I couldn't blame him. It was a very thick woods filled with who knows what. "Where even are we?" He asked. "A place far from any civilization. No one has ever discovered this spot except for myself, if anyone did then... Well you'll see." I didn't want to give away the location. We soon arrived extremely close to the location I was going to show him. I stopped suddenly and he bumped into me, neither of us fell down though. "We're almost there, but first I need to ask you a question." I said while turning to him. "What is it?" He asked, he looked a little concerned. "Did you like Snowdin?" I asked. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome. Doesn't beat the surface though, I still miss it though." He admitted. "Perfect." I grabbed his hand and led him to the small clearing in front of us. I let go of his hand and went over to the blue flower in the middle of the clearing. I bent down and started to dig in front of it. "What are you doing?" Sans asked. "You'll see." I said while continuing to dig, soon some white started to peek through the soil. I smiled and dug faster until you could clearly see the white powder. "Is that... Snow?" He asked. I nodded and touched the cold substance, I flinched at how cold it was and pulled my hand back. I summoned some thick gloves and dug some more, I didn't stop until finally it started to dig itself. "Stand back." I warned, I got up and went back far enough. Sans followed my lead and watched as a gaping hole appeared in front of us. "It's a little bit of a drop but it's worth it." I assured while walking towards it. "Have you done this before?" Sans asked. "Multiple times." I replied while jumping into the hole. After a few seconds I finally landed on some soft snow, I looked around and saw the tall snow covered trees that were around Snowdin. Soon Sans fell down too, but not where he wanted to. He fell on top of me, I was now laying back first onto the snow with Sans sitting on my stomach. "Uh, are you just going to sit there or not?" I chuckled. His face went a bright blue as he got off of me. I giggled at his expression, I summoned a thicker f/c jacket and snow boots. "Where are we?" He asked. I only walked toward the place he used to live long ago. I walked through the trees and finally arrived at the entrance of Snowdin. Sans slowed down once he saw it, then he stopped beside me. "I-I can't believe it." He said while staring at the town in awe. "Mount Ebott isn't the only place to get into the Underground." I replied while smiling brightly, I could tell he loved seeing Snowdin again. "Come on, let's explore the place!" I exclaimed while walking into the town Sans enjoyed so much.
-3 hours later-
Me and Sans were hanging at his and Papyrus' old house. It was a little empty because they took most of the stuff they had to the surface. "I got an idea!" I exclaimed. "Hm?" Sans questioned. I started to summon the furniture they had at their surface home into the spots I think they would've had them here. It took some energy out of me but I held on until I had everything in place. Sans was speechless. I giggled at his reaction. "It looks exactly the same." He awed. Suddenly he hugged me, this time I wasn't stunned and hugged back. Then he lifted me into the air and started to spin me. "Hey!" I exclaimed while laughing, he too was laughing. He put me down on the ground but didn't let go of my waist. "Thank you." He said. "For what?" I asked. "Taking me back to Snowdin, we should come here again sometime. For now I think we shouldn't let Pap get too worried." He said while still not letting go of my waist. "Oh! Of course! How could I forget?!" I smacked my forehead. "Let's go home." He said as a wave of air rushed over me I closed my eyes, he was teleporting us. Once I felt my feet hit solid ground I opened my eyes and saw the surface house in front of us. We walked inside and Papyrus started to scold us. We only apologized and told him next time we would leave a note, Papy only sighed and told us it was ok.
-A few hours later-
I have been laying down on the couch for what seemed to be a hour now, I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. The excitement of the day kept me up. I tossed and turned trying to get into a comfortable position. Suddenly I heard a door open and close and someone walking downstairs, it was dark but I could make out who it was. It was Sans, I sat up once I saw him. "Can't sleep?" He asked in a light voice, it wasn't really a whisper. "Yeah. You?" I asked in the same kind of voice. "Same." He replied. "Maybe a walk?" I suggested. I could see him smile. "Sure." He answered.
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