Chapter 3
OK last chapter to rewrite XD YAY!!!! my BFFS are still in dis book (for the new peeps) their names are Bryanna,Mid, and Nakia.also CUSS WORDS INCLUDED...LIKE ALOT XD.......STILL LOL
Annie POV.
It was currently 8:17 and I'm trying not to let that "dream" to get to me and make me insane. I needed to get it off my mind so I called my trustworthy friends and told them to meet me at the mall. They would understand...right? Anyways I was getting ready.
I'm wearing my white lace dress that ties on the back of my neck with my favorite jean jacket that has "diamond" studded angle wings with a halo. I was wearing white-strapy wedges. I only put on mascara and put my hair in a pony-tail leaving my bangs...well REALLY long bangs down(they are about the length of my face so ya...BTW I have all those accesserys IRL except for the masscara XD SCREW MAKEUP!!!).
I was afraid to even look at any mirror in my house, so I walked past every mirror with ease and without looking at them. I heard a few dementid laughs from her but just kept on walking. CURSE THIS DANG LONG HALLWAY! GRRRRR. I finally reached the door and grabbed my car keys from the key hanger and walked out the door. I hurried to my red convetible and checked the time. Crap its 8:59 better hurry! I sped out of my drive way and "raced" towards the mall.
~nine minutes later~
I walked through the mall doors and saw my friends all sitting on the benches.
Bryanna, the blondy of the bunch, sat on the left side, Nakia, the only black one of the group in the middle, and Mid was was the only one but me with brown hair, was on the right. Bryanna was the first to see me so she jumped, and I do mean JUMP, off the bench and gave me a bear hug.
"C-cant...BREATH." I said while she squushed me tighter. "OMG WHY DID YOU NOT COME AND VISIT ME? YOUR AN ASSHOLE!!" she yelled getting weird looks from people around us but she didn't seem to care. She finally let go and I saw Nakia jumping up and down saying "SHES NOT DEAD SHES NOT DEAD!" I laughed and walked over towards Nakia and flicked her head when she finally stopped.
"OW! Damn girl you got one mighty finger nail." Nakia said while rubbing her forehead. "C'MERE!" I said while wrapping my arms around her and gave her a tight squeeze." GAAHHHH NOW I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL WITH BRYANNA!" she screamed in my ear. "HEY you guys forgot about me *fake tear* you guys are assholes." we all laughed and I ran towards Mid and hugged her REAL tight.
"Awwwww does wittle middy want a baby bottle?" I cooed while she started pushing me back. Yes we are very childish around each other but who cares? We don't!(true fact we are VERY childish XD) Even though Nakia is 22 and Bryanna is 21...MEH. Bryanna started fangirling and when we looked towards where she was looking and saw...
"OMFGOMFG SMMOOOSSHHH!!!" "QUICK HOLD HER BACK SHE MIGHT ATTACK THEM!!" I yelled. I grabbed her right arm and Mid had the other. Nakia tried calming her down which for a little bit until they came over here...Ian and the hotty Anthony. They laughed when we struggled to keep her from attacking them. I looked at Nakia then Mid and secretly told them to let go with a smirk.
They giggled and and me and Mid let go while Nakia stepped out of the way. The boys screamed like little girls and tried to run away from the raging bull...or Bryanna. While she takkled Anthony we laughed our ass off. We eventually started rolling on the floor and crying from the laughs. "GET HER OFF OF MEEE!!" "OMG ANTHONY BE MY BOYFRIEND!!" "NO I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! IIAANNNN!!!" we finally started getting up and ran torwards them and grabbed Bryanna and yanked her up. Mid and Nakia both held her down while I helped Anthony up. I looked for Ian and found out he peed himself and went to buy some new jeans and change. When they were both OK and when Bryanna was calmed down we went to Starbucks.
We all for to know each other better and that's when I knew was the time to tell them. Even Smosh. I sighed and exclaimed " I need to tell you guys something" with a sad and serious tone. " Uh oh, she sounds serious...this is bad!" I heard Nakia whisper to Mid. I glared at Nakia and she smiled. " Anyways back to the point. But I'm pretty sure you guys won't believe me." "Well what is it?" Ian said impatiently. I took a deep breath and started. " It started yesterday. I was walking down the hallway and saw of the mirror. I looked at it to find myself, but it wasn't me at the same time. The other me had black and dark purple hair with black eyes that had tiny glowing purple pupil. Once I realised it was her she said ' you will be mine...someday'. So I thought I was going insane. I went to go to bed last night and had this weird dream. It was all pitch black and I walked around in it and found a girl dead on the floor...but it wasn't just a girl, it was my mother with multiple stab marks in her chest.T-then s-sh-she showed up and...and." I broke into tears and Bryanna hugged me while I cried on her shoulders. "Shh shhh you don't have to tell us anymore." I cried for a few more minutes until I stopped." i need to continue.*sits up and wipes away tears* I felt fear build up for the first time EVER, and was about to ask her why she killed my mother. But then she told me I'm the one that killed her so I looked at my hands and found ... a my hands that had blood on it. My once clean clothes had blood on it and thats when I felt a terrible pain in my head. I just screamed in agony while she laughed at me.*starts getting angery* Soon I felt nothing and rose to my feet and she was gone. Suddenly a mirror popped in front of me and I saw...her but this time somehow I knew it was me.And that's when it ended." I lied. lucky me I'm a good liar but I don't like lieing to my friends...yes Ian and Anthony are now considered my friends."DAYUM THATS ONE MESSED UP DREAM!" Bryanna yelled/said. The others just looked at me with shock. I sat there awkwardly waiting for someone to speak up. "I know what's going on." Mid said suddenly. She grabbed my hand and dashed out of Starbucks, dragging me with her. "WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" I yelled at her. She kept on running towards the forest.
Oh no...not this forest.Some say that when hikers go there...they never come back but searchers only found blood where their body's were supposed to be. "MID! STOP PLEASE!" I yelled fear clear in my voice. We were already in the forest... probably in the middle of it now.
She suddenly stopped and I bumped into her."What the hell M-" my words stopped when I saw a dark...LONG... shadow cast upon me. I looked up and saw the one and only....slenderman.
DUN DUN DUUUNNN!!! MY FINGERS HUURT~!! hope you guys enjoyed and I wubs u my creepy lovelies!!! <3 BAAIIII!!!!
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