The Name's Jo
We dropped Sonia off at her house, and then my mom and I drove home. I got to retell the amazing story of our audition to my dad and my two sisters. They all said that they were just as anxious as I was to find out if I made the cast. I doubted it. I was so excited for Friday, the day I was supposed to find out by.
It was late, so I started to get ready for bed. the phone rang, and for a second I thought it might be the directors calling to see if I wanted a part. I quickly laughed it off though, because I just auditioned for them. My mind was reassured when my mom answered and started talking. They would ask to talk to me if it was about the auditions. I continued brushing my teeth, and someone knocked at the door, asking to come in. I opened the door, since I was only brushing my teeth, and my toothbrush clattered to the floor after my mom said,
"That was the directors from the play."
I wilted. If they made up their minds this quickly, that meant I wasn't what they were looking for. But I couldn't have been more wrong. My mom continued with,
"They want to know if you would take the part of Jo."
My mom was not kidding. They had made a decision minutes after they saw me perform! I opened my mouth to scream with joy, but mom motioned that she was still on the phone. So instead I said,
"Of course! Do you think I'm crazy? Yes, I will be Jo!"
My mom repeated the message into the phone and hung up. She said they also wanted me to come in tomorrow for callbacks for other characters, so they could see how the "actors would interact". Then I screamed out of happiness! Everyone came running, thinking that something was wrong. When they heard the news, everyone hugged me, congratulated me, I couldn't breathe! When all the excitement was over, that was when I thought about Sonia. I hoped that she had gotten a part too. She was the jealous type. If she didn't, she'd be very unhappy, and probably not talk to me for a while. I brushed it off, trying not to think about it. But it was on my mind as I fell asleep.
In the morning, my dad woke me up with "Good morning, Jo!" I just groaned and rolled over. Sometimes dad had too much energy in the morning. I tried to fall back asleep, but with no luck. So eventually, I got up and went downstairs for breakfast. Of course, dad was sitting at the table eating a muffin and reading the newspaper. He always does that first thing in the morning. (After waking me up, of course) I sat down next to him, and poured my rice krispies. Apparently, I did this with "too little of enthusiasm" and my dad assumed something was wrong. However, something WAS wrong, and dad was a person to talk to. I told about how I was worried as to Sonia's reaction, and what might happen if she didn't get a part too.
Dad said not to worry. "If she's was really your friend, she'll be happy for you."
Parents always say that. But they never tell you what to do if they aren't really your friend and they aren't happy for you. I guess I would just have to wait until I got to school to find out.
What would happen weighed on my mind while I got ready for school. The bus came, and I just sat and stared out the window, waiting for the unknown. Sonia's stop was next. Do I dare even tell her? She'd find out eventually. It would be better for her to hear it from me.
I motioned for Sonia to take the seat next to me. She was smiling. That was a good sign. I took a deep breath and told her.
" Sonia, the directors called me last night. I've got the part of Jo." I tried to say it without any emotion, so I wouldn't offend her, but I guess some excitement and happiness leaked out. When I looked at Sonia, she had on her "I'm trying to pretend I'm okay with this" face on. I immediately went into panic mode. I had to think of something to say to calm her down. Anything!
"But, they said they're calling the rest of the cast on Friday. They just wanted to..." I aimed to give her hope, but from her facial expression, I had just fed the fire. She didn't even let me finish before she changed seats.
I shouldn't have told her. A little voice in my head said I was making a mistake in telling her, but I didn't listen. The only one I heard was the one shouting, "She's your friend! She'll understand!" But it seemed like I was wrong about Sonia more and more lately.Then again, she was also getting touchier and touchier lately.
The bus arrived at school shortly, and when I got off, I hung my head in shame. Sonia was also known to spread rumors when she got mad. I really was not in the mood for drama today, which was ironic, because callbacks were that night.
School wasn't too bad, as far as being totally iced by your best friend goes. She only looked at me to give me cold stares. Luckily, when people heard my side of the story, they believed me, but I felt kind of guilty going against my best friend. She may be mean at times, but she WAS my friend.
Going home was the highlight of my day. My family was proud of me, and they all knew the story, so I wouldn't have to retell it multiple times. And, that meant I was closer to the callbacks! They wanted me there to read with the girls who got called back for the part of Beth, and the boys called back for Laurie and Mr. Brooke. 5:30 could not have come soon enough. The whole ride there, I chattered excitedly with my mother. We both wondered who would be there. I hoped that cute boy I had seen at auditions would. But I wouldn't know until we got there. I sat in the car, waiting, waiting, for us to arrive, yet the ride seemed longer than when we rode down for the try-outs. But it was the same. I saw the same scenery, the same sights, and the same streets. Why was this taking so long? Then we turned a corner, and I saw the building! It was still as beautiful as it had been last night, if not more so. This time, however, I would be walking in with confidence.
I didn't recognize anyone, but there were only three people there. Two girls, and one boy. Both of the girls looked just a lttle younger than me, and the boy looked about my age. One of the directors was there too. He introduced himself as Peter. He said that we would wait a few minutes for the other boy, but those minutes passed, and he did not come. So eventually, we walked up four flights of stairs to the room set aside for the callbacks.
It was a rather small room. There was a lot in it though. One the side opposite where we had come in, boxes were stacked up to the ceiling. a small table with a hodge podge of assorted items spread over it was pushed against the wall nearest the door. A raised platform painted black was placed right by the door. We were told to set our stuff down, and make ourselves comfortable. That looked impossible for me. But what did I have to be nervous about? I already had the part. It was the rest of them who ought to be nervous, yet they seemed fine. This was all mixed up.
The other director said hello, and I jumped. She had been sitting at the table, but I didn't notice her. She also introduced herself, as Peter had done downstairs. Her name was Katie. Both of the directors looked rather young, but I hoped that had nothing to do with their skill level. Everyone else introduced themselves too. The two girls were named Siobhan and Elizabeth. The older boy said to call him Ian. He reminded me of a guy at my school. Like him, Ian was tall, looked a little older that he really was, and seemed to have a permanent smile on his face.
Katie and Peter explained what we were going to be doing tonight, and how they usually didn't do callbacks. First we would read for Ian, who they were trying to decide whether he should be cast as Laurie or Mr. Brooke. The scene we would read through was when Jo and Meg first meet Laurie and Mr. Brooke. Since Meg wasn't there, the girls called back for Beth were asked to read for that part for the time being. Ian was really good at both parts, it's no wonder the directors were having trouble deciding. And now it would be even harder, because the other boy wasn't there.
After we read through the scene twice, Ian was allowed to go, and then it was just me, the directors, Siobhan, and Elizabeth. For the callbacks for Beth, we would read through Beth's dying scene , which was just Jo and Beth. We read through this scene four times, so much that I already had my lines memorized! Siobhan and Elizabeth were both so good, I did not envy the decision Katie and Peter had to make.
After both of the girls had left, I packed up my stuff to go, but before I could leave, my mom was already in the room. She was talking to the directors. I walked up next to her, because I wanted to be able to hear what she was saying, and stop her if it was embarrassing things about me. But, what they were talking about was not embarrassing at all! The directors were saying how after I performed my monologue, they both wrote "Jo?" on their notebooks and showed it to each other. When I heard this, I couldn't help but smile. It always feels good to be complemented on something you love.
My mom and I slowly walked back down the four flights of stairs as she joked about "needing the exercise". I was so anxious for Monday, which was our first rehearsal. It would be then that I would find out the rest of the cast. I really hoped that there wouldn't be a girl who thinks she's all that and then some. I had been in plays with people like that before, and they were not fun. and I really wanted to have fun with this play. Little Women was my favorite movie. I first saw it when I was six. I loved it back then, even though I couldn't understand the plot. Jo was my favorite character, because I WAS Jo. I loved to write, am a little boyish, and I have a terrible temper. Now, I really get to be Jo, and I wanted to enjoy every second of it.
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