❁Chapter Three❁
Both cars launched forward with great speed..
I watched as Foxy's hair blew all over the place. Sean walked over and kissed her in a million different places, as she laughed uncontrollably. The crowd of people around the track cheered and screamed for their team. All of us on the hill were standing on our feet, eye-ing Ripper's car intensely.
They were halfway around the first turn. Dean Yates was slightly ahead of Nathan. To me, it didn't look like Ripper was even trying. Usually he'd be ahead by a lot, but instead Dean was one full car length ahead by now.
"Ah- What's he doing!?" Ricky whined, grabbing the amount of hair he had on his head, jumping up and down like a five year old in need to let loose in an occupied bathroom.
"Relax, Kid." Dime put his arm around Ricky's shoulder, "I think it's part of his plan." This gave me a little hope. I too was like Ricky- worried, and wondering what the hell Ripper was doing- but I could hide my emotions pretty well. I looked next to me to see Sly, who was shaking like a wet cat. That's why I turned around and looked at all the boys. Most of them were watching with such focus. I could steal another cigarette, and nobody would have caught me.
The crowd erupted with noise once the two passed the halfway mark, which is the end of the first lap, with Dean still in the lead, but Ripper gaining on him. Ripper quickly shot up, directly next to Dean, but trying to live up to his name, Dean turned his wheel towards Nathan, and rammed into the side of his car.
Ripper swerved a bit, but quickly gained speed, shoving his car into Dean's. Dean went off the track, and struggled a bit as Ripper got a good lead. Unfortunately, the left side of that beautiful car of his was damaged pretty badly, but it was nothing he couldn't fix.
Dean followed back in right behind him, but stepped on his gas, bumping the back of Ripper's car, shattering his back tail lights, and somehow managing to deflate his back right tire. Ripper's car began to slow down a bit, and cause loud shrieking noises. Once again, Dean was in the lead, and there was only one turn left before the finish line (Or the end of the second lap).
"Shit." Muttered Dime, "We're screwed. There's no possible way Ripper can win this now." All the boys were groaning, and ignoring the rest of the race. But little did they know, Dime spoke way too soon.
As Dean continued to drive the normal track, Ripper had other plans. He started to drive up the sides, and stepped on the gas as fast as he could, riding on a bit of a slant.
"Guys!" I Shouted, getting their attention, "Look!" I pointed to Ripper's car that was about to drive off a small cliff just like the one we were sitting on.
"My God." Steel whispered, "If he actually runs off that thing, we have a chance of beatin' Jean Fates!"
Ricky slapped the back of his best friend's head, "Jesus Christ, Steel. Get the damn name right! It's Dean Yates!" Steel rolled his eyes, and ignored Ricky.
"There's no way he'd actually pull it off." Wesley added, clenching his fists in hopes that Ripper actually will pull it off.
"You'd be surprised what that man can do." Scram shook his head with a wide grin, and small chuckle, "That bastard."
We all stopped our chitter-chatter, just like the people below us. The track was dead as we all watched Ripper with intense eyes. Nathan stepped on the gas, and launched off the cliff, shooting across the air. Dean stepped on the gas as well, except he was on the ground, and about to reach the finish line- but just before- and I mean just before he came around that last turn, Ripper landed right in front of him, causing Dean to step on his breaks, and spin out of control. Nathan slid past the finish line, just as the rest of his tires deflated themselves.
"He did it!" Ricky yelled, the whole crowd following his outburst with an outbreak in cheers, and howling. Sly and I jumped up and down and hugged each other. All the boys behind me were hugging each other, slapping backs, high-fiving, and screaming. Scram picked me up, and threw me over his shoulder as we all ran down the cliff towards Ripper's car. As soon as Nathan stepped out of his car, we all attacked him with hugs, and high-fives.
"You did it you son of a bitch!" Dime yelled, messing up Ripper's hair. Ripper smiled, and laughed along with his pals. Without thinking, I jumped up, and wrapped my arms around him. Surprisingly, he hugged me back-tightly.
"I owe a lot to you." He whispered in my ear, before releasing me and continuing off with his friends. I stood there frozen with the same smile on my face I've had this whole time. He's finally said something to me! This is the first sentence he's ever said that was directed to me, in all of the seventeen years I've known him. I'm pretty sure this was a much bigger accomplishment than him winning this race.
"How on earth did ya' pull that one off?" Sean questioned him, right before high-fiving his best friend, and bringing him in for a friendly hug. Both boys laughed with each other, and Sean handed him the one-thousand dollars he had won. Ripper raised the hand with the cash in it in the air, and our whole gang went wild. Sly and I clapped as hard as we could, and stood there talking with Steel and Ricky for a bit, until the crowd around his car cleared out, and Sean brought his to the starting line.
"We've won one." Sean began, "And now we've got three more to go!" Everyone cheered one final time, before making their ways back to where they stood to watch the race. The boys, Sly, and I made our ways back up to the cliff, but this time with Ripper as well. Everyone was crowded around him, talking about how he did such an amazing job. Ripper grabbed his first beer of the night, and chugged it down, causing the boys to laugh, and slap his back.
"I can't believe it you shithead. How did you make such a move possible?" Dime asked, tossing him another beer.
Ripper opened his second beer, and took a sip before replying, "You could say I'm amazing." He winked at Dime with a smirk, and we all started to yell 'Boo' at him for that, "Naw, but seriously- It's Tip over there that made it possible. Without what she said, there would have been no race between us." He pointed his beer towards me.
"Tip saves the day!" Scram joked, picking me up bridal style, and pretending to toss me off the cliff to see if I could 'fly'.
"Put me down, Scram." I slapped his arms. I hated when he would tease me like that. I felt that someday he might actually throw me off the cliff, and I'll end up dead as a damn doornail.
"Relax youngin', I'm only playin' with ya'" He set me down on my two feet again.
"Well, I dun' like it." I adjusted my outfit, and sat down next to my best friend, who was trying to hide her laughter. I looked back up at Scram who flashed Sly a wink. I widened my eyes, and turned back to Sly, who was blushing a lot.
"Sly- do you like-" Sly cut me off by slapping her hand over my mouth, and hugging me tightly.
"Shudup' Tip." She whispered, throwing my head away from hers with a shake of her skull.
Sly was one year older than me, being nine-teen. She always acted more mature when around other people, but when it's just us, she's as goofy as goofy can get. Sly was a tall, brunette, who always did her make-up perfectly. Not that she really used much, because all she needed was a little bit to make her face stand out. Her eyes were a bright hazel, which her thick line of eye-liner complimented perfectly. Janie was gorgeous through my eyes, and I've always wanted to look like her, or Babee. The only thing different about her, is that she only wore black, with the occasional white at certain times.
I blinked a few times, not being able to believe what I just saw. Do Scram and Sly have a thing? I remember Sly telling me a few months back, that she'll never go for another teenage boy again. Only because she had her heart broken by a rich teenager named Ross Krone. He was an ass to begin with, I'm still surprised she even tried with him. Than again, Scram's twenty years old now, so I guess he's not a teenage boy anymore.
"Everyone shut it down, Slasher's up." Steel shouted, causing all of us to shut our mouths and watch as Sean, my oldest brother, made his way to his car.
Sean (a.k.a Slasher) was currently known as the best street racer in our gang. He stood about six-foot five, wiping all the other boys out of the picture. His hair was a long, dark shade of brown, that was always styled up nicely. His eyes were a royal, glossy blue. He as well had several meaningful tattoo's spread across his body at the moment, and is always looking for a reason to get another one.
His car was similar to Ripper's, except Ripper had more advanced parts, and technology on/in his. Plus, my brothers car was a bright green, while Nathan's was a dark purple. Slasher's car was mostly green, too. Except for the translucent black cover over the engine, and red accents going down the sides of his car, and inside the tires. Just like Nathan, he built his car from scratch, starting off with a piece of crap he got at the junkyard for forty bucks. That's what amazed me about these boys so much. They all had such great talent when it came to fixing up cars.
We call him Slasher, because after every race he's in, Sean somehow manages to leave giant slashes through the opposing member's tires. He could not even touch the other car, and the tires would still have one large slash through each. It was unbelievable.
Just like the race before, Foxy threw the flag down, and the two cars took off. Everyone was screaming, and on their toes out of nerves. Just like we knew would happen, Slasher won his race against Finn, and brought home another thousand. We all ran down once more, and congratulated him the same very way we had done with Ripper. Foxy even planted a nice one on his face, leaving a huge lipstick stain on his right cheek. Like usual, the other cars' tires all had slashes through them, and all we did was sit there and laugh at him. Now we had won two races, with another two to go.
Now it was Dime's turn. He got paired up against Shawn Gregs, the 'best' Tampa had. Unfortunetly for them, Shawn sucked. Of course that was great news to us, because hell, more money! Dime was a bit disappointed though. This was his first time racing in a while, and he wanted it to be a tough, fair race- one with some actual competition.
Dime's car was a bright orange one. It had several white designs on both sides, and the word 'Dime' written everywhere in big, white letters. That's how you knew it was his. He loved his car with all his might. Even started calling it by its own name, Nicole. I don't exactly know where he got Nicole from, but that's his business.
Dime won his race, maintaining a huge lead throughout the whole thing. He was disappointed at first, because he complained about how it was "Just like a forfeit" and that it was only "an easy win." Once he saw the thousand he had won himself, his face lit up, and he was perfectly okay again. Now we've won three races, and three-thousand dollars.
And last, but not least, it was Scram's turn. Scram was so hyped up, and ready to take his opponent, the Tom Grublin, down. Tom was alright, I mean definitely someone Scram would actually have to try against. I personally think Tom's the best racer on Tampa's squad, but they disagree.
I really liked Scram's car, though. It was a hot, blazing red car, and it was just plain. Some of these designs made me want to get sick, but his car didn't have any, and that's what I loved most about it. It still looked as great as the others without the crazy details as well. We called his car the 'Ave Maria' because it's one of the fastest, and when going full speed with it, all you see is a red blur zoom right past you. Almost like it were an angel.
Scram and Tom had oddly tied the first round, having to go an extra lap to determine who the winner was. Of course, Scram won, and we all lit up with excitement. We had just won all four races, continuing on our winning streak. Not to mention, we'll be bringing home about four-thousand dollars tonight. That's one hell of a lot to us 'street rats'.
"Look at all this." Ricky cried, picking up all four stacks of money, "We could buy a house over on Lime Street, n' be considered rich folks now." It took me a while to realize he was only joking.
That's my only problem with Ricky. I think he's so much of an idiot, that I can never tell when he's joking, or just being a huge idiot. Ricky's my twin brother, even though he's got brown hair just like my other two brothers, and pale blue eyes. He's got some-what of a baby-face like his best friend does, but a bunch of tattoo's. All of my brothers have tattoo's. Ricky's about six-foot two, which is around as tall as most of them are. I still don't understand how the two youngest looking kids are two of the tallest. We called him 'Slope' because of the way he styles his hair. Looks like you could ski down it, or snowboard.
"Yea, right." Wesley began to laugh, "There's no way I'd ever wanna' be a rich folk anyways. I love the way I live right now." Wesley ruffled Ricky's hair, ending up with Ricky swatting him away like crazy. You don't mess with Ricky's hair.
Wesley, who we call 'Speed', is my second oldest brother, at the age of twenty years old. He's also got brown hair, and has dark, green eyes, just like our mom n' dad. He wasn't exactly the one who kept me so tight in line. He didn't care how much I smoked, and always let me have as many beers as I wanted. He was the cool, laid back brother- well, when I was around him. Wesley and I barely spend that much time together.
We call him 'Speed' because his car is the second fastest in our crew, and because when he was about fifteen, he would lie, and walk around saying things like "Oh, I'm tripping on speed man". We all knew it was a lie, because none of us would ever really dare to do drugs. It's what killed both of our parents.
"Come on." Scram nudged his best friend, "You have to have some part of ya' that's wantin' to be a rich folk."
But Speed just shook his head, "No way in hell I'd ever become one of em'." He took a large drag from Scram's cigarette, following it with a sip of his beer.
"Get off him!" A loud voice yelled from below us. We all turned our heads to the noise to see Boy Sid tryna' pull Finn away from Dime as they both started to throw punches at one another. I could see Sean moving through the crowd as fast as he could to stop it. I hadn't even realized Dime wasn't up here with us.
"Well, shit." Steel began, "Another fight."
Before anyone could stop me, I jumped up and started running down towards the scene. I've been wanting to punch Boy Sid in the face for so long, and now I finally have my chance. "God damn it Tip, get your ass back here." Wesley cursed from behind me, but I ignored him n' kept running. I nudged my way through the crowd until I had a great view of Boy Sid.
"Hey dipshit." I called out, placing my left hand on his shoulder. As soon as he turned around, I took my right fist, and slammed him in his left jaw, sending him falling to the ground. I shook my hand as I watched him struggle to get up- which was very hard for him, since he was still in that neon leg cast.
Sean jumped between us, and held the people back who were trying to charge at me, as I stood there watching them with a wide smile, "Tip!" Slasher spat, "Are you crazy- Fella's, I'm sorry- please excuse her."
"I'm gon' kill that bitch, I'm gon' kill 'er." Boy Sid was yelling, still trying to stand up again. I chuckled at the sight of him struggling, but stopped once Sean grabbed my arm, and pulled me out of the crowd to Ripper.
Throwing me into Nathan's arms, he said "Get Tip outta' here, Sid's about to come after her." Ripper nodded, and began to walk away with me, before I broke lose from his light grip and ran after Slasher.
"Why can't I stay Slasher, let me fight him. It's not very hard." I begged, "Didn't you see that punch I threw? It was great!"
"I don't care how great it was. If you don't leave now, you'll end up dead. Do you want that to happen? Huh? Do you want to die tonight because of your own stupid actions? For fuck's sake Tip, learn your place." He yelled, before leaving me with Ripper again.
"Where's the little shit." A voice In the distance yelled, "Find her, and bring her to me, I wan't one good blow in her face before I leave here." Boy Sid instructed his crew to find me, and bring me to him- but Nathan wasn't going to let that happen. He quickly picked me up, and started running to his torn up car that was parked just below the hill we were sitting on.
"Put me down, Ripper." I demanded, punching his back, "I want him to stop treating me like a prissy princess." He didn't respond to me, or put me down. Instead, he opened the passenger car door, and tossed me down onto the leather seat, before getting in himself. Through the windshield, I watched as Dime, Scram, Slope, Speed, Steel, Foxy, and Sly all got involved in the fight. It wasn't fair how Slasher kept me away from all of this.
It wasn't necessarily about me wanting to kick Sid's ass anymore. I just wanted to prove to Sean that I could do everything he could do as well. I can race, fight, run the gang, and do what he did just as well. But because I was a girl, and his little sister I may add, I couldn't take part in any of that. He was so protective over me, and it's gross. He let's his girlfriend fight alongside him and drink and smoke as much as she wants, but not me. Every other girl in our gang has those privileges, except for me. Hell, now he's even assigning me body guards. It wasn't fair, and I've 'bout had enough of it.
I'm going to change things around here.
There's chapter three :)
Eleanor's a feisty one. All she wants right now, is to be treated like one of the boys, but Sean's making that very hard for her. Wesley, nor Ricky seem to care if she does what they do, but Sean does. Why do you think so?
Do you think Sean's rules are reasonable, or just too much?
Please, please, please answer in the comments! First question's asked!
Also, please remember to vote, comment, and FOLLOW ME.
-I will soon be posting important, and fun, extra things on my profile. You need to be able to see most of them, so please follow me asap! Thanksss!
Continue for chapter four.
Song: Take Me Over by Peking Duk
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