❁Chapter Ten ❁
You're finally getting into the main conflict of the story haha. This chapter is a big one for Tip, Sean, and all of the commonly heard from characters. Let's see what happens in chapter ten.... Sorry for the long wait, btw. Been pretyyyyy busy haha. Also, check out some of my other great stories that have 0 reads :)
Sean glared at me intently.
Yes, i knew why. It's because I butted in to his conversation with the worker guy. Sean hated when i got involved in situations like these. He knew that i always have a tendency to do something- especially when i'm not needed. Most times, i only make matters worse, but this time i feel differently. I think i actually have a chance on helping.
"Why am i staring at a group of street rats?" The mayor spat, pointing his reading glasses directly towards my friends and I. The man who let us in squirmed under his cold stare.
"They, um-" The usher gulped, "They requested to see you, sir."
The mayor examined me up and down with a disgusted look. I shifted in my chair uncomfortably.
"Whatever." The mayor sighed, placing his glasses down and leaning back in his chair. "What is it?"
Sean opened his mouth- attempting to explain in a reasonable way, but i of course cut him off. "You can't take our track away."
He looked at me as if i had a lot of nerve talking to him that way. Frankly, i didn't care if he threw me away when i was done with him- i'm getting my pride and joy back.
"I can- and i will, little girl." The mayor picked up a stack of paper, beginning to sort them out.
"Why take it though? All because some snobby rich kid complained about gettin' his ass kicked by someone he knew he couldn't beat?" He stopped and eye-d me carefully.
I watched as he stood up from his chair, and walked over to face me. "You're not all that easy to get rid of, are you?" I shook my head 'no'. "Very well, what is it that you really want."
I gulped, looking around at the people who mattered to me. All of them were staring at me with worried looks. I knew this track was important to them as well, and that if i messed up- it'd all be gone. Not to mention, my fault. I still wanted to try. To impress all of them- to impress Nathan. Maybe even show Sean that girls should be allowed to race. All that i was about to do, was for a beneficial reason. I had a pretty good feeling about this.
"A race." I finally stated.
The mayor laughed, "You want a race? Darling, what's so special about this race that it's worth bothering me about?"
"If we win, the track gets to stay. If you' win, you can take it down. We both throw in five-thousand dollars, and winner takes all." While the mayor showed interest in my idea, Sean, Dime, and Ripper muttered curse words under their breath. Sean was going to pissed after we're done here, because little does he know that it isn't going to be a race he approves of.
"Alright, Alright- it seems fair, but all this isn't worth a simple street race." he shrugged his shoulders, walking back to his desk. "You're all dismissed."
I widened my eyes. I wasn't done with him yet. "Hey!" I yelled, walking after him- but Sean grabbed me, taking me back with him.
"Just let it go Tip." He gritted through his teeth, "It's over."
I struggled to get out of his hold. "No- It's- Not!" I finally broke through, slamming my hands down on the mayors desk.
"The street race'll be between me- a girl, against whoever you choose." He seemed interested again.
"Tip!" Sean roared.
I looked behind my shoulder to see Sean's angry glare, Dime's curious stare, and Rippers impassive eyes. "It can be anyone."
"Even say- Michael Realms?" My eyes widened upon hearing that name. Michael Realms was one of the best nascar drivers in the world. He's won Daytona fourteen years in a row.
"Tip- don't do this." Dime pleaded from behind me, "It's not worth it."
Going against the Michael Realms would be a huge risk. He's skilled in every tactic that racing's involved with. But this isn't a nascar race, this is a basic, actual street race. It won't be a track, but a real street in downtown Miami. While i've got a good enough history with street racing, he's got one with actual racing. I feel that if i try my hardest, I can actually beat him. After all, street and regular racing are two very different things.
I shook my head, "You have a deal."
"Oh my god." Sean groaned in the background. "Tip- ya' bein' stupid!"
"We'll set the date for a month from this Friday." He held his hand out for me to seal the deal with.
"Okay.. but you have to let us use the track before-hand." After he agreed to this little arrangement, i shook his hand.
It was final.
"I can't believe you!"
He yelled, sweeping my collection of make-up brushes off my dresser. "That was stupid, Tip, real stupid!" I watched as he roughly dragged his hands through his hair in frustration. His arm hit the wall and his head pressed itself against the leather sleeve of his black jacket.
I sucked in my upper lip, staring down at a dark spot on my beige carpet. That's where my father spilt a drop of wine a long time ago.
"Just- why would you go against me like that? You know why I don't want ya' racin'." His voice was now calm- searching for an understanding.
"Because-" I began, throwing my head back as my eyes scanned the decor of my room, "I saw an opportunity. One that allowed me to race, provided a chance to get our track back, and would prove to you that i can handle racin'."
A long, frustrated sigh left his mouth. "We'll talk about this more tomorrow, but right now i have a very important party to host- by the way, how would ya' feel about a new addition to the family?"
I squinted my eyes in confusion, "Whatdya' mean?" Sean wasn't usually the type to surprise anyone, but was he planning on bringing something new into our lives? The worst part about this- was that i can't tell if he means a pet, or a person.
He opened his mouth to say something- but shut it quickly. Shaking his head, he muttered, "Nevermind." before leaving my room. I could hear the faint murmurs of the guests below through my now cracked bedroom door. Everyone we've ever been close too is down there right now, all due to Sean's orders.
I sighed, standing up. I walked over to my mirror, examining my appearance once more. This dress really did suit me well, i guess i have Babee to thank even more. A small smile appeared on my lips, and i strutted down the stairs to meet my friends.
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