❁Chapter Six❁
As the darkness grew closer, the temperature cooled down, and a nice breeze blew my blonde locks all over the place.
Sly and I were just walking home from the beach, as I told her about everything that's happened earlier. The part when Ross held a knife to my throat, and Ripper hinting that something went on between us last night.
"My God. What do ya' think it could be? Sex?" She asked, in-between the licks she took from her cherry lollipop.
"I doubt we hooked up. Maybe we just had a really deep conversation." I shrugged my shoulders. Who honestly knew what could've happened. Apparently, I was way beyond drunk.
"Or you blabbed, and he listened." She pointed out. Her idea sounded way more realistic. I'm sure my mouth was saying all sorts of random, embarrassing shit last night. I just need to find Nathan, and find out what exactly was said.
"Do you know where Ripper is?" I asked her. Sly flashed me a confused look.
"Why ya' wanna' know? I think he's bad news, Tip. He's definitely one hunk-of-a-guy, but sometimes those the ones you' need to stay clear of." She bit the candy off the stick, before tossing her trash to the curb.
"Nah, he seems like a pretty decent guy. He's the reason your ex didn't slit my throat earlier." Sly pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. She took a drag first, before passing the smoke stick to me. Usually, I'd accept the thing, and smoke it with her. But for some reason, I declined it.
"Alright, what's been up with you." She asked. She knew me too well. Not very many others would be able to tell if I'm upset or not.
"I dunno', I'm just curious what happened. That's all."
Sly blew out the smoke she just inhaled, and threw the barely-smoked cigarette on the street. "Come on. We needa' get ya' mind off last night. How 'bout we go to another party? I know a guy who could get us in to one of the hottest ragers ever thrown. Tons of alcohol, and hot college guys." She flashed a wink in my direction.
I laughed, "Well, I do like college boys." Sly cheered for my agreement to go to that party with her. I knew Sean wouldn't care if I went to a party, just as long as I keep my drinks to five or below- and this time, I'll most definitely do that.
"I'll grab ya' in two hours boo. Be ready." I stood at the end of her driveway, until she made it inside her pink, one-story home. Sly's house was adorable. When I move out of Sean's place, I want to live in a house like hers.
There was one thing Sly had forgotten to mention to me earlier...... The party was hosted by a rich kid.
"Sly- you know I'm not allowed on this side of town." I snapped, yelling so she could hear me over the blaring music. The wide, finely furnished house was covered in sweaty bodies- all which belonged to the spoiled kids we were not very friendly with.
"Relax, kid. You big brother don't have to know a thing." She winked at me again, "Besides- I wouldn't take ya' somewhere if I didn't think it was somethin' you could handle. You can handle this, Tip. They just people."
"Just people wouldn't randomly decide to kill ya' off one mornin'." I scoffed, recalling the events from earlier when the moron Ross Krone walked in our grill saying he was going to kill us for no reason.
Sly rolled her eyes, "That's only Ross. He isn't even normal- yet alone a person. Just a stinkin' pig, I tell ya'." Sly pulled me out of the doorway so the people behind us could get inside. "Don't let one person characterize his people, Tip. You make your own impression of 'em."
I was surprised to hear some actual, good advice come from her mouth. Sly was never really the type of person to take things seriously, but right now she was being wise- and it inspired me. Inspired me to set aside the stereotypes my brothers have put in my mind for one night, and enjoy this blasting party.
"You know what, you're right. Let's enjoy ourselves a party." I smiled at my beautiful best friend.
Tonight, she was dressed up. Short black and white cheetah print shorts, a black, sparkling blouse, and her designer jacket one of her summer flings gave to her a year ago. This jacket had the perfect amount of bold, and crazy sewed into it. The back was plain black, the sides were white, the insides were zebra print- and the front had the face of a grey tiger on it. I loved her wild sense of style.
She definitely out dressed me, along with all the other girls at the party. I was wearing my light blue, sleeveless turtleneck under my navy blue, leather jacket. I also wore the high-waisted leather shorts I borrowed from Babee a while back, but never returned. Like usual, I had another pair of vanz on- but these one's were navy blue, with light blue stripes.
"Let's go get some drinks!" She explained, narrowing her eyes at a tall, blonde male standing by the bar, " I think I see my friend." A.k.a one of the many guys she led on in order to get the very things she desired. Each male she led on could offer her something she's had her eye on, and this guy must be what can get her into the twenty-one and over parties. She grabbed my arm, and began to drag me towards the bar. I laughed, before stopping in my tracks, and staring at someone with a dead face. What was he doing here?
I stared at his face, until his eyes made contact with mine. The small smile plastered on his lips fell upon my sight. He whispered something to his friends, before walking over towards us. Sly looked back at me, and followed my stare until she too saw him.
"What's he doin' here." I muttered. If anyone would be the reason I got busted for being on the wrong side of town, it would most definitely be him.
"I didn't know anyone commin' would even know who he- or anyone of us, was." She whispered back, flashing me an apologetic look.
"Hasn't Slasher told you' to stay out of the rich side, Tip?" Nathan asked, even though he already knew the answer to that one. "I ain't gonna' rat you out, don't worry- but this time, let's try to control ourselves with the drinkin'. There's no need for another repeat of last night."
"Why can't you' just tell me what happened. eh? The curiosity is killin' me." I begged. It's all I've been thinking about ever since- even more than Ross having a knife to my throat. I almost died, but the events of last night were all I could think about. I just want to know what happened.
"If I want to tell you, I will." He said harshly, right before walking off. Earlier he was smiling, and had a sense of humor- what happened? Now he's just back to being cold again. I hate how much he confuses me, but maybe that's the reason why I keep getting involved with him.
I followed Sly to the bar, but kept my gaze on Ripper. He was busy laughing, and drinking with a group of guys. At one point, four sluts walked over to join them. This redhead was all over Ripper, and for some odd reason, I was upset by it. By my fourth drink, Sly was off dancing with her blonde babe, and I was sitting at the bar alone, eavesdropping on the girl next to me's deep conversation. Apparently, her boyfriend kept lying to her or something. I couldn't really make out what she was saying behind all those tears her eyes shed.
"Want some company?" A deep, unrecognized voice from behind me asked. I turned my head around to see a tall, toned, college boy staring at me with a friendly smile. I decided he looked harmless, so I made an effort to get to know him.
"If you dun' mind putting' up with my crazy ways." I joked, causing him to chuckle- revealing his perfect set of white teeth. He was attractive, with his shaggy brown hair, and piercing hazel eyes. I'm not used to the polo shirt, khaki shorts type of guys. They didn't really reside on our side of town. I'm always ready to try new things, though. There's no harm in trying as they say.
"I can tell by the way you speak, that you're not from around here." He pointed out, taking the stool right next to mine.
I shook my head, "You caught me. I'm a street rat."
"Nah." He laughed, "You're way too pretty to be considered one of those." I half-laughed as my cheeks turned red. He was smooth, I give him that. "What side of town you live on doesn't define the type of person you are. I'm Braxton, by the way."
"Ti- I mean, Eleanor." I figured that over here they'd use their actual names, and not some silly nickname given to them from some old, childhood memory.
"Eleanor." He mirrored, "It's definitely rare." He pointed out. "Did you know Eleanor means shinning light?"
I widened my eyes, "Does it really?" He nodded, "Wow. How do you know that?" I was slightly impressed with his name knowledge.
"Well, it's Greek, and I happen to be speak fluently in that language." He winked at me, "It's part of the requirements needed in order to study abroad there for a semester."
"That literally sounds amazin'. I'd kill to be able to study abroad somewhere, you know- get out of the country. Miami's great n' all, but I'm sure Greece is much better."
"I can agree with that." He raised his drink up high, and I followed with mine. For the next couple of hours, Braxton and I talked, danced, and basically did everything together- which led up to right now, where my back was pushed up against the wall, and his tongue was intertwined with mine.
The faint music could be heard in the background, as we stood there making out in an empty hallway upstairs. His lips devoured mine with a powerful force. His hands running up and down my spine, causing the skin on my neck to stand up. He moved his lips from mine, down to my neck. I rolled my head back with a quiet moan, once he kissed my sweet spot. He began to kiss my right shoulder, pulling my jacket off a little each time his mouth moved further down my arm. My jacket dropped to the floor, and he started to attack my mouth again.
It felt nice. I finally stopped thinking about last night for once, and was able to enjoy my time. The last time I made out with someone, was two years ago before Dylan Sneed moved away. His family's business sky-rocketed, and they made a shit ton of money. Now they live in Beverly Hills, and didn't even think to take me along with them.
Everything was going great- until his hands went under my shirt, and tried to pull it off. I quickly grabbed his hands, and pushed them away from me, causing his whole body to move with them.
"What are you doin'?" I snapped, breathing heavily. Braxton smirked at me.
Coming closer, he wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me back towards him, "Come on, have a little fun." He planted his lips back on my neck, and began to kiss it roughly. One of his hands left my waist, and opened the nearest door that revealed a dimly lit room. Before I could do anything, he forcefully shoved me into the secluded area, and shut the door- locking it behind him.
"Why did you-" he cut me off as he kissed me one more time, before shoving me down on the mattress that appeared out of no-where. Braxton climbed over me, sucking my lips with his once again. He went to pull my shirt off again, but just like last time, I shoved his hands away. Only, he grabbed my arms, and pinned them down to the bed. I struggled underneath his tight grip, but found it was no use. He was too strong of a guy.
"Let....Me....Go!" I spat, in-between the kisses he slapped on my mouth. For a third time, he held me down with one hand as the other went to pull my shirt off. This time, he was successful. I squirmed underneath him, trying to free myself- but before I knew it, he was going for my bra strap. "Get off me!" I yelled, kicking my legs around hoping that my foot would pop him in the face, giving me a chance to run.
I was still a virgin. Unlike others, I valued my virginity, and didn't want to give it up to just anyone- especialy a random college guy I just met a few hours ago.
He sat down on my legs, in order to keep them from kicking. His direction of interest changed, as he started to unbutton my shorts. "Stop!" I yelled, "Get away from me- Oh, someone please help!" Nobody answered, but I never really expected someone too. Sly was busy, and probably hasn't noticed I wasn't around. Who else would possibly be looking for me. Not to mention the music was so loud, that I doubt someone could hear my cries for help. My pants slowly slid down my legs. I decided to give it one last shot, and cry for help.
"Get off me!" I screamed, right before the door slammed open and Ripper stood there with my coat in his hands, and an angry look in his eyes. Braxton stopped and looked directly at him, terrified for his life. He must know who Ripper is.
"Nathan, I-" Ripper didn't spare him one moment before he marched over here, and slammed Braxton in the face- sending him off the bed, and onto the floor. His fists were still clenched, and chest rising up and down rapidly. I knew he was raging on the inside, but controlling himself on the out. He turned to me, examining my body for a second, before throwing my jacket at me.
"Put your clothes on." He demanded. I hesitantly nodded, pulling my top back over my head, and putting my arms back into my jacket. As soon as I was done, Ripper grabbed my wrist, and dragged me out of that house as fast as he could.
Once I was exposed to the night air once again, he let go of my arm, and shoved me in front of him "What the fuck were you thinking? He yelled, "Were you tryna' get yourself raped? These college guys mean business, Eleanor." I felt so ashamed. I couldn't even look him in the face.
"I'm sorry, he just- he seemed sweet, n' I didn't think that was what he was after." I explained. Man, he pulled it off so well. I actually though he was a decent, considerate guy- but I was way off. He was just a horny college frat boy, thinking I was just easy prey.
"Sweet? Come on, I'd think you would know better than that. Rich guys aren't sweet. They're assholes who only give a damn about their face, car, and penis. Why the fuck would you think one was different from the others, hm?" The slang he usually talked with seemed like it no longer existed. His words were properly said, and his tone seemed to be worse than Sean's when he scolds me for having a second cigarette every now-and-then.
"Someone told me I should ignore what y'all say 'bout them rich boys, and make my own impression of 'em." I softly responded, keeping my head down.
"You idiot." He muttered under his breath, dragging his hands through his hair roughly, "That's the stupidest advice I've ever heard. The things we tell you are all true, Eleanor. If you haven't realized that they're not made up shit we just happened to come up with yet, than you seriously need to get your head together. It's all to protect you from the filthy beasts they tend to be. Do you understand why we tell you all these bad stories about them now?" I slowly nodded, "It's to keep you away from them. It's to keep you safe-"
"Why do you even care?" I shouted, "You're always so cold to me. Every time I stare into your eyes, I see nothin' but a giant, black circle."
"Why do I care? I care because you're my best friends sister! I'm always 'cold' to you, because I'm smart, Eleanor, and I don't want Sean to beat my face in." He explained.
"Why the hell would Sean beat your face in?" The words stopped as he stared at me intensely. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and it was killing me.
"Because, what?" I yelled, "Hmm?"
His voice grew calmer, but definitely not warmer. His words were still as cold as before, "Last night I put you to sleep. You were drunk, and wanted to know why I hated you." The corners of his mouth twitched up for a second, "You called me attractive, too- And a monster. I found it amusing."
"Why would Sean beat your face in?" I snapped, ignoring the fact that he was giving me exactly what I've been wanting this whole night. I've moved on from that already. Now I want to know why Sean would kick his ass.
We both stopped, and I realized we were in front of my house already. The screen door was open, and the lights were shinning through the windows. I could make out the heads of Dime and Sean laughing with each other.
"Just know I don't hate you." He turned around, and began to walk away. What does that mean? How does it have anything to do with Sean getting upset with him?
I groaned, "Why does he always do this to me?" I said to myself, "He always leaves me wanting to know something else- something only he knows. I don't understand it."
"Tip? Is that you?" I turned around to see Sean standing in the doorway.
"Hey." I greeted him, flashing a small smile. I decided not to tell him any of what happened today. He'd kill me if he ever found out what I did.
"Come on inside now. It's gettin' cold out here." He held the screen door open for me. I quickly glanced behind me, looking at Nathan who had already made it to the end of the street. I sighed, and slowly made my way inside. Now I have something else to think about.
Ooooooo, things were heated in this chapter.
What do you think Sean would beat Nathan up for?
Answer this question in the comments below, I'm dying to know your thoughts!
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Continue for chapter seven.
Song: Greek Tragedy by The Wombats
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