❁Chapter Seven❁
I didn't know what else to do on a Sunday afternoon.
I haven't heard from Sly since last night, and everyone else seemed to no longer exist. So, I broke my weekly tradition, and decided to go down to the track by myself. I only ever went Friday afternoon's, but right now was an exception.
It's actually quite stupid of me to drive my almost-broken car at a time like this. My head was still thinking about Ripper- and what he said last night. I've tried countless amounts of times to put the pieces together, and figure out what he means myself. But it was impossible. I just couldn't solve his puzzle.
I sat there by the starting line, staring at the track in front of me. I've already been around about seven times, and this next lap would've been my eighth. But then I heard a loud noise- one of a car door shutting. "Oh shit." I muttered, trying to see who it was without them seeing me. I wasn't supposed to be here, and if anyone saw me, my life would be over. Sean would never allow me to come here by myself again.
Through my rear-view mirror, I was able to make out an old, fat man hammering a sign into the ground in front of the gate. I didn't recognize him, but judging by his white van with the government's logo on it, I could tell that sign wasn't a good thing.
I pulled myself out of my car, and began walking over to him at a slow, and steady pace. I figured he wouldn't be one to rat me out for driving- he doesn't know the rules. Just as I reached the man, Sean's car pulled up right next to the vans. I froze, as he got out of his car, and marched over to the greasy being.
"What is this?" He demanded some answers, "Why you takin' away our track? This is our property." I tilted my head to see the sign, which read: 'Bought by the Government. Anyone past this point, will be arrested, and have to pay a $700 fine'. My heart stopped. They were actually going to take away our track from us.
"Look, kid- I'm just the guy who nails in the signs. If you have a problem, go to the town hall." The man picked up his hammer, got back into his van, and drove away.
"Jesus fucking Christ." he swore under his breath, running his hands through his hair angrily. He stopped as soon as he made eye contact with me. He must not have realized I was standing right here the whole time.
"Tip- What're ya' doin' here?" He asked. I bit my lower lip. If he found out I was racing a car, he'd loose it.
"What was all that about?" I asked, trying to change the subject, and avoid the topic of what I was doing.
"Nothin' you need to worry 'bout." He shook his head, "-but why are you here, Tip?"
I dodged eye-contact with him, and ran my eyes around the premises of the old race track. My body began to shiver, and my foot wouldn't stop shaking. "Sean, I-" But before I could finish, his eyes went from my face, to the empty car directly behind me. They came back to me, and the disappointment on his face shattered my insides. He closed his eyes, and shook his head. His focus turned to the ground.
"It's not what'cha think.' I cried.
"We'll talk about this later." That's all he had to say to me. I watched as he too got back in his car, and drove away. He wasn't supposed to find out this way. I was going to tell him myself.. eventually.
I no longer felt in the mood to go another lap. Instead, I took my old car back to its hiding place, and walked home- keeping my eyes on my feet, n' kicking every rock I came into contact with. What was Sean going to do?
He had called me downstairs a while ago. I was scared of what he would say, so I took a nap instead. Now it was time I faced him, though.
I walked downstairs, and started heading for the kitchen. I heard a few whispers coming from behind the swinging door. The boys must be having a small meeting like they normally do.
"Do we know who's behind it?" Wesley asked, just as I pushed open the wooden rectangle, and entered the kitchen. Sean looked like he was about to say something, but shut his mouth upon sight of me. Steel, Dime, Scram, Ripper, Sean, Foxy, Ricky, and Wes were all crowded around the small room. Their facial expressions told me that something wasn't right.
"I've gotta' take care of this real fast." Sean began with a sigh. Everyone understood what he meant, and started to pile out of the kitchen. Word must have gotten around about Sean busting me, because each one of them shot me a look of sympathy- all except for Ripper, who didn't bother to look at me at all.
Sean moved from the top of the counter, to the wooden chair at the table. I sat down across from him, keeping my head down. There was a long silence, and I knew he was thinking about how to address me on this. I broke one of most important rules to him, and I was sure going to get it tonight.
"What made ya' think it was okay to go behind my back, and break the rules like that?" He asked, shaking his head as he looked up at me with disappointed eyes.
"I don't understand why it's such a big deal- Why I can't drive a car." I crossed my arms, and glared at the kitchen sink that was diagonal from me.
"You don't understand- Eleanor!" He raised his voice, "It's a big deal because girls aren't allowed to race!" His hands came down on the table, as his chair shot backwards. He was standing on his feet, bending over the table as he stared a whole right through my cheek.
"That's only because you said so!" I yelled. I turned to look at him directly in the eyes. "There isn't a damn law sayin' girls can't race, now is there? No- ever since them people started lookin' up to you as a leader, ya' created some stupid set of rules for everyone to follow. I don' understand why ya' keepin' girls from racin', Sean. What the hell's the point of it?"
"I'm tryna' protect y'all. Street racin's a dangerous thing, Eleanor. People die from it."
"Yet, you let all the guys race. Why does it matter if we're a male or female? Anyone could learn to ride like that, anyone I say. Even I was able to learn. If that doesn't show ya' potential, I don' know what will!"
"Guys can handle a heavy beatin'. You girls are too fragile."
"Now ya' just sound like a sexist bastard. You can't just make up a rule because ya' think girls are too weak to race. That ain't fair. Not all girls are the same, big brother."
"Ya' honestly think I'd make up a rule just off my own opinion? I ain't that type of person. The fact that you think I am, hurts. It really hurts."
"Than why, Sean, why! Why won't you let girls race!"
"Because!" He shouted, his voice louder then I've ever heard it be. "Our mother died from racin'!"
And finally, I understood. I understood why he didn't want me- or any girl- to street race. It was because our mother had died that way. Every time I would ask about mom as a little girl, my father would tell me 'She died doin' the thing she loved'. I never knew it was racing.
That means my mother and I had a lot in common. We both loved racing. It may be the reason she's dead, but at least it's something I can share with her. I never really got to know her. She died when I was young, but Sean and Wesley both say she was wonderful.
"That was so long ago. Things are different now. We got high-end cars, rules, and a lot of other things that can help prevent death. Why cant ya' see that?" He turned around to look out the back door. I could tell he was thinking about mom. I know how much he misses her.
"Girls aren't allowed to race, Eleanor, and that's final." His words felt like a dagger cutting straight through my heart. "You're no longer allowed to go to the track by yourself again, am I clear? If you think that's unfair, just be glad I ain't bannin' you from the weekly races- even though there may not be any for a while."
"Why are you doin' this? Do ya' not see that you're keepin' me from doin' one of the few things I love?" I shook my head. I honestly thought he'd at least consider allowing girls to race.
"God damn it, Eleanor! I'm tellin' you right here, n' right now that girls are not allowed to race, period! If I see you, or some other little lady racin' a damn car again, I'll make sure ya' can't even watch the races! Do you understand?" I glared at him, "Do you understand!?" His voice went back up to the frightening tone it had been earlier on in the conversation. I felt a few burning, hot tears swell up in my eyes. Dime and Ripper ran through the swinging door to see what was making Sean so upset.
"Is everythin' okay?" Dime asked, examining both of us. He made an attempt to pull me into a small hug once he saw my tears, but I quickly wiped my watery eyes and fixed my face.
"Just grand." I snapped, right before shoving past the both of them. Everyone else was in the living room, watching me as I stormed out of the house. The air was warm, and the sky was pitch black.
"Tip!" Wesley called after me, "Tip come back- don't do anythin' you're gonna' regret." Once I reached the last step on our porch, I took off- running down the street. I didn't care that it was late at night, I just needed to get away. The fiery tears began to pour out of my eyes. I wasn't sad, I was angry. So angry that I cried because of it.
I ran the familiar route from my house, to the grill. I was left with the key to the place, so I could get In whenever I pleased. After I unlocked the restaurant, I threw the keys down on the bar counter, and poured myself a beer. I sat down on a bar stool, taking a giant sip form my drink. I wasn't going to drink myself to death. I knew better then that. But when you're upset, or unhappy, drinking helps. It may be bad, but it helps.
"You better not have anymore than five." I looked up just as Ripper took the seat right next to me. There he was again. For some odd reason, he's always the one who comes to help me out.
"Why ya' hear?" I asked, "Sean send you'?" He most likely did send him. Always has other people do most of his work for him. I guess calming your little sister down isn't one of his important jobs anymore.
I watched as he poured himself a beer from over the counter, "I volunteered." Was his short reply. I looked at him in an awkward way.
"Why is it always you? Every time, you're always there to help me out. From takin' care of me when I was drunk, savin' me from almost bein' raped, and then, right now. For some reason it's always you, and I can't understand why." I explained. Nathan stared at me impassively for a moment, before smiling as he chuckled. "What's so funny?"
"Nothin', it's just- This conversation reminds me of the other night, that's all."
"What conversation?" I don't remember ever talking about something like this with him.
"It was when you were drunk out of your mind. You asked me why I was takin' care of ya'."
"Not surprised I asked that." I began, "You act like you hate me. Can't even look at me without givin' off that vibe like you despise me."
"I already told you I don't hate-"
"That ain't enough. People say shit they don't mean all the time." That's when I thought about our conversation last night. Once again, my curiosity came back. "Oh yea- What did you mean when you' said Sean would kick your ass?"
He turned around in his chair so that he was facing his beer. His humorous smile dropped, as he played with a tiny squared napkin we give our customers to put under their glass's. It looked to me like he wasn't going to budge, so I decided there was no point in staying with him.
I drained the last sip of my beer, before slamming the glass down on the counter top. "Whatever. Just lock up when ya' done, and give the keys to Wes." I dropped the keys in front of him, and began to walk out of the restaurant.
"Oh come on, Tip. Don't be that way." He spun around in his chair, and followed me to the door.
"I'm not gonna' talk to you, if ya' wont give me any answers. That's all I'm askin' for right now." I continued for the door, when his hand grabbed my arm, and spun me around to face him. I stared at him with confusion, until he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his ripped, body.
"What're y-" Before I could finish my sentence, his face came closer, and his lips met mine. It didn't take long until I closed my eyes, and kissed him back. I always knew I had at least some attraction to him, but I never knew he had any for me. Never really acted like it- I don't think.
Shortly after our lips touched, he pulled away. His eyes stared deeply into mine, "Does that answer your questions?" He whispered, releasing me from his hold. Nathan ended up leaving before me. In a daze, I cleaned up his beer, and locked the grill back up. I leaned back against the door, staring up at the sky.
A lot made sense now. The only reason he acted so cold to me around people, had to do with not wanting Sean to beat his ass. If Sean knew Nathan liked me, he'd definitely be unhappy about it. I'd most likely be put on house arrest, and Ripper wouldn't be able to go near me ever again. Was this absurd? Yes, but I'd understand why he'd do that. No guy likes it when their best friend ends up with his younger sister.
A small smile crept its way onto my lips. I touched them before beginning to walk back towards the house. I knew he didn't hate me now, and why he always acted so cold to me when around others. He answered my questions, but also left me with some more. Why did he kiss me? Does he like me? Was it just to get me to shut up, or did he actually mean it? Once again, he left me questioning him even more.
I stared down at my feet with a smile, as I happily continued to walk home. Everything seemed normal, until a familiar voice called out to me from behind, "Tip- Tip is it actually you!?"
It was a voice of a female, one who seemed thrilled to have found me. I knew it wasn't Sly, because the girl sounded completely different. Then I remembered who was always in a happy, exciting mood. My smiled widened as I quickly turned my body around.
"Bliss!" I exclaimed, running directly towards her.
Yay! One of my favorite characters is suddenly going to re-join the story.
As usual, I hope you liked this chapter as much as I do. Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow Me afterwards.
Continue for chapter eight.
Song: Cough Syrup by Young the Giant
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