❁Chapter Five❁
"I feel terrible." I whined, walking into the kitchen to great Sean, who was sitting at the table smoking an early cigarette as he read the morning paper. My head was pounding, and not even the two Advil's I took could help take the pain away.
"Well, that's what happens when you drink more than you're supposed too, and suffer from a massive hangover." He hinted. I looked at him with a very confused expression.
"I was hung-over?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. Sean nodded, and slapped the paper down on the table, before kicking his feet up on the table, leaning back in his chair. He looked up at me with a giant smile, "How many drinks did I-"
"Eight." He sharply cut me off, "Eight beers, Eleanor, Eight. Do you now see why I only allow ya' five a night? This is exactly what I was trying to prevent from happening." Sean shook his head, "But i'm not mad at ya'- if that's what you're thinkin'. Dime explained to me why you' did what ya' did, and i'd rather have you takin' your anger out by drinkin' instead of doin' other things."
"God- I don't remember drinkin' anythin' after the races. Last thing I even can remember, would be when I wailed Boy Sid in the face." I laughed to myself. That was a great hit.
"That was chaotic, man." Wesley interrupted, entering the small kitchen with Scram right behind him. "Mornin'."
"Yea, Tip. Sid hates ya', n' when I say hate, I mean it." Scram rubbed my head, messing up my work-ready hair. "Ew- You dun' look so good kiddo, feelin' alright?" He examined the bags under my red eyes carefully.
I shook my head no, "Apparently, I had way too much to drink last night." I sighed, and rubbed my temples once again. "Not to mention, I have work in a bit."
"Eh, we all have work today. Even I have to go in, and I rarely do on Saturday's. Boss is expectin' a hell of a lot more customers today than usual. Somethin' to do with the nascar race on the other side of town." Scram explained, and he was right. All of us would be stuck at work today. Scram at the grocery store, Dime at the corner shop, Steel at the gym, Ripper at the grocery store, Sean at the nearest theme park, Sly at her massage place, Ricky at the Marina, Foxy at her make-up salon, n' Wesley and I at the Grill. We all had pretty different jobs, and were usually spread out across our side of town- unless you were Ricky , Sean, n' Scram, who had to go to the other side of Miami for their jobs. The bright side, was that we all got off in between the hours of three n' four in the afternoon. That way, nobody has to miss out on any of the fun we all have together.
"Where's Ricky?" Sean asked Scram, "We need to leave if we're gonna' get to work on time. I'll drop y'all off again." Scram shrugged his shoulders, and disappeared again to go find Ricky.
"We should probably head out too." Wesley said, grabbing his backpack, and handing me my purse. Wesley and I usually walked together, since we worked at the same place, and it was only a ten minute walk from here. I said goodbye to Sean, and high-fived Steel on our way out. Half the time, all the boys stay at our place overnight instead of going back to their own. Most of their places are much nicer than ours, yet they still choose to spend most of their time here. I've said It before, and I'll say it again- I just don't understand these boys.
"Boy is it hot out today." Wesley complained, fanning himself the minute we stepped outside onto the tacky front porch. The platform was almost completely covered in beer stains, along with the side of the old, yellow home. It wasn't a big house, but it did make do.
I quickly covered my eyes as the sun shown down upon them. The bright light was too much for my hung-over eyes to handle, "Well it's the middle of August." I pointed out, "and in August, the weather is hot- just like every other season here."
"Thanks smartass." He joked, causing me to laugh as much as I could. Wesley and I have always been on good terms- but like I've explained before, we don't exactly hang out that much. Him and Scram are always busy- doing whatever in God's name they do on warm afternoon's- together. It'd be nice if we talked more outside our daily walks to work. This is pretty much the only time I actually talk to him. Even at work he's too busy for me.
Deciding to find a cure for my curiosity on what him and Scram do everyday, I asked him about it. "What are you n' Scram plannin' on doin' today?" Waiting for him to respond, I quickly fixed the waistband of the pinkish-red shorts I had on, that were completed with a black n' white checkered crop top, that tied below my breasts, and a pair of Vanz that matched them. Something you should know about me, is that I always have a different colored pair of Vanz on to complete my outfits.
"Eh, the usual." He responded vaguely. I guess I'm going to have to pry it out of him.
"Which is...?" I dragged out, trying to get him to open up to me.
Wesley chuckled, "Don't worry 'bout it little sis." He ruffled my head, messing up my hair just as Scram did before.
"What is it with everyone always messin' up my hair? Don't y'all realize how long it takes to get it like this." I complained, "Jesus Christ."
"Since when are you one to care, Tip? Just a week ago you'd run out the house without even touchin' your hair." He pointed out, which was true. Today's one of the rare occasions where I fixed myself up to look decent. "Look, and now ya' even wearin' some- what's it called? Make-up?" I nodded in reply. "Just don't seem like you to be all girly like this. Who ya' tryna impress?
"I dunno'." I shrugged my shoulders, "but today when I woke up, I suddenly felt like I needed to dress up all pretty. Don't know why."
"Hmm." He looked down at his feet as we crossed the street to get to the grill. "You remember talkin' to any guys last night at the party?" He narrowed his eyes as a joke- one that would make me feel like I was talking to a Sean Scott, who hated when I'd talk about guys in a romantic-type way.
"Don't remember nothin'. Last thing I was aware of was when I slammed my fist into Sid's ugly ass face." We both laughed at my latest comment. Boy Sid was someone we both hated. Just something about how he looks like a Post Malone wannabe makes me sick.
"Damn." He sang, "Your hangover was that bad?" I nodded, and he patted my back before a mild 'later', and slipping off behind the counter into the kitchen. That was the last thing said between us before I got to work as well, tying my apron around my body.
When the lunch crowd came in, so did even hotter temperatures. It was now one o'clock in the afternoon, and the temperature rose to be about one-hundred n' two. Every window , and every door was wide open in hope that the small, gentle breeze would blow inside and cool things down just a little bit.
I was leaning against the counter, fanning myself with a menu as I watched Dime and Steel eat their meals. Those two always came here on their lunch breaks. Sometimes even Ripper comes, but that's only if he takes his lunch break- which is severely rare.
"Hey, Tip!" Dime signaled me over, and held out his emptied soda glass, "Can ya' shoot me a refill?" I nodded, and grabbed his glass. I didn't even need to ask what drink he had, because he always gets the same one everyday- cherry coke (If you haven't been able to tell, he's obsessed with the flavor of cherry).
As I was filling up his cup, a loud honk- followed by some laughter- nearly caused me to drop the glass on the floor. I jumped back a little, grasping the cup tightly. I managed to save it this time, but as soon as I saw who was walking inside, the glass dropped before I could stop it.
"Wesley!" I yelled, "Wesley, hurry!"
"God, what is it Tip." Wesley snapped as he emerged from the kitchen doors. He hated it when I bothered him at work, but I think this is a reasonable reason to. As soon as he saw what I saw, he too froze. Dime and Steel both turned their heads in curiosity, and immediately stood up once they saw a well-known, well-hated group of rich boys standing on our territory.
Sandy Wells, Richie Crane, Jordan Game, and their leader- pretty boy, Ross Krone. All four of them stood on our floors with giant, cocky smirks plastered on their fit faces. They examined the grill, chuckling at its not-so-pleasant appearance. It was the shady side's grill, what did they expect? Golden chandeliers?
"Wha'd'ya want, Ross?" Wesley snapped, spitting his saliva down by his two feet. This was one way how we showed our hate for someone. Ross was definitely someone else we hated.
"Why, can I not sit and enjoy one, delicious meal from the city's best restaurant?" He joked, causing his buds to laugh. I clenched my fists wanting to punch his jaw as well, but unfortunately he's one who could easily take me in one blow.
Wesley turned to me, "Go call Ripper. He's the only one who can help us right now." I nodded, before disappearing into the back, and dialing Billy's car garage where he worked. The phone rang for a while, until he finally picked up.
In a husky voice, he answered with a simple "Hello?".
"Ripper." I began, "How fast can you get down to the grill?"
"Is this- Tip?" he sounded a little surprised.
"Yes, just- I need you to get over here as fast as you can."
"Why- what's wrong? Is someone hurt?"
"Not yet, but someone might end up hurt if you don't get down here."
"Okay, can you just- What's going on."
"Ross is here." I said, "And he's not alone."
The line went silent for a moment, "I'll be there soon." And with that, he hung up. I put the phone back on its holder, and ran to where everybody was. Once I returned, I saw Steel in a head lock, with a knife against his throat. I quickly gasped, and all heads turned towards me.
Wesley gave me a look that said he wished I stayed in the back. I could tell that things were going to get ugly. Ross, who was the one holding Steel against his will, looked back at his buddies and smirked before shoving Steel away, n' beginning to examine my body.
"I remember you." He flashed me a wink, "You're that girl who's friends with Janie."
"And I remember you as well." I responded, not thinking about my words. "You're that bastard that broke her heart." Ross laughed for a moment.
"I always knew you were the better one. Should've met you first. Things would be- different." I almost threw up at what he was saying. Basically, he just said he wished he banged me instead of Sly. Now I was really clenching my fists.
"Why are you here?" I shook my head, "Why do you have to bother us? We haven't done nothin' to you."
"Tip, shut your-"
"Nah, let the girl be." Ross pointed the knife at Wes, causing him to shut his mouth. "Well, someone needs to take out the trash- might as well be me. Today's my free day."
"So your plan's to waltz in here, and kill us?" I scoffed. How un-realistic can one be. Ross just shrugged his shoulders, and glanced at his friends behind him, "And how exactly were you plannin' on doin' that? A crime is still a crime no matter what side bof Miami you're from. You'd still get arrested for murder."
"Are you calling me stupid baby?" He teased, but in more of an angry way.
I chuckled, "Do you really need me to state the obvious?" All of the humor inside him left his face. His eyes went cold, and his lips turned up into a scowl. I really pissed him off, but I somehow don't regret it. Or so I thought I didn't, until he nodded his pals towards me.
All three of them started to advance in my direction. Wesley and Dime both tried to jump in front of me, but Jordan Game pulled out the gun in his back pocket, and switched his aim back and forth from on face to the other. Dime and Wesley can be pretty stupid, because even I saw that it wasn't actually loaded.
Staring at Sandy and Richie who were still coming towards me, I began to back up once their toned, muscle covered bodies got closer. I took as many steps back as I could until my back his the countertop of the bar. I didn't have anywhere else to go now, and I already knew Wesley, Dime, or Steel wouldn't be coming to my rescue anytime soon. I wont hold it against them though. I wouldn't want them to risk their lives to protect me, anyways.
"You should have just kept your mouth shut." Ross shook his head, "But because you couldn't, you'll have to suffer the consequences." I tried to keep a straight face with him, but ended up breaking down in laughter. Everyone cocked their heads to the side, wondering what the hell I was doing.
"I'm sorry- but, come on." I moved my eyes from one man, to the other. "You'll have to suffer the consequences." I mocked, using the best male voice I had- which happened to be humorous on its own.
"Move out of the way." Ross yelled, shoving past Sandy n' Richie, and grabbing me as he spun me around, and placed the knife directly on my throat this time. "You're starting to irritate me." My smile dropped, as I gulped. This has definitely gone to far. Wesley stepped forward, wanting to get me away from him, but Jordan placed the gun to Wesley's head, causing him to freeze once again.
I wanted to say how the gun wasn't loaded, but I also wanted to be able to live until tomorrow. I needed to watch what I said in order to prevent this blade from sliding across my neck.
"This whole thing is pointless." I began, trying to reason with Ross. Maybe this whole thing could be avoided. "Just let us go, n' walk out of here like nothin's happened. We won't say a thing, I promise."
Ross was about to reply, but a familiar voice from behind us spoke before he got the chance, and a small relief fell upon my body. Thank god he got here before it was too late.
"I suggest you listen to her." Ripper proposed. Ross spun us both around, till we were standing in front of Ripper, who was staring at the floor. I felt Ross's heartbeat increase as soon as he saw Nathan standing there.
Ross has always been afraid of Nathan. They have a rough history together. Ross would always start trouble, just like this, and Ripper would always mess up his face in return, until Ross left smothered in blood. That's why Wesley told me to call him, and not Sean.
Without giving it a second thought, Ross removed the blade from my throat, and shoved me towards Wes, who caught me in a tight embrace. "You okay?" He whispered, examining my neck. I nodded, and we both turned our attention back towards Ross and Nathan. Ross was holding his knife, while Ripper still looked at the ground, kicking a small rock around.
"Nathan." Ross muttered.
"Don't make me mess your face up again. I suggest you leave." Ripper replied, keeping his head down, but waving his arm towards the door.
"I won't let you win this time." Ross shouted, "And I also wont use a weapon." He dropped his knife, and stood there, waiting for Ripper to come at him. Ross just told Ripper he wanted to fight.
"Is that a- challenge?"
Ripper raised his head in a dark way. Ross began to shiver, and I could barely make out the small hairs that stood up on the back of his neck. I could tell he was terrified, and if I was him, I'd be scared too.
"Your friends can't help you out this time either." Ross pointed out, "I have them at gunpoint."
"Seriously?" I yelled, a small laugh embedded in my response. All heads turned to me once again. I sighed, rolled my eyes, and walked over to Jordan who was holding the gun. I reached out, grabbed the end of the object, and yanked it out of his hand. He went to grab it back, but I whacked him in the head with the butt of the thing. I pointed it to my own head, and pulled the trigger. A loud sound filled the room, as Wesley, Ripper, Dime, and Steel all leaped towards me. The gun fell to the ground.
"There weren't any bullets." I crossed my arms, and tilted my head. Ripper smiled, and laughed silently. I think this is the first time I've seen him smile, and laugh at me. He normally wont even look at me.
"This isn't over." Ross shook his head, "No- I'll make sure the thing you love most gets taken away from you- all of you. Just wait and see." Ross and his buddies exited the grill. Ross was right, someone needed to take out the trash today. But instead of him taking it out, I did.
"Well." Wesley broke the small silence, as I picked up the chairs that were knocked over, and set them back up, "I guess we can all go back to work now." Everyone nodded, as Wes went back in the kitchen, and Dime n' Steel left to go back to their jobs. I continued to fix the place up, until I realized that Ripper was still standing behind me.
"Oh- aren't ya' going back to work?" I asked, not knowing what to say to him. Nathan stood there, staring at me with a sly smile, and his hand over his mouth.
"You don't remember last night, do ya'?" He asked me. I hesitantly shook my head 'no'.
"How'd ya' know?" I asked, sounding confused.
He shook his head, and slightly laughed a bit, "Just a guess. Just a simple guess."
"Is there somethin' I should remember?" I asked, raising an eye-brow.
"Nah. It's not important." He helped pick up a chair, and set it back in its place, before walking out of the restaurant.
"Wait." I called out, running after him, "What happened?" Ripper stopped, and turned his head to look back at me.
"Let's just say." He sang, searching for what to say for a moment, "I know you think I'm attractive." He winked at me, and my eyes went wide. What on earth did I say last night?
Here's chapter five!
One of my favorite chapters tbh.
Hope you enjoyed it! Remember to vote, comment, and follow me for those special updates!
Continue for chapter six.
Song: Temporary Bliss by The Cab
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