❁Chapter Fifteen❁
Once again, sorry for the delay!! I have like a bazillion other stories to finish and continue because I'm all over the flipping place. Anyways, here is the fifteenth chapter! Leave me a comment and vote so I'll have motivation to update it sooner <3
Chaos rung throughout the neighborhood, as every gang member stepped outside to watch their fearless leader pass by. He was in bad condition, being carried by the three strongest men left- Ripper, Scram, and Dime.
Sean lied helplessly with his hand dangling off the shoulder of Dime. All of us who had just witnessed what happened were running in a frantic mess, doing whatever we could to get back to our home.
There was yelling, uneasy whimpers, cursing, worried tears- everything. Everybody was afraid he wouldn't make it- that's how bad his condition was.
Most of them looked to me, hoping that I somehow knew what to do. How could I know what to do? I've never witnessed anything this bad happen to one of my brothers before. Usually someone else has been there to come to our aid.
But this time, not even all of us could have pushed those atrocious men aside. They were too big, and threatening. We were destined to lose that fight from the beginning.
And the worst part about all of this, was that it was my fault.
It was my dumb mouth- my stubborn, selfish mind- my thrilling urge- every horrible damn thing about me that got us into this mess. If I could have just listened to Sean, none of this would be happening right now. The track would be fine, and Ross would have left us the fuck alone.
But no, I had to speak my mind. I had to do what I wanted because I only gave a damn about myself, and my own feelings. I was too young, dumb, and naive to see that Sean truly did know what was best for me, and that nobody in this fucking place was against me the way I believed they were.
This whole time I've been feeling sorry for myself. I always felt like the world hated me, and didn't want me to be happy- that everyone did what they did to hurt me.
That was never the case. It was my own twisted mind that led me to believe such things. Sean wasn't hard on me because he hated who I was, and wanted to control me. He was hard on me because he loved me, and didn't want to see something like this happen to me. And he didn't propose to Foxy because he was trying to break our family up. He proposed because he believed it would be better for me.
Wesley didn't leave for Bliss just to abandon me either, he just wanted to find his happiness with the girl he loved. And Ripper didn't break up with me because he enjoyed seeing me hurt- that was my fault, for he was right all along.
If only I could have just saw all of this from the beginning. Maybe then things wouldn't be this bad. If I had just kept my mouth shut. Why couldn't I have just done that!
The boys busted our front door down, carrying an unconscious Sean through it in a hurry. Everybody ran around our house, searching for things to use in order to help bring our commander back to life. We needed him to stay with us- without him, what were we?
They all looked to me- their eyes begging me for help. They wanted me to take over, and tell them what to do. Everybody here knew that I always had an opinion on what to do- but the one time I needed an opinion, of course I didn't happen.
"Tip, he's fadin' fast! We gotta do somethin'." Dime reminded me, his poor body out of breath from the mad dash from the track, all the way back here. Not to mention he had to carry Sean's monstrosity of a body.
I ran my hands through my hair out of frustration. This wasn't my specialty- I had no idea how to help him. My first thought was get him to a hospital- but we couldn't afford the medical bills, and the only hospital around is the upper class one past Lime Street. Lime Street meant Ross, and we couldn't under any circumstances clash with him again.
I looked around towards everybody's worried eyes. They stared at me with hope- lost hope. What was I to do? Fix him myself? How the hell would I do that? I can't even open a band aid without messing it up half of the time.
But seeing everybody here, wanting to help as long as someone told them what to do, I knew I needed to step up.
I took a deep breath, "Uh- Bring him upstairs to his room. Sly- call Foxy, and tell 'er to get down here. She'll know how to help. The rest of ya', find any medical supplies ya' can. We've gotta have somethin' lyin' around."
Everybody nodded before rushing to complete their tasks. Dime, Ripper, and Scram ran upstairs with Sean's limp body. Sly dashed to our kitchen where we kept the wall phone. The rest of the boys tore our house apart in search of medical supplies. Everyone was doing their part- everyone except for me.
Watching them scurry around was all I could think to do. What was my importance here? It's not like I could tend to his wounds. I would only get in the way, and lately I've been doing a lot of that. It only felt right that I sit this one out. The last thing anybody needed was for me to make things worse- which I tend to do effortlessly.
I decided to leave everybody to it, stepping outside onto our front porch and taking a seat down on the top step. I kept my eyes glued to the ground, as I rested my chin upon my propped up fist.
All I could think about right now was how badly I screwed up. Everything was a disgrace- all because of me. I just wish I could take it all back. Life would be fine then.
Foxy came barreling down the street in her heels, leading the way for an older looking man who was holding a large first aid kit in his hand. She clicked up the steps, holding the door open for the unfamiliar man.
"Where is, he?" She asked, her heart beating noticeably fast. Foxy was clearly rattled by the news, and how could I blame her? The man she's supposed to marry is barely hanging on to his life right now.
I pointed up towards the roof, not bothering to look her in the eyes- It would be too hard, "Upstairs."
"Aren't ya' gonna come help us?" She asked, surprised out of her mind that for once in my life, I wasn't trying to get in on the action.
I slowly shook my head, fighting the urge to release the tears bottled up inside of me. Ripper said I needed to stop crying so much. I agreed- it was too childish. If I was going to prove to everybody that I wasn't a kid anymore, I had to stop acting like one.
The sudden breath she took signaled she was about to say something in return- but instead of words coming out of her mouth, the door shut with a slam. I have no doubt that she was disappointed in me. I'm sure the rest of them are, too.
Although I was outside, I could still hear the chaotic mess rumbling from within the home's weak structure. I wanted to be with them right now, but how could I face Sean when I'm the reason he's in that terrible shape?
The same door that closed not long ago, swung open once again. I turned my head upwards to see who it was that came outside- but I quickly switched my head back upon seeing who stood there.
He let out a sigh, and sat down right next to me, "Why aren't ya' inside?"
"I don't think I should be." I responded, keeping my eyes glued to the the dirt stained Vanz that were on my feet. The bright blue was now a dusty, dull one.
"You're his sister, Tip-"
"And I'm also the reason he could be dead." I snapped, following with a deep breath to calm myself down. The man next to me didn't deserve to have me yell at him. He's done nothing wrong.
Dime shook his head, "You're not. Nobody could 'a seen this comin'."
"But that ain't true." I slowly shook my head, "If I had just stayed out 'a everythin', none of this would 'a happened."
"Everybody knows Ross would 'a come after us eventually. This was always gonna happen. You can't blame yourself for it." He spoke, beginning to rub my back in a consoling matter, "That man is just cruel.
"But he came searchin' for who made the deal with the mayor." I reminded him, "That was me- not Sean. Ross was pissed because I had to get involved- even after Sean did what he could to make sure I didn't."
Dime chewed on his bottom lip- that was something he always did when he needed to think. I didn't blame him for needing to, either. No matter how many reasons he came up with to prove it wasn't my fault, I would come up with more. He can't say anything to change my mind.
"So it was my fault." I concluded, breaking the awkward silence that fell between us.
Dime shook his head, "I just wish ya' wouldn't be so hard on ya'self."
But that was something I had to deal with. I was the one who fucked up.
Once again, the door opened. This time, I didn't have to look to see who it was. When the door opened, the air grew colder and the atmosphere intensified. Dime did look, however, and telling by the way he quickly left, I knew for sure who was here.
Ripper didn't bother to sit down. Instead, he stood in the spot Dime had just left, his body turned towards me.
"What." I spat, wondering why he decided to come outside when he made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with me anymore.
"You're just gonna sit out here and wait for everything to fix itself?" He asked, sounding noticeably unhappy.
I nodded slowly.
Ripper scoffed, "That's your brother in there. He took a beating for you."
I didn't say a thing.
"You should be up there by his side. Everybody is confused as to why you aren't."
I looked him in dark, cold eyes, "How can I face him after that?"
"Not by sitting out here, I can tell you that." He said, "Get up, Eleanor. Your family needs you right now."
By family, he didn't just mean Ricky and Sean. Ripper meant everybody up in that room. Foxy, Sly, Scram, Dime, and Steel- we were all family. We were all each other had.
I hesitantly nodded, standing up while I was still in my daze. By now I had turned my gaze back towards the ground. It was hard to look Nathan in the eyes- especially when it's become the second time he's had to tell me off. I was humiliated.
Before I could turn around, Ripper grabbed my chin and yanked it around till our faces were barely inches apart, "He's gonna be fine."
He let go of my chin, and stepped inside again- not bothering to hold the door open for me. His chivalry had died when he ended things with me not long ago.
I waited a minute before I followed behind him. When I opened the door myself, he was nowhere to be found again. I'm sure he made it upstairs already- there wasn't much of a trek to get there.
The living room was destroyed, for everything that was once semi in place, was now scattered across the floor. I had to step over something new with each step.
When I reached Sean's bedroom, everybody stood around the room, watching the doctor as he examined Sean's broken body. There was blood, and bruises, and scrapes everywhere. The sight only broke my heart some more.
I felt an arm reach across my shoulders, before I was pushed against Scram's body. When I looked towards him, I saw Sly under the other one, flashing me a sympathetic smile. I returned hers with a small one of my own.
The doctor took off his stethoscope, and looked around at all of us, "Are there any immediate family members present?"
Ricky and I both stepped forward, glancing towards each other, and then to Foxy. Ricky looked back to me, asking with his eyes if including her would be a good idea. I then glanced back to Foxy, who had tears streaming down her eyes. I wasn't all that thrilled about their engagement, but she loved my brother as much as we did. Besides, she's probably the most responsible out of the three of us. She would be able to take care of him the proper way. So, I nodded to Ricky, who waved her over.
The doctor sighed, "Your brother will be fine. He's still breathing, but it is quite slow. I'll treat his wounds, and leave you with some pain killers. Give him one whenever he's in a lot of pain, but no more than six a day. Make sure he rests as much as possible, for moving around wont heal anything. Do not let him race for at least a month! That would surely screw him up some more."
We all nodded, Foxy moving aside to ask him some more questions about his recovery. Ricky and I let out relieved sighs, for it really made a difference to know that Sean would be fine.
"If you all don't mind leaving me too it." The doctor asked, standing over Sean as he got out the rest of his supplies.
Everybody began to pile out of the room- Ricky, Foxy and I included. While the rest of them went back downstairs, the three of us stood outside his bedroom door.
"I'll stay up here 'n wait for the doc," Foxy said, "Y'all need to go be with your friends. I'll let ya' know if anythin' changes."
Ricky and I nodded, before turning to go downstairs. While Ricky made it down with ease, Foxy grabbed my arm before I could reach the steps.
I turned around to face her, confused as to why she was keeping me back.
"I want ya' to know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya', alright? I know things like this can be scary for a girl on her own, so don't hesitate to come n' find me, Tip." Foxy wrapped her arms around me, giving my body a tight squeeze. I didn't necessarily enjoy hugs, but this one felt right- comforting. Maybe Foxy was what I needed after all.
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