Spencer and Toby managed to get dressed and rush downstairs. The second they got to the lawn, her eyes widened and she squealed. “Oh my!”
Toby, who was only paying attention to the large crowd of contestants, turned to face her. “What’s wrong?” His green eyes flashed with alarm.
“The host!” she pretty much screamed, pushing Toby away and towards the crowd to the woman at the front. He simply stood there, not sure to be amused or insulted, and ended up laughing. “You’re Bethany Mota!” he heard her say happily.
Bethany Mota? Toby had to bit his lip to keep from laughing. Spencer actually watched Bethany Mota on Youtube? He couldn’t smother the small chuckle that escaped from his lips, just staring at his best as she idiotically reached to shake her hand.
Making her way through the crowd, Bethany grinned and shook her hand. “It’s a pleasure,” she said awkwardly. The look in her eyes made it clear that he was ready to call security on this teenage girl who had clearly never been in the company of a celebrity. Toby laughed and grabbed Spencer by the arm so she was up against him, her back pressing up against his hard chest. “Could you flip out a little more?” he whispered in her ear. Giggling in response, Spencer turned to face him. “She’s freaking Bethany Mota!” she said under her breath, nodding back to Bethany, who was talking to everyone. “Show her a little respect.”
“Yes,” Toby leaned in close and joked. He made sure to keep his voice low so only she could hear. “Bethany Mota, not the Queen of England.” At those words, Spencer couldn’t help but grab his t-shirt and giggle under her breath, a large smiling forming on her pink lips. A guy beside them glared. Spencer acknowledged him as one of the single ones. “Would you two not mind turning this into a PDA session?” he snapped maliciously. Toby arched a brow and turned to look at Spencer, realizing just how close they really were. He gave a simple request for forgiveness and turned back to Bethany.
“Well, I’m sure you figured out I’m your host,” she started with a grin. “I will be giving weekly challenges and announcing challenge winners. I’ll check in on the couples too. Every day or so we like to have interviews so that we can get footage for the show. Every challenge will get different as the show progresses. Sometimes, they will involve couples working together or one of our carefully selected singles will be with you.” The other couples seemed to cringe at the idea of their partner being alone with another person, but Spencer and Toby didn’t grasp they had to be concerned. “You have to realize the goal of the show is not to keep you together. You will fight. But the couple who stays through it all will go home with the cash prize.
“For your first challenge,” Bethany explained. “We’re just going to peak the importance of our single competitors a bit. See who they’ve got their eyes on. Or should we say…their lips.” He smirked a devious, troublesome grin that made Spencer’s stomach twist. “We have two guys who are single. They will pick one different girl to kiss. Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to Tyler…and Liam.” Both guys emerged from the crowd at the same time. Liam, the complaining one that looked like a blonder, plainer version of Toby, forced a smiled and stood next to Bethany. Tyler’s grin was warmer; his eyes were brown and his hair was jelled up about nine inches above his head. Thy picked two years, Megan and Esther.
Bethany smiled. “Now it’s time to meet our single lady. There’s only one of her, but trust me…she’ll keep you entertained, guys. Ladies, you better hold your man tight. Welcome to Not Alone, Jenna.”
Toby’s posture stiffened at the name. As soon as she was called, five inch boots pierced the ground with every slow step she took. Tight, dark jeans hugged her legs and a black silk toby left little for the eyes. Long, flowing curls descended down her shoulders, framing her sly face. Her dark, black holes of eyes met his and he froze.
Toby and Spencer knew her.
The woman standing in front of the crowd was his ex-girlfriend and Toby didn’t know how on Earth to react. Jenna Marshall had gone to Rosewood High with Toby and Spencer. She started dating him when he was in eighth grade; she was a sophomore at the time. They got serious fast and they continued to date into his freshman year. After first semester, she left town without a single goodbye and it left Toby heartbroken.
Spencer swallowed thickly, her gaze landing on the smirking woman across from her. She had hated Jenna ever since she landed eyes on her in the eighth grade. Jenna was the girl who get everything she wanted, nothing less. As soon as she met Toby, she wanted him. Who could really blame her? Spencer never admitted it, but a part of her hated Jenna because she had once been in ownership of the one thing Spencer would never get: her best friend’s heart. Also, when she left town, she crushed Toby and that wasn’t something Spencer took lightly.
“Him,” she said smoothly, pointing to Toby with a trimmed, slender finger. Spencer’s stomach dropped.
He didn’t move. Spencer loosely wondered if Toby had been awestruck by the sight of his ex who never really broke up with him or if he just didn’t know what to do. Huffing, she elbowed his in the ribcage and he jumped, walking over to Jenna.
She smirked, a wide, catlike grin that made Spencer feel nauseated. Jenna’s eyes wound around Toby’s neck as if he was hers and she kissed him, her hands managing to move to both sides of his face. Spencer couldn’t see Toby’s face, be noticed he was the one to pull away. She could only picture the dazed, satisfied look on her best friend’s face.
Spencer’s eyes locked with Jenna’s after that moment. Jenna simply licked her lips and walked back into the crowd not looking back.
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