Her body trembling and shaking with every little step, Spencer slowly opened the door into their suite. The paper from Toby’s journal was securely in her back pocket, not going anywhere. She wasn’t letting it go anytime soon.
Her heart was racing in her chest; she could hear her nervous pulse pounding in her ears, could feel it in her neck, in her fingertips. She could hardly even process the information she had just learned; Toby loved her, truly, deeply loved her.
An ironic smile formed on her lips. Her best friend, Toby Cavanaugh loved her, the boy who taught her how to put movies on a phone, the little boy who had her dancing around a room in fifth grade with a huge teddy bear that she sometimes pretended was him. How long had he felt this way?
Spencer didn’t know how on Earth she was going to talk to him. Maybe I should wait… When she entered the bedroom of the suite, her gaze immediately landed on Toby, lying carelessly on the bed, with the sheets kicked down to his feet and one of his arms hanging loosely over the side. Instead of staying on his side, he had managed to take up the entire mattress, his head on her pillow. His stomach rose and fell with every intake of breath, lips gently parted. He was already half asleep and Spencer had to restrain herself from laughing.
She quickly got ready and hopped into bed as much as she could. Amused, she gently nudged Toby over to his side so she could get in, a tiny groan escaping from his lips. Then, when all was silent and the only sound filling to room was the gentle waves crashing beyond the balcony and rain beginning to drizzle on the tin room, Spencer just sat there.
What did all of this mean? Where do I go from here?
She turned her head to look at Toby, wishing it could be so easy that she actually could just touch his forehead and read his mind. But, no…she couldn’t and besides, if she was able to read his mind, things would be different. That’s what he told her and she believed him.
Still, Spencer was strong-minded to at least give Toby a glimpse into her own mind. After all, he deserved that much.
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