I kicked and screamed at the officers dragging me away from Felix, throwing me into the back of a truck filled with other androids.
Felix was quickly subdued by a taser to the neck, the officers leaving him there on the ground while they rounded up the other androids.
Just before the doors of the truck closed, I saw Jack scamper away out of sight, Robbie's body in his arms as tears streamed down his face.
I sat silently as I contemplated what would happen to me, a party of me wishing that Felix was with me while I was mostly relieved that he wasn't.
"Marzia? That is your name, right?"
I looked around to see Jackaboy, Schneep, Marvin, and JJ push through the sea of androids, their expressions grim.
"Y-Yeah, that's me. What's going on?" I stammered fearfully, Schneep offering me a consoling smile tinged with sadness.
"Ve are being brought to a camp to be killed." Schneep explained gently, his hands clasped behind his back.
"What? No! We're supposed to be free!" I cried, Jackaboy pulling me into his arms for a hug as and allowing me to cry onto his shoulder.
Many other androids were either standing emotionlessly to accept their fate or in a state similar to me, cries of deviants filling the air.
"Jack's gotta have a plan to save us." Marvin reasoned hopefully, no one else seeming to share in his optimism.
"Last time I saw Jack, he was dragging Robbie's body with him away from the conflict." I chimed in.
"Robbie's dead?" Jackaboy interjected, glancing between his counterparts.
"Ve should have left him at the tower." Schneep murmured numbly, tearing at his brown hair in frustration mixed with sorrow.
"I'm sorry." I apologized lamely, JJ taking off his black bowler hat and holding it over his chest with his head bowed.
"Get out." An officer demanded as they swung the doors of the truck open, jabbing at us with their gun as we hesitantly filed out.
The camp was divided in two halves, both with large deadly looking machines looking at the end that deviants were already stepping into.
"This side," the officer directed, roughly shoving me to the left.
"Over here," The officer told Jackaboy, gesturing to the right with the barrel of his gun, his finger hovering over the trigger.
Jackaboy cast one last look at me before doing as he was told, disappearing into the sea of androids gathered in the right side of the camp.
"That way," the officer continued, nudging JJ with the butt of his gun in the back, causing the male to stumble forward towards me.
"Over here," the officer instructed Marvin, taking off his cat mask as he walked towards Jackaboy.
"Over there," the officer added, hitting Schneep in the back of his head as the doctor walked over towards me.
As I stepped inside the camp, I looked over to see Jackaboy and Marvin stepping into a tent, stepping through the other side without clothes or their synthetic skin.
I looked at the tent in front of me before I stepped inside with JJ and Schneep, an officer inside motioning for us to put our clothes into the bin in front of us.
I kept my gaze locked on the ground as I put the dress Felix had gotten me what felt like long ago in the bin, the officer reaching out to grope me as I started to leave.
JJ slapped his hand away before the officer could touch me, the male receiving a bullet in the leg from the officer.
"Get out of here!" The officer snarled, JJ slinging an arm around Schneep so he could help him limp out of the tent.
Schneep bit his lip as he helped JJ walk with me following after, his blue eyes flaring with anger.
I looked to see Jackaboy and Marvin standing by the fence separating us, Marvin clearly uncomfortable with showing his face.
"JJ, what happened?" Marvin interjected softly, the mute android quickly recounting what had happened in the tent.
"Back away from the fence!"
I tore my gaze away from the pair and looked at the machine looking in front of us, guards standing at the entrance and overseeing everything.
"I von't let you die here. If you have a plan, tell me and I vill provide a distraction." Schneep whispered to me, JJ nodding in agreement.
"What about Jackaboy and Marvin, how would they get out of here?" I countered, Schneep and JJ avoiding my gaze.
"Zhey...zhere is nothing I can do for zhem." Schneep answered quietly, swallowing hard as he looked into my eyes.
"Move already!" An officer barked at us, shoving us into the line that was bringing us closer to the machine with each step.
Use Schneep's distraction?
Find way to rescue Jackaboy and Marvin?
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