Chapter Twenty-Two
Damon was on edge all the way home. He was tense, his thumb drumming against the wheel as he shot glances at Lucy. For her part, she said nothing. She'd met the bitch that was Katherine Pierce. It wasn't particularly terrifying contrary to what she expected. The vampire doppelganger was a bully that was used to people doing as ordered. Unfortunately for her, Lucy had never been particularly good at doing what she was told.
When they arrived at the house Damon sped around the car and opened her door. He took her hand in his and pulled her into the house and to the living room. He immediately went over and poured them both a drink. He handed hers over and she watched him with an arched brow.
"For your nerves," he said and sipped his own drink.
Lucy laughed. "I don't think it's my nerves that need settling, Day."
He nodded once and sat his glass down. He grasped her upper arms and looked her over. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"
"What do you think she could have done to me in a room full of people?"
He released her with a sigh before raking a hand through his hair. "It's Katherine. Who knows what evil she can get up to."
Lucy laughed and he pulled her against him as he wrapped his arms around her. She relaxed against his chest and returned the hug. After a moment he began to run his hands up and down her back. She tilted her head back to look up at him and he leaned forward to press his lips to hers in a slow kiss. An action they repeated several times before they were satisfied.
When they separated, she rested her head on his chest. "I needed that."
He chuckled. "Me, too. We should have done that much earlier in the day." He grasped her hand in his and tugged her toward the stairs. "Let's get you out of that dress."
He didn't mean the words the way they sounded. She knew that, but it still reminded her that there was a conversation that needed to be had. While she'd told him she loved him and he'd said she wouldn't lose him, they really hadn't discussed what it meant for their relationship. She needed some answers before she became too invested. She pulled against him as she planted her feet and he glanced back with a frown.
"What's wrong?"
"What's going on here?" she asked.
He arched a brow. "We're going upstairs so you can change out of your funeral wear."
Lucy rolled her eyes. That wasn't what she meant and he knew it. "Look, Damon. I'm not trying to pin you down or make you feel guilty or anything like that, but this isn't a bit of fun for me. I told you how I feel about you. You're my friend. My family. I won't risk that for anything that's not serious."
He tugged her arm, pulling her back into him with a smirk. "What if it's really, really hot sex?"
She couldn't help a small laugh as she shook her head. "You're incorrigible." She patted his chest. "Just think about it. I'm okay being your friend. And despite you assuring me I won't, it would kill me if I lost you."
His expression turned serious and he kissed her cheek. "I promise I'll think about it, sweetheart. Now, let's get out of these clothes."
Once Lucy removed her dress and heels, she slipped into a set of pajamas. She went to leave her room but a glance at the bed had her feeling suddenly tired. She crawled under the covers and was asleep in moments. And if Damon opened her door to check on her when she didn't respond to his knock, well she was none the wiser.
It was full dark by the time Lucy woke. She'd never get to sleep later but it's not like it mattered. She didn't have a job to get up for in the morning. She yawned as she made her way down the stairs to find Damon. His voice drifted from the living room but she couldn't make out the words.
"I know where I'm not wanted."
That was Elena's voice. But Lucy was willing to bet good money it wasn't Elena talking.
"Evidently not, because here you are," Damon said.
"Ouch." Katherine sounded moderately offended which brought a smile to Lucy's face. Footsteps headed in her direction when they were suddenly interrupted. "What? No kiss?"
"I'd rather kill you instead," was Damon's immediate response.
Lucy couldn't help the relief she felt. She'd always worried that if it came down to it, he'd chose the vampy doppelganger over her.
Katherine laughed. "Oh, Damon. We both know you aren't capable of hurting me." There was a pause. "Come on, kiss me or kill me."
There was a loud thud and Lucy moved so she could peek into the room. Katherine had Damon pinned to the floor. Lucy hurried over to the table in the hall where she kept one of her guns and pulled it out. She wasn't certain which she'd left down here and supposed it didn't matter much. They'd both put the vampy doppelganger on her ass.
"My sweet, innocent Damon," Katherine said as she ran one hand over his chest while the other pinned him down.
He tried to escape and she shoved him back down. She only had about four hundred years on him give or take. "Get the fuck off me."
"No means no, Katherine," Lucy said from the doorway, her gun aimed at the brunette bitch.
Both vampires' heads snapped in Lucy's direction. Damon smirked and gave her a little wave while Katherine scowled. "A gun? Seriously?" she snarked.
Damon chuckled. "Wooden bullets. She's a good shot, too."
Lucy shrugged at Katherine's calculating look. She slowly released Damon and stood to her feet. "I thought I told you to move out."
"I would but the housing market is shit right now," Lucy said. "Plus, I really don't want to."
The other woman's lip curled. "Why can't you just be a good little pet and do as you're told?"
Damon now stood as well. He licked his lips as he looked between the two women, ready to step in if needed.
"Sounds like you could take a little of your own advice," Lucy said. When Katherine continued to scowl, Lucy sighed. "Look we could keep this up all night. I shoot you, you threaten me. Etc. etc. This would be much simpler if you just told us why you're here."
Katherine's brow furrowed. "What?"
"What are you doing here, Katherine?" Damon said as he moved to stand beside Lucy. He looped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his side.
The doppelganger shrugged as she sauntered forward doing her best to pretend Lucy wasn't there. "Maybe I was just feeling sentimental. Nostalgia and all that. Can't you believe I just wanted to visit you and Stefan?"
Damon's eyes narrowed. "That's bullshit. You always have another agenda." He shook his head and walked over to the front door to hold it open. "Whatever it is, we don't want to have anything to do with it. Goodbye, Katherine."
Her hips swayed as she walked to the door. She trailed her fingers across his chest as she passed. With one last glare at Lucy over her shoulder, Katherine walked out the door. Damon slammed it and locked it behind her.
He sighed and found his glass he'd abandoned earlier to drain the rest of his drink. "Well, that was fun."
The two of them spent the evening together forgoing any further discussion concerning his ex. It wasn't until Lucy decided it was time for bed that she was mentioned again. Damon took his human's hand in his and walked her up the stairs. When he went to pass her door, she stopped, pulling him to a halt with her.
"I think I should probably sleep in my own bed tonight." While discussion of Katherine had been tabled so had any talk about what exactly this was between the two of them. Lucy thought some space might do the both of them some good.
"The night my psychotic ex returns to town and threatens you is the night you decide you want to sleep on your own?" His voice dripped in annoyance and disbelief.
"I seriously doubt she'll be back tonight. If it makes you feel any better, I'll sleep with a vervain dart gun under my pillow and lock my door."
"That really doesn't make me feel better, no." He sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of her head before walking the short distance to his own room.
And that night while the occupants of the boarding house slept, a vampy doppelganger prowled the halls of Mystic Falls General Hospital. It didn't take long for her to find the room of a certain bubbly blonde. Katherine studied her for a long moment wondering just what Stefan saw in her. Why he would pick the blonde over her. It didn't matter. A quick twist of the neck and she would no longer be the competition. Fortunately for everyone else, Katherine was very much mistaken.
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