Chapter Thirty-Seven
In the morning, Caroline wanted to go see Elena and Bonnie. She tried to get Lucy to come with her but was adamantly refused. So while she and Stefan headed to the Grill for breakfast, Damon got out of the bed and told Lucy to stay. A short time later he returned with spiked coffee and a glass of bourbon. He handed her the coffee and food as he kissed her head. She sipped her coffee and hummed, watching as he ran water into the tub. After a generous splash of bubble bath, he turned to her with a grin.
"What are you doing, Salvatore?"
"I need to talk to you and we're going to take a bath while we do it," he said as he slipped out of his clothes. "Now strip, beautiful." He wriggled his eyebrows causing her to laugh.
"You're crazy," she told him as she took off her clothes and joined him by the tub.
"So they say." He took her coffee from her while she climbed into the water.
The water was hot against her skin and she sighed in satisfaction before retrieving her mug. Her eyes trailed over him as he slid in on the other side of the tub.
"Like what you see, kitten?"
"You know I do," she answered confidently despite the blush on her cheeks. She shifted around until she was positioned between his legs with her back to his front. He looped his arms around her and they sat in contentment for a long moment as he trailed soft kisses across her shoulders.
He grabbed his glass from the floor and sipped his bourbon. "We have brunch with Elijah in a couple of hours. He sent a text early this morning, hence the liquid breakfast."
Lucy frowned wondering why he'd texted Damon instead of her then realized she hadn't even bothered to look at her phone yet. He'd probably messaged them both. She nodded and laid her head back against her vampire's shoulder. "So what did you want to talk about?"
He hummed in agreement before setting both of their drinks on the floor. He wrapped his arms back around her and pulled her firmly against him. His nose ran along the side of her neck. "This town is dangerous. More so since the wolves came. I almost lost you, Lucy. I don't want to go through that ever again."
She stiffened and tried to shift away from him, but he only held her tighter. "I'm not leaving, Damon. Please don't ask me to do that." She hated the needy undertone in her voice.
He moved them slightly so he could see her face. "Hey. None of that. You're not going anywhere. I already told you that I have no intention of letting you out of my sight ever again. I wasn't joking."
"Then what is this about?"
"I want you think about turning. I mean seriously think about it."
She tilted her head sideways to look at him and he gave her a soft smile. After taking a minute to study him, she turned back around and ran her fingers along his arm. "I don't know, Damon. I've thought about it before. Of course, I have. But it never seems like the right moment."
His fingers started playing with hers. "You're comfortable with vampires. Blood doesn't seem to faze you. You have a remarkably flexible and fantastic moral code."
"That's not the only thing about me that's flexible and fantastic, Salvatore," she interjected.
He groaned in agreement and kissed the side of her neck. "Don't I know it. So, what's holding you back, baby? Is there anything I can do to ease your mind?"
Lucy pursed her lips and shook her head. "Being a vampire doesn't scare me. An eternity alone terrifies me."
She glanced at him to see his reaction. When his mouth opened to speak, she placed her fingers against his lips to silence him. "I'm not asking for commitment or any kind of promises. That's not what this is about. I've lost too many people in my life to assume they'll always be there. Hell, I thought I lost Elijah for a moment and I never thought that would happen. I just need to decide if I can be happy with an eternal life if I end up on my own."
She moved her hand away and his piercing blue eyes stayed locked on her as he processed her words. "Fair enough, princess," he said then captured her lips with his.
The kiss deepened and Lucy turned so she straddled Damon's lap, his erection pressing against her. She pulled away to breathe and pressed her forehead to his. "Bed. Now."
Effortlessly, he stood, keeping her pressed against him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to kiss as he carried her to the bed. "As my lady commands," he said with a smirk and dropped her onto the bed.
Once Lucy finally got around to checking her messages she found that Elijah had indeed messaged her as well. He also informed her that he'd like her to accompany him to the Historical Society tea that afternoon. She groaned at the request but her uncle didn't ask for much so she supposed she could mingle with the locals.
When she met Damon in the living room once she was ready to leave he looked her over from head to toe. He wrapped his arms around her and trailed kisses down the side of her neck. "What's with the dress, beautiful?"
She pulled back to frown at him. "What's wrong with my dress? I like it." Her hands ran over the white sundress splashed with blue flowers.
"There's nothing wrong with it." He placed his hands on her hips to reestablish the contact between them. "You look incredible. You're just more the jeans and t-shirt type is all." He kissed her and started to deepen it before she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away.
"We need to go. We're going to be late." She spun away with a laugh as he tried to grab her once more.
It didn't take long for them to arrive at Elijah's apartment. It wasn't his usual refined abode, but it didn't surprise her. He wasn't intending to stay around for long, after all. Her and Damon held hands as they meandered to the apartment.
Elijah opened the door before they knocked and pulled Lucy into a hug. After he kissed the top of her head, he shook Damon's hand before directing them to the table. "Have a seat. I'm nearly finished."
"Thanks," she said with a smile. Her eyes followed him as he walked into the kitchen and began to dish up the food. The jacket for his suit was hanging by the door and he had the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to his elbows. She shook her head at his ability to remain impeccably clean even while cooking.
"You good?" Damon asked in a low tone when she remained watching her favorite uncle.
She shook off her thoughts and smiled at her vampire. "Yeah. Just thinking." Ignoring Elijah's instructions to sit, she moved past him into the kitchen and found three mugs to serve the coffee. Damon followed behind her and took two of the plates from the Original to carry them to the table.
Once everyone was seated and served, they dug in. Lucy closed her eyes and shifted happily in her seat. She loved Elijah's cooking. He chuckled softly beside her and she gave him a grin and a wink.
"I'm glad you're happy, little one."
Her grin widened. "So what's with the brunch?"
He leaned back in his seat and arched a brow. "Must I have an ulterior motive?"
She nodded. "Yes."
He stared at her for a moment before laughing. "Fair enough. I wish for you to consider moving." She shook her head and he held up a hand to stave off any arguments. "Not terribly far. Even the next town over would be a vast improvement."
Lucy huffed a laugh. "Do you really think that would help any?"
"We had a conversation this morning about her turning," Damon interjected.
Elijah's brows lifted in surprise as he looked between the two of them. "Did you? That would be a far more favorable option."
Damon nodded. "She's thinking about it."
The Original looked even more surprised and switched his focus to Lucy. "So you weren't the one to bring it up. What are you thinking?"
She sipped her coffee, buying herself a moment to get her thoughts together. "It's not the vampire thing. You know that's never bothered me." She sat her mug on the table and traced the rim with her finger. "My life has always been relatively lonely. I had the best dad in the world, but it was just him and me. When he died my whole world went with him. I have you, the Salvatores and Caroline. And if I somehow lose you all, I'm alone again. I just don't know."
His dark eyes studied her. "This is a decision you must make on your own, but rest assured that you are my family. Even if everyone else should disappear, you will have me."
She nodded, uncertain what else to say. When she went to take another drink of her coffee only to find an empty mug, Elijah stood and took it from her. After a moment, he returned with a freshly filled mug. "Thank you, Elijah. For everything."
His gaze simply followed her movements as she drank her coffee then they returned to their meal and lighter conversation.
They walked into the Historical Society event arm and arm. Carol frowned when she saw them and made her way over. "Lucy, isn't it? I wasn't aware you knew Mr. Smith." She gave her proper politician smile and Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes.
"Distant relations," Elijah answered, his voice measured and precise. "She's the one that got me interested in this region."
"Oh, how lovely," Carol exclaimed and then shifted her gaze to look past them. "Well, look who's here."
Stefan and Damon walked over causing Lucy to frown. What were they doing here? Something must be wrong. "Mr. Smith, this is Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Their family is one of the founding families in our town."
Elijah turned and shook their hands as Lucy moved to Damon's side. "Yes, we've met. Lucy and Damon are a couple after all."
"Are they?" Carol said with some surprise and what sounded like mild disappointment.
Lucy leaned up to press a kiss against Damon's cheek. "Why are you here?" she asked quietly.
"Elena," was all he said.
That was enough to catch Elijah's attention. "If you'll excuse us, Mrs. Lockwood, I need to discuss something with my family here."
"Of course," Carol said and immediately headed over to chastise a waiter for breathing the wrong way or something.
The little family quickly found an office and shut themselves inside. "What is the issue with the doppelganger now?"
"She told Caroline she doesn't trust any of us," Stefan said.
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Okay, and?"
"I'm inclined to agree with my niece. As long as Elena behaves herself, I couldn't care less if she finds me trustworthy or not."
"That's just it. Blondie says Elena's got a little gang helping her, trying to find a way out of the sacrifice while still killing Klaus. She's not willing to put anyone at risk by running but she's willing to try about anything else," Damon said.
Lucy snorted. "Who's in this so-called gang?"
"Bonnie, Jeremy, Alaric, Matt, Tyler and kind-of Caroline," Stefan answered. "They only include her in some of the things their up to because of us."
"So first period history class is trying to kill the Original hybrid? Nice." Lucy grinned. "At least you can take it easy, Elijah. Sounds like they have it covered."
The men chuckled. "Thank you for the information, gentlemen," Elijah said as he moved toward the door. "And please thank the lovely Caroline for her assistance."
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