Chapter Thirty
The only sound to be heard during the long drive was Lucy's quiet sobs. She curled into Damon's side and trembled while he wrapped her in his arms and whispered comforting words. Elijah was the last of her family. The last person that would always accept her for who and what she was, no matter what. There were others that were close, but it was Elijah that had been there her entire life. That had always seemed to show up just when he was needed. Hot tears ran down her face in a steady stream. There was a list of numbers she was to call in the event something happened to him but it could wait. The whole world could wait.
She shut down, knowing Damon would take care of her. Retreating into her head and her memories, her cries eased though the occasional tear still tracked down her face. When they arrived home, she was vaguely aware of Damon carrying her inside. She heard the murmur of Caroline's voice and Stefan's rumbling answer. Her vampire ignored them both and carried her up the stairs to their room.
He sat her on the counter in the bathroom and moved away to start the shower. When he was satisfied with the temperature, he returned to her and began undressing her, moving slowly to keep from startling her.
"I know you don't believe me right now, Lucy, but everything will be okay. I promise."
She didn't believe him, promises or no.
After Damon had cleaned the blood from her body and fed her his own to heal her, they lay together in the bed. His fingers ran through her hair as she laid curled into his side with her head on his chest. Lucy's breath hitched as she bit back another sob. Damon's hold tightened, his warmth a stark contrast to the biting cold sorrow that settled in her bones.
"Shhh," he murmured, his lips brushing against her hair. "I've got you. Just let it go, baby." His voice soothed the raw edges that threatened to cut her open. His presence a reminder that she wasn't alone in the world. That he would protect her from what chaos and cruelty he could. Anyone else might find that ironic. That this man, of them all, would make her feel that way. But that was as he'd always been for her. An anchor in the storm.
A gentle knock at the bedroom door interrupted the quiet. "Lucy? Damon?" Stefan's voice, laced with concern, filtered through the wood. He wouldn't be interrupting them unless he needed something.
"Can it wait, Stefan?" Damon's tone carried a protective growl, an audible shield thrown up around the grieving woman in his arms.
"It's important," came Stefan's instant reply. "You both need to come. I'm sorry."
Lucy felt the shift of Damon's chest as he sighed. She knew they couldn't ignore Stefan's plea, but for a heartbeat longer, she wished they could remain isolated from the rest of the world's demands. Damon's fingers stroked her back in silent reassurance, a promise that no matter what lay beyond the bedroom door, she wouldn't be alone.
They trailed behind Stefan as he lead them to the front door in silence. Lucy froze when she spotted the door hanging open, Rose stood just beyond the threshold. Her fingers twitched at her sides and a frown creased her brow. Lucy worked a muscle in her jaw as she stared at the woman. "What the fuck is she doing here, Stefan?"
"She followed us from the house. She says she has information that we need to know."
Caroline moved to stand beside her boyfriend when Lucy didn't respond.
The truth was she didn't know what to say. This...woman ruined everything. Lucy didn't much care what she had to tell them. "I can't," she whispered, her voice barely loud enough for the vampires to hear. "Not now."
"Who is this?" Damon asked, looking between his brother, his girl, and the stranger at their door.
"One of my kidnappers." Lucy's voice was flat, emotionless.
"What the fuck are thinking, Stefan?" Damon snapped as he tightened his hold on Lucy's waist.
Stefan sighed. "I'm thinking with Elijah gone, we need answers."
"Please," Rose begged. "It's about the Originals and what they have planned for your friend. She's running out of time."
Lucy stepped closer to the doorway. "And whose fault is that? You kidnapped her to trade her for what you wanted, now you suddenly have a conscience? Now you feel bad? He's dead because of you." Her voice cracked with anger and grief.
Rose shifted her on her feet. "I'm sorry. I really am, but I was desperate. I've been running for 500 years. I'm tired. I did what I thought I needed to do. Lexi's good people. If she came to save you, you must be too. I want to help. To make amends. Let me do what I can."
"I understand you're upset but this is bigger than any of us," Rose argued.
"If you're that desperate to help, go find the teenager. She'll listen to you," Lucy managed to say, her voice thick with exhaustion.
Rose snorted. "And what is she supposed to do against the oldest vampire in the world on her own?"
Lucy just arched a brow. She really didn't fucking care what Elena did.
Caroline's hand dropped onto Lucy's shoulder in a gentle touch that pulled her back from her thoughts. "Lucy, please," she implored. "I know you don't care about Elena, but I do. She's my friend. Please. For me."
Lucy's gaze locked with Caroline's as she studied her friend for a long moment.
"Fine." The word came out more resigned than she intended, a weary exhale of defeat.
Caroline's face softened with relief, her grip on Lucy easing to a grateful squeeze.
"But not tonight. If this is so damned important to the doppelganger, she should be here for the conversation and I'm exhausted."
"Okay," Caroline agreed quickly, nodding her understanding. "In the morning."
"What about me?" Rose asked.
Lucy turned away without even a glance in the other woman's direction. "There's a bench on Elena's porch. Try that."
"Lucy." Caroline's soft voice drew her to a stop. "Thank you. I'll find a way to make this up to you."
Lucy glanced over her shoulder, the ghost of a frown etched upon her tired features. A single nod was all she offered, too drained to bother with more of a response.
Damon watched the exchange with a furrowed brow. He swept her up into his arms. "Let's get you back to bed," he murmured, his voice low and comforting. She relaxed in his protective hold and let herself drift away, hoping to forget the day even for the briefest of moments.
It was earlier than Lucy liked when a knock sounded on the door, not that she'd managed much sleep the night before. Between memories of Elijah's death and conversations with Damon about her uncle being one of the Original vampires, rest had been fleeting. Caroline rushed to the door and answered it to find Elena accompanied by Rose. The redness rimming Elena's eyes was stark against her pale skin. "Please, let us in."
"You can come in," Lucy shouted from the living room so the vampire could enter.
Caroline stepped away from the door with a soft smile, leaving them to enter and shut it behind them. Elena crossed the threshold and took in the scene before her. Lucy was on the couch, curled against Damon's side, Caroline sitting beside her to offer the comfort of her presence. Stefan sat beside the blonde and kept shooting glances over to Lucy to make certain she was alright.
A sharp twinge of annoyance pricked at Elena. After her discussion with Rose this morning, she'd expected to be the focus of everyone's concern. Instead, everyone seemed to be rallying around Lucy. It was Elena that was in danger. That deserved everyone protecting her, comforting her. What was the point of crying before she came over if no one even noticed?
Of course, Lucy was a complete mess. Her eyes were swollen and dull in her grief. Even the air in the boarding house seemed heavy in sympathy. Elena had come seeking solace, attention, protection, but as she watched Caroline hover close to the other woman, murmuring soft words and brushing a stray lock of hair from Lucy's forehead, Elena's annoyance simmered. This wasn't how this was supposed to go at all.
Elena clenched her fists at her sides, wondering when Caroline had found another best friend. She was supposed to be comforting Elena. She was supposed to insist her vampire boyfriend and his brother help Elena. Before Elena could become even more annoyed, Rose stepped past her and spoke up.
"Okay. You have to understand I can only tell you what I've heard. There are so many myths and legends that I can't tell you what is real and what isn't," she started.
Lucy rolled her eyes in annoyance. "That isn't inspiring a lot of confidence."
"I know Klaus is real," the vampire snapped.
"Klaus? Who's that?" Elena asked.
"One of the Originals," Damon answered.
"The Originals are the first generation of vampire," Stefan added.
"His full name is Niklaus. Elijah's brother." Lucy pressed further into Damon's side. She'd grown up hearing stories about Elijah's past and his family. He might have neglected to mention they were the first vampires, but that didn't invalidate the rest of what he'd told her.
Rose snorted. "Elijah is the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus. He's the real deal."
Lucy arched a brow. "Hmm. That Easter Bunny killed your friend with a slice of his hand. I guess it's easy to be brave when your boogeyman is dead."
The vampire paled and her mouth dropped open slightly at the reminder of Trevor's death.
"Lucy," Caroline hissed from beside her.
Lucy shrugged. She didn't particularly care if she hurt her kidnapper's feelings.
Stefan cleared his throat. "Klaus is the oldest."
"No he's not. He's the middle child. Explains a lot of his anger issues," Lucy corrected.
Damon coughed to cover a laugh. "I don't think that's really the point right now, baby."
"So this Klaus wants to sacrifice me in a ritual because I look like someone he used to know?" Elena asked.
"It's not that simple—" Rose started.
Lucy cut her off. "Not exactly. But close enough. Good luck." She pushed herself off the couch and headed into the kitchen.
The others watched her leave various levels of concern or annoyance on their faces.
"Let's head to school, Elena," Caroline suggested with a gentle smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"Fine," Elena muttered, her shoulders stiff as she turned on her heel, escaping the boarding house with Caroline close behind. Stefan's silent figure trailed them, his expression unreadable, but his protective instincts clear in the set of his jaw.
Rose shifted her gaze to Damon. "We need more information. More than what we have to stand a chance against them."
"Why do you care?" Lucy asked as she stepped back into the room with a fresh cup of coffee in hand.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, you insisted that we needed to hear what you had to say for Elena's sake. You told us precisely nothing we didn't already know in one form or another. Now you're saying we need more information. Why are you really here, Rose?"
The vampire sighed. "I'm tired of running. Elijah was supposed to be the answer. If you get rid of Klaus, I'm free."
"For fuck's sake," Lucy muttered against the rim of her mug.
"Look. I know someone in Richmond that can help us, alright?" Rose said.
After some deliberation, Damon and Lucy decided to accompany Rose to Richmond. They rode in her SUV as she was minus a daylight ring and needed the heavy tint on her windows to survive. They pulled into an underground parking garage and climbed out of the car. Before Lucy fully realized what was happening, Damon had Rose pinned to one of the posts.
"If this is a setup or you do anything to endanger my human, I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat. It's something I'm very good at."
Rose flipped their positions in a blink. "I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side."
Lucy had a stake in her hand the moment Damon was endangered. She stepped up behind Rose and pressed the point against her back right behind her heart. "You're already on my bad side and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Don't threaten those I care about, Rose. It won't end well for you."
Rose raised her hands and took a step back as Lucy put away the stake. "You can trust me," she insisted. The other two rolled their eyes before following her to a café with an entrance in the garage.
Damon wrapped an arm around Lucy's waist as they walked. "That was kind of hot."
Lucy gave him a small smile and shook her head. He held open the door for her to walk into the café. She stayed behind Damon as Rose met her friend Slater and introduced him the other vampire.
Slater grinned and extended his hand eagerly. "Damon Salvatore. I know so much about you."
"Hopefully, only the good parts," Damon replied, a smile curving his lips.
"Of course, of course," Slater assured him.
As they talked, Lucy drifted away. She ordered a black coffee, hoping the bitter brew would help her focus. With the steaming cup in hand, she moved to the window to gaze out at the people rushing by. The warmth from the cup seeped into her palms, chasing away some of the chill that seemed to have taken up permanent residence.
Her eyes found the reflection of the others in deep conversation. Movement across the street caught her eye. A street musician. A man knelt beside his case, rifling through the contents before throwing a bill inside. Odd. Even odder was the man's attire. A well-tailored suit. As he stood, Lucy's fingers tightened around her cup. Her breath hitched as her gaze ran over the familiar figure. Though he had yet to turn she'd recognize him anywhere. Elijah.
As if she'd called him, he turned then, his eyes immediately finding hers. Shock seized her, rooting her to the spot, as their gaze met through the windowpane. Disbelief etched her features, her wide eyes locked onto his. It was impossible.
Elijah's lips curved into a knowing smile and he raised a finger to his lips, a silent plea for discretion. With a tilt of his head, he gestured for her to join him.
"Uh, Damon," Lucy stammered as she approached their table, "I have a friend that wants to meet up while I'm in town. I'll find my own way home."
Damon turned, his gaze sharp and searching, but Lucy was already sidestepping away from them. He reached out and grabbed her wrist to keep her close. "I don't think you should be alone right now."
Her brow furrowed, not wanting to lie to him but not knowing what to tell him until she'd talked to Elijah. She shook her head and pulled away before leaning down to kiss him softly. "I'll be fine. I promise."
He nodded after a moment but she felt his eyes on her as she tossed her cup and headed out the back door. She raced through the garage until she find her way to the street, hoping he hadn't disappeared in the short time he'd been out of her sight. Her eyes fell on Elijah once again just as he threw a handful of coins at the café. Windows shattered and shrill screams filled the air. Her heart raced in panic but Damon would be fine. He had his ring, after all.
In a flash, he was by her side, pulling her into a narrow alley away from prying eyes. Tears flooded her eyes as she through her arms around him. "You're alive," she breathed, her voice muffled against his chest.
He ran a hand down her back as he held her close. "I wouldn't leave you. Not for anything."
Eventually, she pulled back and wiped her face, knowing she still looked a mess. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. "We need to talk."
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