Chapter Forty-Three
Lucy and Damon sat at the bar in the Grill sipping their drinks. "When this shit is over, we're taking another vacation," she said.
Damon hummed in agreement. "Just us this time. Baby brother and blondie can join us after a couple of months."
"Speak of the devil," Lucy said as Stefan sat on the stool on the other side of his brother.
"Well, hello, brother."
Stefan grunted a greeting. "I got tired of Elena whining about Lucy trying to kill her."
"If she doesn't like it, she should quit being a little bitch."
Stefan smirked and signaled for a drink. "Everyone except for Caroline and Elijah are pissed at you." He lifted his glass in salute. "Nicely done, Lucy."
"I do try," she said with a nod.
"My, my, my. What a trio we have here," an accented voice said behind them.
Lucy turned to see a man smirking at them. He took her hand in his and she couldn't help noting how attractive he was. She preferred Damon, but it would be a crime not to appreciate the view.
He kissed the back of her hand. "Hello again, love."
Damon's lip curled in disgust. "Klaus, I presume?"
"In the flesh. Do thank the teacher for the loaner for me."
Damon stood and moved so he stood between Lucy and the hybrid. "Any particular reason you stopped by to say hi?"
"Just wanted to remind all of you not to do anything you'll regret. And to pick up my girl." He reached around to grab Lucy's hand again and pulled her to her feet.
The elder Salvatore's shoulders went tight. "I'm afraid you're mistaken. Lucy's my girl."
Klaus shrugged as if it was of no importance and smirked again. "We'll just have to see, won't we?" He pulled her toward him and Damon grasped her hips to hold her still.
The hybrid's face shifted into a scowl. "Already being difficult I see. Let me make something perfectly clear to you. To all of you. I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. If you want to live to see tomorrow, you will not interfere." His gaze shifted to Lucy's. "Come, Lucy, or do I need to hurt your little friends here to get you to cooperate?"
"Now just a minute—" Damon started. Lucy placed a hand on his.
When he still didn't release her, she kissed his cheek. "Let me go, Damon. I'll be alright."
His hands slid from her waist and she stepped forward. She didn't look back as she followed Klaus from the Grill. One last task and she'd be done. Klaus would be dead and this would all be over. She just needed to keep reminding herself of that fact.
"You should be happier, love. The whole world changes tonight and you're on the winning side," Klaus said as they arrived at Ric's apartment building after a few detours as he finalized things for the ritual.
Lucy shrugged. "I tend not to be happy when people are dying, just on general principle."
He huffed a laugh and led the way to the apartment. When he opened the door and stepped inside, he froze. Lucy almost ran into him. She started to ask him what was going on when she caught Damon's scent coming from the apartment. What was he up to?
"What have you been doing?" Klaus asked the vampy doppelganger.
She stared at him with wide eyes doing a piss poor job of looking innocent. "Making coffee. Want some?"
Lucy closed the door and leaned against it as she watched the scene before her. Klaus flashed to Katherine and picked her up by her throat to compel her. "What have you been doing?"
"Making coffee," she choked out.
"And before that?"
"Damon was here. He wanted to know where you were keeping the werewolf."
Klaus snarled. "And what did you tell him?"
"The tomb."
He growled and twisted his hand to snap her neck, letting her fall to the floor. Within seconds he stood in front of Lucy, his hands pressed against the door on either side of her head, boxing her in. He tilted his head and the muscle in his jaw twitched. He simply stared at her for several minutes, mere inches between them. "You were supposed to keep your friends from interfering with my plans, Lucy. Yet your little boyfriend seems to be right in the thick of it. Care to explain?"
"Last time I saw Damon you interrupted our drink at the Grill. Perhaps, if you had left me with him, I would be able to stop whatever idiocy he's concocted," she said, sounding far more confident than she felt.
"Be careful, Love. My fondness for you will only let you get away with so much." He stepped away and pulled out his phone. He scowled when there was no response to his call. "I'll be back. Stay here."
Klaus was furious when he returned. He stormed in and pulled up a video on his computer. For some reason Katherine tried to make conversation with him, probably because Lucy had refused to speak with her. Suddenly, the door flew open as Damon rushed in. He glanced at his girl before turning his attention back to the threat in the room.
Annoyance flared on the hybrid's face. "What are you doing here?"
"I've come to tell you that you have to postpone the ritual."
"And why should I do that?"
"I released your sacrifices and killed your witch," Damon said with a smirk.
Lucy's stomach dropped. What was he thinking? He was going to get himself killed.
Klaus shot up from his chair and went toe to toe with Damon. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. It was all me."
Klaus's eyes narrowed. "I was expecting the heroics to come from some of the others, honestly. I've heard you were impulsive but this seems a bit much. Perhaps you care more for the girl than you care to let on in front of Lucy here."
Damon met Lucy's gaze.
"You thought I was the vampire, didn't you?" she asked, suddenly realizing what his motivation had been.
Klaus smirked. "Misjudged that one, didn't you, mate?" His gaze shifted between Lucy and Damon. "Of course, now that you've shorted me a vampire..." he trailed off and shrugged his shoulders before snapping Damon's neck.
Lucy sucked in a breath even though she knew Damon would be fine. "Come along, love." Klaus held out a hand for her. She arched a brow and remained in her seat. She'd be damned if she'd just cooperate with becoming a sacrifice.
Klaus frowned in thought then smiled as he stepped toward her. He traced a finger down the side of her face. "I'm not going to kill you, sweetheart. You're far too important for that."
Still unsure if she should trust him or not, she realized she didn't really have a choice and took his offered hand. He helped her to her feet and wrapped an arm around her waist to steer her to the door. She pulled him to a stop. "What about her?" She gestured to Katherine. "Shouldn't we take her with us? Just in case? Not for nothing, but if you do end up needing a vampire, I'd prefer not to be it."
"Very well," he said after a beat and turned to the other vampire. "Katerina, you will come with us. You will behave yourself and do everything Lucy here says. Understood?"
"Understood," the bitchy vampire said through clenched teeth.
Lucy couldn't keep a smirk from her lips. This could fun.
Lucy followed Klaus as they tromped through the woods towards the quarry. Katherine skipped along beside them.
Klaus glanced at Lucy from the corner of his eye. "Is the skipping really necessary, love?"
She sighed. "Stop skipping, Katherine. You're annoying Klaus."
Katherine stopped moving entirely to glare at Lucy who just smiled. She'd already told the other woman that she wasn't permitted to speak, and Klaus had compelled her not to injure herself or either of them. To put it simply, Katherine was not a happy vampire right now.
It didn't take long before Lucy saw flames in the distance. As they reached the edge of the clearing, she stopped and took in the scene before her. Three circles of flame surrounded three women. Elena was in one, the werewolf Jules was in another and the last held Jenna.
Lucy closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had to find a way to get Jenna out of this. They weren't particularly close but as far as she knew Jenna was one of the good ones and didn't deserve this.
"You're seriously helping him?" Elena yelled at Lucy, who promptly turned her back on the doppelganger to watch Klaus as he talked to his witch.
A scream rent the air and Lucy spun to find Jules laying on the ground clutching her stomach. Her eyes met Lucy's. "Everything I did was to help Tyler. I didn't want him to be alone."
Lucy crouched down and tilted her head to the side. "That's a load of shit and you know it. You were used to being the big bad and you're terrified know that you realize you're aren't. You almost killed me. You would have killed my boyfriend. I'm not inclined to feel very sympathetic toward you." She glanced to the side where Jenna waited with wide eyes and trembling hands.
"Come here, Katherine," Lucy called as she stood.
Klaus's eyes followed Katherine as she stomped over. Lucy gave him a lopsided smile and a little wave and he turned his attention back to the witch. Lucy leaned toward Katherine so she could speak next to her ear. "I'm going to distract the hybrid. While I do that you're going to break the circle and take Jenna's place. Then you will stand there like a good little sacrifice and wait your turn. You will do nothing to warn anyone. You will simply stand here until you notice Klaus is paying no attention to you. Nod if you understand."
Lucy straightened and Katherine nodded her head. Pure fury contorted her features and tears welled in her eyes. She'd been running for five hundred years and there was nothing she could do to save herself from her final, inevitable end. Lucy moved closer to Jenna's circle but didn't look at her. "Don't look at me, Jenna," Lucy instructed, her voice low. "When you get the chance, run. Don't stop, don't think, just run."
Lucy moved toward the hybrid and watched as he pulled out the moonstone. "Klaus?" she called and he turned to her with arched brows. She said nothing else until she was right in front of him. She approached at an angle so he had to turn his back slightly on the circles to remain facing her. "I realize you've been waiting for this chance for a thousand years or so but can I have half a minute before you break your curse?"
He glanced at Greta and handed her the stone. "You have three minutes," she said with a glance at the sky.
He turned back to Lucy with his hands out to the side. "Well, you heard the witch, sweetheart. I'm all yours for three minutes."
She closed the distance between them and looked up at him through her lashes as she licked her lips. "I...I wanted..."
Klaus chuckled and settled his hands on her hips. "So shy all of a sudden. What is it, love? You're running out of time."
She grasped his jacket in her hands and yanked him forward, crashing her lips into his. He stood stunned for a moment then quickly returned the kiss. One hand tangled in her hair while his other arm wrapped around her waist to hold her to him. Finally, she pulled away and smoothed out his jacket with her hands.
"Not that I'm complaining, but what brought that on?" he asked.
"Distraction," she answered and took a large step away from him. A quick glance across the clearing showed Katherine standing in Jenna's place with the redhead nowhere in sight.
Klaus frowned. Lucy could see the moment realization dawned and he spun toward his sacrifices. With a growl he grasped her arms in a bruising grip. "You swore not to interfere. You owed me. Your life is mine now."
Lucy cleared her throat. "Actually, my third task was to keep my friends from interfering. You said nothing about me and Katherine is certainly not my friend."
"Klaus," Greta snapped from behind him. "It's time."
He didn't respond as he continued to glower at the vampire in his grip.
"You still have a vampire, Klaus," Lucy pointed out in a soft voice. "One you hate, in fact. Go break your curse." Her eyes stayed locked on his as he studied her.
"You and I aren't finished," he promised before releasing her. He marched over to Greta without a backward glance.
The witch tossed the moonstone in the fire on the altar and the flames flared. Klaus made his way toward Jules. With a motion of his hand, the circle of flames surrounding the werewolf died out. Jules lunged for him, but he took her down easily and ripped the heart from her chest. Lucy clenched her teeth to keep from releasing a sound of disgust. He carried the organ to the altar and squeezed the blood from it.
Not caring to watch anymore, Lucy began to patrol the perimeter. It wasn't long before she sensed another presence. Stefan. She sighed as she headed that direction.
"Well, well. I don't recall you being on the guest list," Klaus said just as she came up behind Stefan.
"I came to talk to you. We thought you were going to use Jenna in the ritual."
Klaus flashed up to stand beside Stefan. "Oh I was. Until your little friend here got involved. Isn't that right, Lucy?"
She shrugged.
"Take care of this," Klaus said before rushing off.
Lucy pushed Stefan away from the cliff edge until they were out of sight. She ignored the doppelganger yelling Stefan's name. "I'll tell him I broke your neck. If you come back, he'll kill me. So don't come back."
Stefan nodded. "What happened with Jenna?"
"I had Katherine take her place. Long story which I'll explain later."
He nodded before taking off and Lucy made her way back to the clearing.
When she arrived she found Klaus draining blood from Katherine's corpse. "Oh, come on. That was the only part I really wanted to see."
"Sorry, love." Klaus took the bowl of blood and handed it to Greta.
"What did you do to Stefan?" Elena asked.
Lucy glanced at the girl. "Broke his neck. He'll be fine."
"Some friend you are."
"On the contrary. I am rather fond of Lucy," Klaus said.
Elena scoffed. "You would be."
"Now, that's not very nice." He held out his hand as the flames died. "Come along, it's time."
Elena ignored his hand and went to stand beside Katherine's body. He shifted hold his hand out to Lucy instead. She took it and he led her across the clearing to the altar. He thanked Elena and drained her of blood, letting her body drop into the dirt. All the flames died out as Klaus just stood there. Eventually, he walked forward into the center of the clearing. He looked up at the full moon.
"I can feel it. It's happening." Seconds later his body started to contort.
Lucy ran past him to the witch, snapping her neck as Klaus flew across the clearing. The fires flared back up and Bonnie stepped into view. Klaus looked from her to Lucy. "You betrayed me," he growled out. The pain in his words made her feel slightly guilty but only slightly. He jerked his head back toward Bonnie. "And you were dead."
She continued to chant and fire flared up and raced toward him.
A hand touched Lucy's back and she jumped before realizing it was Damon. She turned and wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. She turned her face to the side just in time to see Stefan emerge from the woods and pick up Elena's body. "Jenna?" Lucy asked.
"She's fine. She's with Ric," Damon answered. Lucy turned in his arms as Klaus's screams pierced the air. He crawled backward across the ground trying to get away from Bonnie. His gaze shifted back to Lucy. Her heart ached at the plea in his eyes. She closed her eyes and forced her feet to remain firmly planted on the ground.
"Elijah," Klaus gasped out and Lucy's eyes flew open.
"Hello, brother," her uncle said just before driving his fist into his brother's chest. "In the name of our family, Niklaus..."
"I didn't bury them at sea," Klaus spat out.
Lucy took a step forward. "No, no, no." She knew what this meant. Elijah's family was everything to him. He would do anything to get them back. Including betraying a bunch of teenagers. But if Klaus didn't die, he would come after her. There was no question about that.
"Their bodies are safe," Klaus continued. "If you kill me you'll never find them."
Lucy and Damon moved closer to the brothers. "Elijah, don't listen to him," Damon said.
"I can take you to them." Tears ran down Klaus's face as he tried to convince Elijah not to kill him. "I give you my"
"Do it and I take you both out," Bonnie threatened.
Elijah glanced at her. "You'll die."
"I don't care."
Damn it. Lucy moved closer to her uncle as she waited for him to make his decision. He studied Klaus for a moment more then turned back to look at them. His eyes locked on Lucy's and she darted toward him, ignoring Damon's shouts behind her. "I'm sorry," Elijah said. He grasped her wrist and suddenly she was racing through the dark--two originals beside her.
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