Chapter Forty-Four
Lucy's head spun as they came to a sudden stop. "Stay here," Elijah ordered as he left her by a large tree. He took Klaus further away before dropping him. Once his heart had been released from his brother's grip, Klaus immediately began completing the transition that had been interrupted earlier. She held her breath as his body contorted and bones snapped. She hadn't been that frightened of him before, not really. But, now he was an Original hybrid and he was going to be furious with her.
Elijah wiped the blood from his hands with his handkerchief as he made his way back to her. "I am sorry, Lucy. But if my family lives, I must find them."
She raked a hand through her hair. "I'm not going to fault you for letting your brother live, Elijah. I was only involved in this mess for you in the first place. You should know, however, that I took actions based on the belief that he wouldn't be around to retaliate."
He tilted his head to the side and his gaze narrowed. "If it were any other vampire, I would tell you to run while I handled it. But it will be better to face Niklaus head on. He tends to hold a grudge otherwise."
A howl cut through the night air and they jerked their heads toward the sound to find a large black wolf staring at them. Or, more precisely, at Lucy. Elijah moved until he stood between her and the wolf. "Now is not the time, Niklaus."
Klaus stood there a moment more before turning and running off into the night. "I cannot lose sight of him," Elijah said before following. Not having any idea where she was, Lucy sighed and trailed after.
Damon threw his glass against the wall next to the fireplace. "Why the hell did he take Lucy?" It shattered with a resounding smash and broken pieces littered the ground.
Stefan sighed as he moved to clean up the shards. "Feel better?"
"No, not really. I need to find my girlfriend and that deranged hybrid her uncle ran off with."
"Well, Bonnie is still recovering from using so much magic. You're going to have to be patient," Stefan told him.
"I'm afraid that's not going to work out so well for me, brother."
Stefan frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Damon rolled up his sleeve and turned his arm so Stefan could see the bite mark. "Tyler Lockwood nipped me."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
He shrugged. "I didn't think I needed to. Elijah was supposed to kill Klaus. I could have just sipped some hybrid blood and there'd be no reason to worry."
Stefan straightened his suit jacket. "Caroline and I are going to pick Elena up for John's funeral. Are you coming?"
Damon arched a brow. "I hated John Gilbert. Why the hell would I go to his funeral?"
Stefan shrugged. He was only going to accompany his girlfriend who was only going because it was expected.
Damon shook his head. "I need to keep looking."
Stefan nodded once and wished him luck before walking out of the house with Caroline tucked under his arm. Damon pulled his phone out and dialed Lucy's number for what felt like the hundredth time since the ritual. Once again she didn't answer. Where the hell was his girl?
He tossed his phone onto a nearby table and grunted as pain flared through his arm. He turned it so he could see the wound. What had started as a small, barely there bite now festered and throbbed. Clenching his teeth together, he opened the drawer in a small table and pulled out paper and a pen.
If he didn't find Lucy in time, there were some things he needed to say.
"Are you still not speaking to me then?" Elijah leaned against the trunk of a tree as they watched Klaus sleep.
Lucy scowled at her uncle. "What do you want me to say, Elijah? Did you want me to be thrilled that you dragged me out here? My phone is dead. You refuse to allow me to use yours. Damon is probably going insane with worry. I've spent the past two days helping you clean up your brother's messes. The brother who will undoubtedly try to kill me the first time you're not around by the way."
"Yes, about that..." Elijah said shooting her a questioning look. "I hardly think you trading out Niklaus' sacrifices is the betrayal you seem to feel it is. He still completed the ritual. I believe you are worrying needlessly."
"It's not what I did. It's how I did it." She grimaced as she thought about the kiss and that devastated look on Klaus' face when the others had shown up.
Before her uncle could respond, his brother woke and pushed himself off the ground as he looked around. Elijah threw clothes at him. "You've been busy."
Lucy walked a short distance away and turned her back. She preferred not to see full frontal Klaus if she could help it. She kept an ear on their conversation.
"That was amazing," Klaus responded. "How long has it been?"
"Almost two days. The full moon came and went, yet you remained a wolf."
"I can change at will then. Good to know. I remember every single kill." Klaus sounded pleased.
"Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way," Elijah told him. "Or should I say, we have."
Lucy grimaced but took that as her cue to turn around. While the hybrid still wasn't fully clothed, at least he'd put on pants.
He gave her a half-smirk but she could see the hurt and anger in his eyes. "Lucy. I didn't expect to see you here, love. Looking for another chance to betray me?"
She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the ground. "I did what needed to be done. That should be familiar to you."
He hummed and she glanced up to find him studying her intently.
"This can wait, Niklaus. We had a deal," Elijah said, drawing his attention.
"Yes, brother. You wish to be reunited with our family. I will see to it shortly." He finished dressing, his gaze kept drifting over to Lucy. She forced herself to stand her ground. After Elijah helped him with his jacket, Klaus turned. "Has she been out here with you the whole time?" He indicated Lucy with a nod of his head.
Elijah pursed his lips. "Of course."
Klaus smiled at the two of them and started moving through the trees. "Shall we?"
Lucy frowned. Why did everyone have a better sense of direction than she did? She trudged behind them, looking at her feet more than anything else. She just wanted to go home. She wanted Damon.
Klaus' hand wrapped around her upper arm and Lucy jumped. Fear flooded through her as she glanced over at him. "Can't have you disappearing on me before we have our chat, can we, love?"
She didn't even try to fight him. He was infinitely stronger than her. There was no question of that.
"Niklaus, I find it pertinent to remind you that I consider Lucy family. You will remember that."
"Of course, brother. I wouldn't dream of harming our little Lucy."
If anything the words only made her feel more terrified. It wasn't long before they arrived at Alaric's apartment. "Let me get cleaned up and we'll take care of our business," Klaus said as he opened the door.
Lucy gasped in surprise as she spotted Stefan searching through things in the apartment. Klaus followed her gaze. "Well, you just keep popping up, don't you mate?"
"I need your help." Stefan's gaze darted between Klaus and Lucy. Something was seriously wrong, she could tell.
"You'll have to wait a moment. I have other business to see to." He finally released his grip on Lucy and she barely resisted the urge to rub her arm.
Stefan ignored the Mikaelsons and made a beeline to her. "Are you okay?" he asked in a low voice. "Damon's been freaking out."
She nodded. "My phone died. How is everyone else?"
He glanced at the floor than back up before licking his lips. "Tyler Lockwood bit Damon."
Lucy sucked in a breath as panic shot through her. "What? Is he all right?"
"Is everything okay, Lucy?" Elijah asked taking a step in their direction.
"You have your own problems to be concerned with, brother."
Elijah spun and Klaus buried a dagger in his brother's chest. Lucy closed her eyes against the sight of her uncle's face turning gray once more. If only she could close her ears against his sounds of pain. She knew he would wake once the dagger was removed, but that didn't make it any easier to witness. After his body fell to the floor with a thud, Klaus turned to the two of them. Stefan stood slightly in front of Lucy as if trying to protect her. She grasped his hand with both of hers and he squeezed back in comfort.
The hybrid prowled across the floor and his gaze darted between the two of them before settling on Stefan. "Now, what can I do for you?"
"Damon was bitten by a werewolf," he answered with a tight jaw. Lucy felt slightly relieved. He wouldn't have come for Klaus's blood if Damon was already dead.
"And thanks to my lovely brother, you lot are aware my blood is the cure." Annoyance colored his words. "And why should I help you? What's in it for me, as they say?" He hooked his hands together behind his back and looked at Lucy. "It would seem things would be much simpler for me if Mr. Salvatore was out of the picture."
Lucy pushed her way past Stefan and looked up to meet Klaus's gaze. "What do you want, Klaus?"
He studied her for a moment before letting the back of his hand run down the side of her face. "It seems you and I have been here once before though it was Elijah negotiating for your life. But you see, Lucy, this time it's not you that will have to pay the price." His hand suddenly cupped her chin tightly, holding her head in place as he stared into her eyes.
She struggled briefly and then froze as his eyes locked onto hers. "And why should you? After all, Damon Salvatore is nothing more than your friend. Has never been anything more and never will be. Despite any feelings he might carry for you, you don't return them. Why would you? After all, you love me. Have since the first time you saw me. Isn't that right, love?"
Lucy blinked wondering why Nik was holding her this way. She hooked a hand around his wrist. "Of course. You know I love you."
He smiled. "And you are going to be a good girl and do whatever you can to please me. Aren't you?"
He released her completely when she nodded. She slid her arms around his neck and frowned at him. "What's with this all of a sudden?"
His hands found her waist as he gave her that dimpled smile she loved so much. "Just feeling a little insecure I suppose, love."
"You have no reason to." She hugged him tightly, her gaze falling on Stefan as she did. She wondered what had caused his horrified expression.
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