Chapter Fifteen
"You know Katherine?" Damon asked, his voice heavy with disbelief.
Lucy spoke at the same time. "That's not Katherine."
Elijah looked between the two of them with a tilt of his head. After a moment's hesitation, he dashed to Elena and inhaled deeply. "Human." His gaze found Lucy. "How is this possible?"
She shrugged. "How the hell would I know? We're as stumped as you."
"Would someone explain what's going on?" Elena asked, a whiny edge to her voice.
His attention snapped back to the teenager in front of him. "No." He clenched his teeth and worked a muscle in his jaw. "Who are you?"
"Elena Gilbert. Who are you?"
"No one of import." He pursed his lips as he looked her over one more time. "How are you connected to Katherine Pierce?"
"I'm not. I don't know who that is."
His gaze narrowed and he grabbed hold of her necklace to examine it. It had to be burning him, but he held onto it just the same. "What is this vervain doing around your neck?" In one quick motion, he broke the chain and tossed the trinket aside. "Who is Katherine to you?"
"I don't know. I told you that already."
The muscle in his jaw twitched again. Lucy stood between the boys taking in everything with wide eyes. Caroline bounced on her feet. She couldn't stand not knowing what was going on. Lucy would gladly illuminate her friend but she was a little lost herself.
Finally, Elijah stepped back. "Forgive me. You look like someone I used to know."
"Yeah. Katherine. I got that." Elena rubbed at her neck where her necklace had sat. "You're a little dramatic don't you think?"
Lucy shook her head. Dear god, how was this girl ever going to survive to graduate? She may not know who Elijah was, but it was evident he was a vampire. A modicum of respect was due for that alone.
"You have no idea," her uncle said with a little smirk. "Please sit. Don't let me ruin the evening."
"Actually, Caroline and Elena were just leaving," Stefan piped up.
"We were?" the blonde said before catching the look her boyfriend was giving her. "Oh, that's right. We were."
"Nonsense. Stay. Chat." Elijah undid the button on his jacket and sat in one of the chairs. He crossed his legs and steepled his fingers. When no one moved to follow his example, he licked his lips. "Sit. I insist."
Lucy went over to the cart to pour a drink for herself and Elijah. When she turned with the glasses in hand, she found Elena once again pressed to Damon's side. He was not amused. She was about ready to have a face full of angry vampire. Lucy smothered a smile and handed a glass to her uncle.
He hummed as he sipped the rich liquor. "Thank you, Lucy."
Caroline sat beside Stefan, leaning against his side. His arm was draped along the back of the sofa behind her. "Where's mine?" she asked, pouting at Lucy's drink.
"I am not feeding the teenager alcohol," Lucy said and sat in an open chair. "Not when you're driving anyway."
Damon finally managed to extricate himself from Elena's hold. He hurried over to Lucy and helped her to her feet. He took her seat then his hands found her waist to pull her into his lap. Lucy laughed and turned her head to lay her lips against his ear. "Hiding behind the human, vampire?"
"Hush you." He grabbed the glass from her hand and drained it before passing it back.
Lucy frowned at it. "You suck."
He grinned. "I do actually."
"I'm bored," Elena suddenly announced and stood. "Let's go, Care."
For a moment, Lucy had almost forgotten Elena was there. Caroline pouted but got to her feet. Elijah stood as well. "If you'd be so kind as to place any vervain on the table."
Both girls glanced at Stefan who hesitated only a moment before nodding. Elena dug her necklace from her pocket. Apparently, she'd picked it up before draping herself on Damon. Caroline took off her bracelet and laid it on the table next to the necklace.
"Now then." Elijah stepped closer to Caroline to compel her. "When you leave this house, you will have no memory of meeting me. You stopped to see your boyfriend but he wasn't home. You and Elena just drove around talking. Understood?"
She nodded and smiled. "I understand."
"Good girl." He shifted to Elena.
She looked away from him to Damon. "You aren't just going to let him screw with our brains are you? Do something."
Damon snorted and ran a hand along Lucy's spine. "Elena, even if I wanted to stop him, which I don't, I assure you he is more than capable of kicking my ass. Just cooperate. Trust me."
She huffed with a frown but froze with fear when Elijah grasped her chin in his hand and turned her head to look at him. "You will not fight me. There is nothing to fear from me." She instantly relaxed. "You will have no memory of me or of anyone named Katherine Pierce. When you discovered the brothers were not home, you and Caroline drove around and talked. And perhaps you should look elsewhere for male companionship. I believe the Salvatores are spoken for."
Lucy's face heated. "Christ, Elijah."
Damon laughed and she elbowed him so he'd shut up. It didn't work.
Elijah simply smirked and stepped to the side so the teenagers could leave unimpeded. "Now, I need to have a conversation with my niece and her friends so you should go. Don't forget your trinkets."
They watched the girls grab their jewelry and leave the room. Once she heard the door shut behind them, Lucy jumped up from her seat on Damon's lap and moved over to the couch. Damon followed behind her and sat beside her so she was framed by the brothers. Lucy grumbled but she didn't really care. It was her favorite spot in the house after all.
"We need to talk," Elijah said as he resumed his earlier seat.
Lucy blinked in disbelief. "No shit."
"Let's start with how you know Katherine," Damon said.
"I'd like the answer to that myself," Stefan echoed.
Lucy rolled her eyes. Stupid Katherine.
"I cannot tell you everything. Not yet. What I can tell you is that when my family met her she was Katerina Petrova. She betrayed us and fled in the night. We've been hunting her for five hundred years."
The brothers exchanged a look. "All of you?" Damon asked.
Elijah tilted his head from side to side and pursed his lips. "More or less."
"That's a long time to hold a grudge, 'Lijah," Lucy said.
He merely hummed in agreement. "It was my understanding that she perished here in Mystic Falls, actually."
Stefan shook his head. "The vampires that were supposed to have died in the church were actually entombed beneath it. Katherine wasn't among them. She escaped."
Elijah sighed. "Of course she did." His gaze flicked between the three of them. "Though I cannot tell you why at the moment, it is imperative that Elena Gilbert remain safe.
Lucy's nose wrinkled in annoyance. "Are you sure?"
Her uncle's brow shot up. "Yes, Lucille. I am quite certain."
Damon huffed a laugh. "Lucille."
She elbowed his ribs again and was rewarded with a grunt of pain. He grumbled under his breath as he rubbed the sore spot. Good. Served him right.
"Fine," Lucy agreed. "We'll keep an eye on her but only because it's you asking.
Elijah smirked. "Your compliance is much appreciated. He stood and licked his lips. "I had intended to stay through tomorrow but there is much I must see to."
She stood with a pout and wrapped her arms around him. Her heart was already missing him. "Do you really have to go."
He rubbed a hand over her back. "I'm afraid I must, little one. When all this is finished, we will spend time together. I promise."
She leaned back with a smile. "I'm holding you to that."
A few more words of goodbye and a kiss to her forehead and he was gone as quick as he came.
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