Chapter 31
Elijah led Lucy to his car before driving them both to a quiet, nearly empty park. She remained in shocked silence as her gaze followed his every movement. She didn't snap out of it until he opened her door and offered her a hand. "Come," he instructed.
He led her to a bench and she took a seat at one end. He sat at the other, angling himself toward her and crossing his legs as he draped an arm along the back. "There are things about me—about my past—that I've kept hidden. Not to deceive you, but to protect you." He looked away from her then, focusing on a child playing in the distance. "Being an Original, knowing an Original, carries a burden I did not wish upon you. I would not put you in danger if it could be avoided."
Lucy studied him for a moment as she organized her thoughts, figured out which of her many questions she wanted to ask. "The boys knew, didn't they?"
He pursed his lips as his gaze darted to her and back again. "If you are asking if they are aware I am an Original, then yes. The name Mikaelson is rather well known in certain circles. However, I do not believe they had any reason to think I had not been killed as it appeared. Our...resilience is something we keep rather mum about."
"As much as it annoys me you were all keeping shit from me, I am really glad you're not dead."
Elijah shifted his focus to her then, a smirk curling his lips. "Oh, but I am."
"Don't be a smartass, 'Lijah. It doesn't suit you."
She slid across the bench to eliminate the space between them and laid her head on his shoulder. His arm immediately wrapped around to hold her close with a sigh. After a brief moment he broke the silence. "I rather enjoy being your Uncle Elijah. I was afraid if you knew the whole truth of what I was, that would change."
Lucy huffed in annoyance. "My blood is gone. The only family I have left is the one I've made. I'd be devastated if you weren't part of it." A buzzing sound caught her attention. "What's that?"
He shifted and pulled her phone from the pocket of his coat. She hadn't even realized he'd removed it from where she'd had it in her back pocket. "You little thief," she said in astonished disbelief.
"I would appreciate your silence on the matter of my continued existence for the time being," he said as he handed over the phone.
She glanced at the screen and cringed. Damon would be fuming. Eight texts and five missed calls. Oops. The phone vibrated again as another call came through. Stefan. She took a breath and answered. "Sorry. I didn't realize I had the ringer and the vibrate both off. I just went to check the time and saw you'd both been trying to get ahold of me."
"Calm down," Stefan's soothing voice answered. "It's okay."
"The hell it is," Damon snapped in the background. "Why wasn't she answering her phone?"
"Put him on please," Lucy said with a sigh. She swallowed the urge she had to apologize to Elijah for being on the phone. This was his fault in the first place. Pickpocket.
"What's going on, Lucy?" Damon said as he took the phone from his brother. "First you act weird at the café, then you disappear to see some friend. As soon as you leave the windows blew out and I haven't been able to reach you since."
"Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about."
"I'm sorry." Lucy stopped there, unsure how to explain without revealing too much.
"Just tell me that you're okay," he said in a soft voice.
"I'm okay."
"Do you want me to come pick you up?" A thread of guilt wove through her at the weariness in his voice.
Her eyes darted up to meet Elijah's and he waved her away with a shake of his head. "No, I've got a ride. I'll be home soon."
"Stay safe and answer your damn phone, please." He hung up without waiting for a response.
She turned the ringer up on her phone and slipped it in her pocket. "Anything else you've been neglecting to mention?"
He pursed his lips as he considered his next words. "Trouble is coming to Mystic Falls. I'd prefer if you were gone before my brother arrived."
"Damon and Stefan?"
"I'd rather they remained. They have proven remarkably trustworthy."
"Then I'm not going anywhere. I'll be careful but I won't leave them."
Elijah stood and straightened his jacket before offering her his hand. "I would expect nothing less of you," he said as he pulled her to her feet.
Elijah's car slid to a smooth stop at the end of the driveaway. He turned off the lights and killed the ignition before turning to her. "I ask that you tell no one but the Salvatores of my being alive. I do not the trust the others involved."
"Of course." She was just relieved she wouldn't need to keep the information from Damon. She didn't like secrets. Not of that magnitude.
"And I must ask that you all continue to keep an eye on Elena. She is still needed."
Lucy wrinkled her nose. "Really?"
Elijah couldn't help a small laugh. "Where does this animosity for the girl come from?"
"I don't know, 'Lijah. I just don't like her. She's rude and entitled and self-absorbed." She was dangerously close to whining and cleared her throat. "She's just rude. It's annoying."
"So you mentioned," Elijah said, amusement coloring his words.
She shoved at his arm. "Hush you." She leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Elijah. Don't ever die again, please."
He cupped the back of her head and turned to press a kiss to her forehead. "I shall do my best, little one."
She stepped from the car.
"Be safe," drifted to her as she shut the door. She wanted to stay and watch as he pulled away, to assure herself just a little longer that it wasn't a dream, but she knew he wouldn't leave until she was safe inside. She gave him one last wave and hurried up the drive.
Music drifted from the house which meant Damon was probably drinking alone. Her steps picked up a little, excited to tell him about Elijah. As she stepped into the house, the muted sounds of conversation caught her attention. A low feminine laugh set her teeth on edge. Realizing it was Rose, she paused just out of view. What the hell was that bitch still doing here?
"So, have you heard from your little human?" Rose asked, her voice soft.
"Her name is Lucy and she's fine." He sounded annoyed.
She hummed in acknowledgment. "Do you trust her?"
"What the hell kind of question is that?" he snapped.
"Well, the timing of her departure was rather coincidental wasn't it? She leaves and the windows explode? Are you certain she didn't have something to do with it?"
Stupid bitch.
"What? Do you think she had explosives hidden I her pockets? Don't be stupid."
"She did pull a stake on me."
"That's you. She hates you. If she knew something was going to happen, she would have taken me with her," he responded with no hesitation.
Lucy stepped into the room. The vampires' backs were turned to her as Damon sat in front of the fire, staring at the flames and Rose came up behind him. Lucy tilted her head as she looked the other woman over. Was she wearing a negligee? What the fuck? Rose wrapped her arms around Damon's torso and rested her chin on his shoulder.
"Maybe you aren't as important to her as you think you are."
Damon grabbed her hand and flung it away. "Not interested, Rose."
"It's obvious you've overstayed your welcome," Lucy finally spoke up.
Damon was on his feet in a flash, knocking Rose over on the way. He pulled Lucy into his arms. "You scared me," he said with a low voice.
She returned the hug. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Why is she still here?" She didn't even bother trying to keep her voice down.
He shrugged. "She needed someplace to stay for a few days. Stefan invited her."
"Salvatore," Lucy hissed, making Damon laugh. She glanced over to Rose. "If you're going to stay here, put on some clothes. And stay the fuck away from my boyfriend."
She didn't wait for a response before grabbing Damon's hand and dragging him toward the stairs. "You're cute when you're jealous, kitten," he teased.
She shook her head. "Not jealous. Annoyed at houseguests who don't know when to go home."
"To be fair, I don't think she has a home."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Not my problem. Come on."
"Where are we going?" Damon finally asked.
"We need to talk."
He pulled her to a stop and turned her to face him. He placed his hands on her upper arms and looked down at her, his brow furrowed in worry. "You know that I wasn't encouraging that with Rose, don't you? I wouldn't—"
Lucy laid her fingers against his lips and smiled. "Not that kind of talk, Day. You're not in trouble."
"Thank fuck," he breathed as he steered her to their room.
Lucy laughed and shut the bedroom door behind them before striding into the bathroom and turning the sink and shower on full blast hoping to mask their voices from prying ears.
Damon's concerned look came back. "What's going on, sweetheart?"
She took a deep breath and grabbed his hands in hers. "Elijah is alive." The words tumbled out and made her slightly dizzy. The knowledge was still a shock but being able to say it had her grinning from ear to ear.
"Alive?" The single word was heavy with disbelief and confusion.
She confirmed it with a nod before recounting the details of the day. "He only wants you and Stefan to know at this point. He trusts you."
Damon stepped away from her and raked a hand through his hair before he began to pace the floor. "This is unbelievable. I mean I'm thrilled, especially for you, but if that didn't kill him, what the hell could?"
She blinked at him. "I don't know, Damon, I didn't ask him the best way to murder him."
He gave her a look. "That's not what I meant and you know it."
Lucy grinned again. Damon would never hurt Elijah. Even if he hated the man, Damon wouldn't want to hurt her.
He finally stopped his pacing and turned to her. "So what do we do now?"
She shrugged. "We wait. And keep watching Elena. He'll let us know when we're needed I guess."
He arched a brow and stepped closer. "You aren't going to be needed for anything, kitten. In fact you are going to stay as far away from trouble as possible."
Lucy didn't argue, just resting her head on his chest when he stepped closer. She didn't bother to mention that trouble had a tendency to find her whether she wished it or not.
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