Chapter 2
His jaw dropped to the floor. What once was a very happy looking Kid, now became very agitated. "Wear it." he scowled at me. I scoffed. "Sorry pretty boy, you don't have your weapons with you. I'm not scared." I turned and walked off. I didn't need him to get to school, I was there yesterday.
Walking up the stairs was just as hard as I remembered. but for some reason, halfway through I got a burst of energy and ran up the stairs the rest of the way. When I arrived, people were buzzing about, everyone was talking. When I stood on the last step, everyone was silenced. They all stared at me with there judgemental eyes. I just continued onward and didn't make eye contact with anyone. I heard small whispers as I walked in. "Is that her?" "Yeah, I think so." I went inside. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I saw a young girl, about my age with brilliant green eyes and cute, thin, blonde pigtails. she was wearing our school uniform and gave me a bright smile. "Hello! I'm Maka, Maka Albarn! Are you one of the new students?" I didn't know this girl, but for some reason, I felt as though I could trust her. "Yeah. I just joined yesterday so I'm not quite familiar with the place."
Her eyes visibly lit up as she jumped up and exclaimed "OH! We can show you around." We? I thought. Maka saw my confusion and laughed. She then turned to a group of boys chatting "SOOOOOUUUULLL!!!!! COME HERE!!!" A boy with pure white hair, and blood-red eyes turned around, his hands in his pockets as he walked over. As soon as he moved I saw Kid in the group of boys, and we made eye contact. I just looked away and ignored him, focusing my attention on the boy named Soul. I looked between Maka and soul and instantly saw the crush. I Can read people easily, its one of my talents, I can tell precisely what they are feeling. I can tell Maka likes Soul, but he hasn't gotten there yet, he is debating with himself currently. He could be very easily swayed into liking her, but also just as easily swayed into liking someone else.
"Hey Maka, do you have to be so loud? What do you want?"
"Well if you actually listened to me when I speak in a normal voice maybe I wouldn't have to be"
She huffed and looked away. I smiled and looked at him "Hello! I'm..." I thought for a moment, I didn't want many people knowing my real name. "Kit... Yeah, Kit, and you are?" He looked at me strangely but finally said. "My names Soul Eater but just call me soul. If you wanna make me mad call me Evans." I smiled at him, and wanting to be a little crap said: "Evans it is!" Much to my surprise, he started laughing. "That was totally uncool of you, Y/n. You will probably get along with Maka." I looked over and saw Maka glaring at me, I got the hint and backed off. "So I don't know where my classroom is, and I'm supposed to meet my partner there. I believe Maka said you two could take me." Maka smiled at me and pushed Soul away. "I'll take you! Don't worry about him, he's a jerk anyway." Soul smiled softly at her while she wasn't facing him. We made eye contact and I saw the visible glow of a blush on his face. He grabbed my arm in a threatening way. "Shall we go?" I asked, completely ignoring him. "Yep!" Maka said. You could see she was mad though. I was about to walk when I felt someone else's hand grab my other arm.
It was Kid.
Soul looked over and backed up a bit, surprised as Kid linked our arms. He shot a glare towards Soul and said "Thanks guys, but you should probably be getting to class, I am her temporary partner so I will be guiding her to class." Maka let out a sigh and then smiled kindly "Okay, Kid! I'll see you around!" She then gripped onto Soul and dragged him off.
We were both silent and we walked down the long halls before I finally spoke. "So do you want me to call you something?" He looked at me, puzzled. "What do you mean?" He asked. I giggled. "Like a nickname, since that kid back there went by Soul, I figured it was a common thing for their partners to give each other nicknames."
He looked a tad embarrassed but after a moment of silence said: "Well, it's not like that for most, people, but I guess if you wanted I could have a nickname. Did you have something in mind?" I thought for a minute. "I'm not sure yet, I'll think about it." He nodded his head and we finally stopped at a door. I was about to walk in, but he stopped me. "Did you want me to call you something?" I was silent but turned to him and smiled. "I think Kit would be amazing." He smiled back "Kit it is." With that, we opened the door and walked in.
A/N: Hey guys! I need a little help with the next chapter, I can't decide on a nickname for Kid. So if you guys have anything you think would be a good nickname for him, please comment below. Thank you! Have a wonderful day/night!
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