Escape For One
*Noelle's POV*
It's been three days since the city was attacked... And when Y/N was taken away... We still don't know where they went. I'm extremely worried about Y/N... They said they were after him, but why...? Obviously they were villains, but why didn't they kill him? I'm glad they didn't, but there has to be a reason behind them taking him. Everyone in school seemed down as well, seeing the number one hero be taken away by villains. Losing. People were thinking that we are doomed, the villains would kill us all. I won't give up, I will save Y/N. No matter what.
*Y/N's POV*
Guard: "His powers are coming back!"
I kneed him in the face and turned around and punched the other guard in the face. I am not staying here, this place... They are running experiments on me, torturing me. I need to escape.
???: "Looks like we need the syringe again. Akane."
Akane: "Got it."
Y/N: "Oh look, it's the asshole that locked me up here. I don't even know your name."
Ekko: "You may call me Ekko, as a code name."
Y/N: "Not gonna tell me your real name?"
Ekko: "Consider it my real name."
I saw that Akane girl start walking towards me. I got ready for her, knowing she was gonna get me with another syringe. They took my powers away for a bit with that syringe, they are looking to do it again. She goes to grab my arm, but I jump back.
Akane: "Resisting now are we? You are only delaying the inevitable."
Y/N: "We will see about that."
My powers weren't fully back, just about 70% of it was back.
Ekko: "You know what to do, Akane."
I see her cut her hand, blood comes out, but it wasn't normal. Her blood came flying at me and I jumped back again, only to feel my back touch a wall. Maybe I could punch through it, I went to punch it but felt something wrap around my arm. It was her blood. The blood dragged me towards her.
Akane: "That would have worked for you, if you weren't against me."
She put her body against mine and stabbed me in the neck with the syringe, I gritted my teeth, this didn't feel good at all. She took it out and her blood let go of me. I backed up, feeling weak...
Ekko: "There, he can't do anything now. Bring him back to his cell."
Akane: "Okay."
Y/N: "Fuck you."
She punched me in the face and then kneed me in the gut. I coughed some blood. She grabbed my arm and dragged me off to my cell.
Akane: "I wish to not hurt you any further."
*Timeskip 4 Days Later*
*3rd Person POV*
The city was still being attacked. Heroes were trying to protect everyone, there was one person, fighting against the attackers. Violet, she was fighting them, pushing them back. She had a bullet wound in her left shoulder. She got shot in the leg and fell to one knee. She closed her eyes, thinking this was the end for her. That was until an ice wall appeared in front of her.
Noelle: "Looks like you are in a tough situation."
Violet: "Noelle? What are you doing here?"
Noelle: "Saving your life. We need to think of a way to get out of here."
*Y/N's POV*
I was lying on my prison bed, I had blood coming from the palm of my right hand, it wasn't normal though. I was able to control it. Did they manage to give me another power by experimenting me? Doesn't matter right now. What does matter, is that my powers are almost fully back and I need to save everyone. I look at the wall that leads to another cell, I punch through it and see something I was not expecting. It was Akane. She looked at me with wide eyes.
Y/N: "What the hell?"
Akane: "I'm not going to fight you."
Y/N: "Why? Did they betray you?"
I heard sirens go off.
Akane: "They are going to be coming after us. We won't be able to escape..."
Y/N: "You're wrong."
Akane: "What?"
I walk into her cell and punch a hole in the wall that leads to the outside.
Y/N: "Go."
Akane: "You are helping me escape? I feel like you are doing this, because you want something in return."
Y/N: "I have friends in the city you attacked, please go protect them. They might be in danger."
Akane: "What about you?"
Y/N: "I'm gonna stay back, if I escape then they will harm the city even more then they already are."
Akane: "You're just gonna get tested on more and hurt more."
Y/N: "I know. Go already. Tell my friend Noelle when you see her, that you are with us. I know you aren't a bad person."
Akane: "Fine, I'll be back to get you."
Akane jumped through the hole in the wall and escapes. I heard foot steps behind me and I turned my head. A lot of guards and Ekko.
Y/N: "Alright, let's get this over with then."
*Noelle's POV*
Violet: "Do you have any ideas?!"
Noelle: "Give me a minute!"
I need to think fast, my ice can't hold forever. Maybe if I... Wait, what's with all the screaming? I look around the ice and see blood tendrils sticking through all the attackers. I see the girl that attacked Y/N and captured him standing there. She saw me and waved. She walked towards us.
???: "You must be Noelle, correct?"
Noelle: "Why do you know my name?!"
Akane: "Relax, Y/N sent me to save you guys. Names Akane by the way."
Violet: "He sent you?"
Noelle: "Where is he?!"
Akane: "He's... He is still there. He helped me escape and sacrificed himself to stay there. They are doing experiments on him. Making him a test subject. Torturing him."
The ground around us started freezing, I'm pissed now.
Akane: "I had no choice! I told him I would be coming back for him."
Noelle: "You know where he is then, we need to go there now!"
Akane: "Not with her."
She points at Violet.
Violet: "WHAT?!"
Akane: "You are too wounded. Go get help. We will go save him. It's my fault he is there in the first place."
Noelle: "Let's hurry up before things get worse for him!"
A/N: Only one can escape. Over 1000 Words!
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